1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Inns to Jewellers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Inns and Taverns
HANLEY, THOMAS, innkeeper and. provision dealer, corner of Common and Prince Sts.travellers or emigrants stopping at this house are furnished with all necessary information regarding routes, rates of fare, &c.
Belanger, Mrs., 201 Notre Dame st.
Beltete, George, Commissioners st.
Bennet, W. P., 20 St. Urbain st.
Berthiaume, Louis, Jacques Cartier square.
Bergeron, A. E., 5 Bonsecours St.
Boulet, M., corner of St. Antoine and Mountain st.
Bregard, L., 20 St. Joseph st.
Brennan, James, St. Peter st.
Brennan, Mrs., Haymarket square.
Bridgman, John, 98 St. Lawrence st.
Cameron, James, St, Urbain st.
Carr, Mrs., 43 Notre Dame st.
Cavan, Patrick, corner of Port and Foundling st.
Clandinan, William, 83 St. Mary st.
Corbett, W., Bonaventure st,
Cox, James, St. Mary st.
Coutley, J. B., 11 St. Paul st.
Crowhurst, William, 2 St. Paul st.
Crutchlow, Mrs., St. Mary st.
Cruice, John, 28 St. Paul st
Crossan, George, Temperance saloon, 22 Great St. James st.
Dansereau, Nazaire, 59 St. Paul st.
Darragh, Hugh, Commissioners st.
Decousse, P. B., Jacques Cartier square.
Depentigny, N., Commissioners st.
Dier, John, Grey Nun st.
Dumouchelle, Joseph, 46 St. Paul st
Ennis, W., 90 Foundling st.
Fitzpatrick, James, Jacques Cartier square.
Francisco. Francis, Bonsecour st.
Geraldi, S., Jacques Cartier square.
Gordon, Mrs., Tolentin st
Graham, George, St. Mary st.
Hanley, John, Commissioners St.
Hare, William, 2 Bonaventure st.
Hayes, B.. Water st.
Hill, Garrett, 159 Craig st.
Irish, H., Temperance house, 13 St Joseph st.
Irving, Mrs., St. Claude st.
Johnson, George, corner of King and Common st.
Kean, B., Common st., Canal wharf.
Kell. William, Viger square, St. Denis st.
Kelly, Thomas, 211 Notre Dame st.
Kelly, Patrick, Haymarket square.
Koester, George, St. Antoine st.
Leblanc, Germain, Custom house square.
Leblanc, Joseph, 34 Commissioners st.
Leclaire, Pierre, 41 St. Paul st
Lefevre, Nicholas, 43 St. Paul st.
Lescarbeau, J. B., 51 St. Paul st.
Liniere, Paul, Dorchester, near St. Urbain St.
Low, John W., 3 Wellington st.
M’Auley, James, 55 St. Paul st. and st. Giles st.
M’Cormick, Thomas, 31 St. Paul st.
M’Cready, T., 35 Mountain st.
M’Crank, Neil, 131 Commissioners St.
M’Cutcheon, John, corner of Lagauchetiere
M’Enro, James, 69 Commissioners st.
M’Grail, Michael, 75 Commissioners st.
M’Ginley, Charles, Ste. Elizabeth, corner of Lagauchetiere Sts.
M’Kechney, Mrs., 67 Commissioners St
M’Nider, A., Jacques Cartier square.
Maude, William, S St. Mary st.
Medden, John, St. Claude st.
Mercier, A., Jacques Cartier square.
Mercier, A. D., 63 St. Paul st.
Moore, George, 19 St. Lawrence st.
Mountain, Thomas, 40 St. Lawrence st.
Munroe, Alexander, 115 Commissioners st
Murphy, L., corner of Papineau square.
Murphy, Mrs, 57 Notre Dame st.
Pattengale, Henry, 25 St. Paul st.
Patton, Mrs., Friponne st.
Pigeon, Charles, St. Amable lane.
Pontine, Mrs., 5 St. Francois Xavier st.
Quevillon, J. B., Commissioners st.
Reilly, John; Water st.
Rodgers, William, 38 St Lawrence st.
Rodgers, James, 37 Ste. Elizabeth st.
Rodgers, Peter, 4 St. Paul st.
Rosaire, Dominique. 30 Bonaventure st.
Sabare, M., Jacques Cartier square.
Sadler, William, 81 Bonaventure st.
St. Jean, David, Haymarket square.
Steller, Jacob, corner of St. Catherine and St. Constant Sts.
Stewart, Archibald, 6 St. Paul st.
Timmony, Michael, 8 St. Mary st.
Tulley, John, 43i St. Paul st.
Turner, John, 7 5 Commissioners st.
Villeneuve, 0., St. Claude st.
White, Mrs., 61 St. Mary st.
Wilson, Mrs., St. Giles st.

Jewellers and Watchmakers
ASCHER, G. I., 53 Great St. James st., importer of gold and silver watches, jewellery, and other goods adapted to the jewellery business.
BOIVIN, L. P., corner of Notre Dame and St. Vincent Sts., importer of gold and silver watches, and jewellery watches and clocks cleaned, repaired, and regulated.
CLANDINNEN, JOHN, M’Gill St. gold and silver watches for sale low particular attention paid to repairing and regulating watches, &c.
CREYK, WILLIAM, 151 Notre Dame st., opposite the Seminary particular attention paid to cleaning watches and clocks jewellery manufactured and repaired.
JACOT & Co., 41 M’Gill St. a good stock of gold and silver watches, clocks, jewellery, &c., for sale low clocks and watches cleaned and regulated.
LEARMONT, WILLIAM, 147 Notre Dame st. gold and silver watches, plate; jewellery, &c., constantly on hand particular attention given to repairs of watches, &c.
PEACOCK, H., 67 St. Paul st. a large stock of watches, clocks, jewellery, &c., for sale, at a small advance on the cost strangers from the country are invited to call and see.
SAVAGE & LYMAN, (successors to George Savage & Son,) corner of Notre Dame and St. Gabriel st. See card, page 22b.
SCOTT, A. H. & J., 38 M’Gill st. gold and silver watches, clocks, and jewellery, for sale cheap repairs of all kinds promptly attended to.
SMILLIE, D., 7A St. Francois Xavier st., working jeweller manufactures every description of jewelery to order, and executes repairs in the best manner, and with despatch.
TOWNSEND, W. A., 92 Notre Dame st., importer of watches and jewelery.
WOOD, JOHN & SON, 137 Notre Dame st., importers of watches, clocks, &c. repairs of all kinds attended to promptly.


Montreal Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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