Biography of William L. Woody

Last Updated on October 8, 2013 by Dennis

WILLIAM L. WOODY. The American people not only travel more extensively than any other nation, but they patronize to a greater extent the numerous establishments for the hire of horses and carriages. There are few enterprises which contribute a larger quota to the convenience of the residential and transient public than the well appointed livery stable, and one of the most promising in the city of Ozark is that conducted by Mr. William L. Woody. This gentleman has resided here for the past eight years, during which time he engaged in the livery business, and now has one of the best equipped and best appointed barns in the city. Aside from this occupation he has branched out in other business enterprises, and in 1892 and 1893 was in the hardware business with J. M. Williams.

Mr. Woody was born within forty miles of Stockton, Cal., on the 9th of September, 1866, to the union of J. C. and R. C. (Wills) Woody. His grandfather, Abraham Woody, was one of the early pioneers of Christian County and was well known as a farmer and miller. He built about the first distillery in the county. The parents of our subject are now residing about five miles northeast of Ozark, in this county (see sketch of J. C. Woody). The subject of this sketch came from California to Christian County, Missouri, when a child, and his boyhood and youth were passed on a farm. He attended the district school and the schools of Springfield, where he secured a good practical education, and in 1885, when nineteen years of age, he started out to make his own way in life. He engaged in the livery business at once and has followed this very successfully ever since, but was for some time also engaged in the hardware and implement business in Ozark. He has made a success of all the enterprises he has undertaken, especially the livery business, and is a wide-awake, enterprising, pushing young business man. He owns real estate in Ozark and has a handsome residence. He also owns two livery barns and is doing a paying business. Mr. Woody is a member of the I. O. O. F., Finley Lodge No. 206, at Ozark. In politics he is a Democrat. He is public spirited and no worthy movement is allowed to fail for want of support on his part. He married Miss Effie Lawing, daughter of Robert Lawing, an early settler of this county, whose name is known throughout its length and breadth. Mr. Woody and family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church at Ozark, and his wife holds membership in the same.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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