Biography of William C. Carlton

Last Updated on December 4, 2012 by

This worthy gentleman is one of the substantial citizens of Malheur County and one of the thrifty stock men and farmers of the vicinity of Rockville, his estate of two hundred and twenty acres of good land lying seven miles west from that place. Mr. Carlton was born in Maine in 1834, being the son of Amos and Mary Carlton. He received his education from the County in the schools of his native state and there remained – until 1854 when he came via Panama to San Francisco, and thence to Indian valley in Sierra County, where he at once engaged in the fascinating labor of mining. In 186o we find him in Oregon, and then in Walla Walla, whence he returned to The Dalles and then visited his home in Maine. Returning again to California, he went to Los Angeles County, and thence to Boise, Idaho, where he engaged in wagon building until 1882, at which time he located his present home place as a homestead. Mr. Carlton has devoted his time and energies to raising stock, cattle and horses, and to general farming, from that time until the present, having achieved a good success in these endeavors. In addition to these labors, Mr. Carlton has also operated a blacksmith shop, gaining a good trade from the surrounding neighborhood. He has the prospects of a line coal mine on his lands, which will make them exceedingly valuable.

The marriage of Mr. Carlton and Mrs. Phoebe Basil, a native of Iowa, was solemnized in Boise, Idaho, in 1871, and they have six children, William A.; Laura M., wife of John Howard, of Pleasant valley; Alice, wife of Frank Beech, of Owyhee County, Idaho; Charles; Oliver; Robert. Mr. Carlton is a member of the A. F. & A. M., of Boise. For one term, Mr. Carlton served as County assessor and discharged the important duties of that office to the satisfaction of all. He is always interested in the affairs of the County and takes an active part in politics, being allied with the Republican Party. For two and one-half years, he has been postmaster of Carter post office and he is a man in whom his fellows have confidence and is highly esteemed by all.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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