Biography of James Colson

One of the respected pioneer farmers of Salubria is James Colson, who came to Idaho in 1864, and has since been engaged in stock raising. He was born in Ripley county, Indiana, October 23, 1834, a son of John and Polly (Allen) Colson, the former of whom was a farmer in Kentucky, moving to Iowa in 1850, where he was successful as a business man and landowner. He died at the advanced age of seventy years. To him and his wife were born eight children, three of whom survive. James Colson was reared on his father’s farm and received his education in the public schools, remaining at home until 1853, when he crossed the plains to California, locating in Siskiyou county. Here he engaged in mining, but met with only moderate success, notwithstanding the fact that he took out in one day four hundred dollars, which, with a great deal more, he lost in unprofitable mining enterprises. After three years spent in California he returned to his home by steamer and in 1860 went to Colorado, where he mined a year, then removed to Idaho in 1864, and during his many journeys never met with any misfortune. He resided two years at Idaho City and a similar length of time at Weiser, and in 1868 located in Salubria valley, on one hundred and sixty acres of land, and since then has been successfully engaged in raising cattle, horses and hogs. In politics Mr. Colson is a silver Republican, but has never sought office, preferring to give his entire attention to his business.

On July 3, 1856, our subject was married to Miss Margaret Ann Taylor, a native of Ohio, and of this union ten children were born, of whom five are now living, namely: Anthony M., Daniel S., Frank, Charles and George. Mr. and Mrs. Colson are consistent members of the Methodist church, of which he is one of the pillars. Thoroughly reliable in all his dealings, Mr. Colson possesses the high regard and confidence of all with whom he comes in contact.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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