1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Agencies of Assurance to Auctioneers

Last Updated on November 12, 2012 by

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, &C.
Aetna, (Fire And Life), of Hartford, Conn., Daniel M’Gie, agent, St. Andrew’s wharf, L. T.
Britannia, (Life), of London, R. Peniston, agent, J. B. F. lane, L. T.
Canada, (Life), H. W. Welch, agent, St. James st., L. T.
Colonial, (Life), A. J. Maxham, agent, 33 St. Peter st., L. T.
Equitable, (Fire), W. Hunt, agent, Hunt’s wharf, L. T.
Globe, (Fire and Life), of London, Ryan, Brothers & Chapman, agents, St. Peter st.,
L.T. Hartford, (Fire), of Hartford, Conn., Daniel M’Gie, agent, St. Andrew’s wharf,
L. T. Eagle, (Life), of London, W. & W. C. Henderson, agents, Hunt’s wharf;
L. T. Liverpool & London (Fire & Life), Pemberton Brothers, agents, St. Peter at.,
L. T. Lloyd’s Agent, John Jameson, St. Peter st., L. T.
National Loan Fund, (Life And Annuity), W. Hunt and John Ross, agents, Hunt’s wharf, L. T., and Clouett’s buildings, Mountain st., U. T.
Phoenix, (Fire), of London, Gillespie, Greenshields & Co., agents, Gillespie’s wharf, L. T. Protection; (Fire), of Hartford, Conn., Daniel M’Gie, agent, St. Andrew’s wharf, L.T.
Provincial, Mutual, And General Fire & Life Insurance, John Cochrane, agent, opposite the Exchange, L. T.
Quebec, (Fire), Peter Sheppard, secretary, Fire Office building, St. Peter st.
United Kingdom, (Fire), Peter Sheppard, agent, St. Peter st., L. T.

Professions, Trades, &C., Arranged Under Their Respective Heads.
Academies And Schools
Quebec High School,
William Andrew, A. M., rector, St. Denis st., Cape.
Dunlevie, Mrs., ladies’ school, IS St. Ursule st., U. T.
Christian Brethren’s schools, Cote a Coton, St. Johns.
British and Canadian school, J. Hearn, teacher. Gibb, Miss, ladies’ school, Mount Cannel st., U. T. Hatton, Mrs., ladies’ school, 17 St. Genevieve st., U. T.
Hatton, G. A., academy, 17 St. Genevieve st., U. T. Kendall, Mrs., ladies’ school, 22 Dalhousie Place, U. T.
Laird, Miss, ladies’ school, 7 St. Stanislas st., U. T. Martin, Miss, ladies’ school, corner of St. Louis and Parloir sts.. U. T.
Napier, Miss, ladies’ school, 55 St. Louis st., U. T. National school, James J. Hatherly, teacher, d’Auteuil st., U. T.
Nettle, Richard, academy, St. Ann st., U. T. Protestant Commissioners’ school, R. C. Geggie, teacher, Artillery st., St. Louis.
Roman Catholic seminary, Fabrique st., U. T.
St. Andrew’s school, J. Quigg, teacher, St. Anne st., U. T.
Trampleasure, M., academy, St. Joseph st., U. T. Tuzo, Mrs., ladies’ school, 8 St. George at., U. T.
Bright, Richard E., “Mercury Office,” 2 Buade at, { Fitch, G., St. John st., without.
U. T. Johnson, W., ” Gazette Office,” Mountain st., L. T.
Cran, Charles, 36 St. Ann st., U. T.
Quin, Phillip, ” Mercury Office,” 2 Buade st., U. T.

AHERN, JoHN U., 5 St. Ann st., U. T.
ANDREWS & CAMPBELL, 43 St. Ann St., U. T.
BAILLAIRGg, L. G., 62 St. Louis St., U. T.
BELLEAU, N. F., 50 St. Louis st., U. T.
BLACK, HoN. HENRY, Q. C., Fort st., U. T.
CAIRNS, H. F., 7 Haldimand st., U. T.
CANNON, L. A., 22 St. Louis st., U. T.
CARON, HON. R. E., Q. C., 62 St. Louis st., U. T.
CASAULT & LANGLOIS, 64 St. Louis st., U. T.
CAUCHON, JOSEPH, M. P. P., St. Vallier st., St. Roch’s.
CHABOT, J., M. P. P., 15 Mount Carmel st., U. T.
CHAUVEAU & CASGRAIN, 29 Buade st., U. T.
CHRISTIE, R., M. P. P., 19 St. Joseph st., U. T.
FUTVOYE, GEORGE, barrister, (permanent clerk to crown law department,) government-house. Representative in Canada of Messrs.
FUTVOYE SAWTELL &. CO., solicitors,
LONDON, law agents for Upper and Lower Canada.
GAUTHIER & LEMIEUX, 30 Buade st., U. T.
GREEN, JAMES, Court-house, U. T.
HOLT & IRVINE, 26 St. Peter st., L. T.
LEMIEUX, FRANCOIS X., 30 Buade st., U. T.
MAGUIRE, JOHN, Mountain st., U. T., and 61 St. Louis st., U. T.
PANET, CHARLES, 67 St. Louis St., U. T.
PENTLAND, J. J. C., corner Donacona and Garden sts., U. T.
PLAMONDON, A., 25A St. Peter st., L. T.
POPE, THOMAS, 7 Garden st., U. T.
RoSs, DUNBAR, M. P. P., St. Louis St., U. T.
SECRETAN, CHARLES, jun., 1 St. Louis st., U. T.
STUART, GEoRGE OKILL, 31 St. Ann st., U. T.
STUART & VANNOVOUS, St. Peter st., L. T.
TALBOT, GUILLAUME, 63 St. Louis st., U. T.
TASCHEREAU, J. T., 66 St. Louis st., U. T.
YOUNG, JOHN, 55 St. Louis st., U. T.
Non Members
Alleyn, Charles, 5 Haldimand st., U. T.
Arnold, James, Sous le Fort St., L. T.
Bosse, J. N., 56 St. Louis st., If. T.
Burroughs, J. H. R., 49 St. Louis at., U. T.
Daly, D. G., 9 Haldimand st., U. T.
Delagrave, C., 15 Mount Carmel st., U. T.
Evanturel, Frs. P., 32 St. Louis st., U. T.
Fiset, Louis, Court-house, U. T.
Fournier, T., Haldimand st., U. T.
Hudon, J. M., 57 St. Peter st., L. T.
I Von Exter, J. H., 21 St. Ann st., U. T.
Lelievre & Angers, 6 Haldimand st., U. T.
Lemoine, J. M., 8 Garden st., U. T.
Malouin, James, 9 Garden st., U. T.
O’Farrell, John, 3 Garden st., U. T.
Parkin, J. B., Court-house, U. T.
Perrault, Z., 6 Haldimand st., U. T.
Plamondon, L., D’Aiguillon st., St. Johns.
Plamondon. J. P.. 10 Garden st., U. T.
Primrose, Hon. F. W., Des Carrieres st., Cape.
Rhéaume, J. P., 10 Garden st., U. T.
Russell, J. J., St. Louis st., U. T.
Sewell, W. G., 25 St. Peter st., L. T.
Smith, T. R., 1 St. Louis st., U. T.
Soulard, A., 4 Haldimand st., U. T.
Tessier, U. J., 58 St. Louis st., U. T.
Thielcke, A. F., D’Auteuil st., U. T.
Tourangeau, J. G., 5 Palace St., U. T.

Architects And Civil Engineers
BROWN & LECOURT, architects and civil engineers, 29 Buade st., U. T.
GAUVREAU AU, P., architect and civil engineer, D’Aiguillon st., St, Johns.
Lame, It, St. John st., without.
Patty, M., sen., Desfossés st., St. Rochs.
STAVELY, EDWARD, architect and civil engineer, 6 Parloir st., U. T.

Auctioneers, Commission Merchants, And Brokers
CoLE, B., jun., auctioneer and commission agent, corner of St. Peter and Porch sts., L. T.-all descriptions of goods received on consignment.
DUPONT, W. D., auctioneer and commission agent, 38 St. Peter st., L. T.
GIBSONE, G. & H., auctioneers and commission agents, corner of St. Peter and St. James sts., L. T.
HALL, F. IL, auctioneer and commission agent, Palace st., near the Albion hotel, U. T. LAROCHE, F., jun., auctioneer and broker, 8 Sault au Matelot st., L. T.
MAXHAM, A. J., auctioneer and commission agent, St. Peter st., L. T.
MEYER, WILLIAM B., auctioneer and commission agent, 19 Sault au Matelot st.,
L. T. MEEHAN, B., & Co., auctioneers and brokers, 11 Mountain st. BAKERS.
M’CONREY, E., bread, biscuit and ship bread baker, St. Vallier st., L.T.
PARKE, THOMAS, bread, biscuit and ship bread baker, 56 St. Paul st., near the market.

Quebec Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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