Biography of George H. Dole

Among the noticeably fine residences in the Arlington district of Riverside, is that owned by George H. Dole. It is located upon his twenty-acre tract on the north side of Arlington Avenue, three miles south of Riverside. His two-story residence is of modern design and finish and is complete in its appointments. It is surrounded by well-ordered grounds abounding in ornamental trees, rich floral productions and beautiful lawns. Mr. Dole has sought Riverside as a desirable place of residence in which to rear his children and afford them the advantages of schools, churches, etc., while he devotes him-self to horticultural pursuits. His orange grove is ten acres in extent, and with the exception of about 100 trees, is planted with Washington Navels. They were planted in 1883 and at later dates. He also has ten acres of vineyard, producing a large yield of raisin grapes of the Muscat variety. His grove and vineyard were planted by W. R. Russell, the former owner, and are well known among the representative places of Riverside.

The subject of this sketch was born in the Hawaiian Islands in 1842, and reared there. His father was the Rev. Daniel Dole, a native of Skowhegan, Maine, who early in life entered the ministry of the Congregational Church. He married Miss Emily Ballard, of the same State, and in 1841 entered the missionary service of this society and located on the Hawaiian Islands, where he was engaged in his labors as a missionary until 1878. Mr. Dole’s early life was spent in obtaining his education. He then engaged in literary and other occupations, and was for some time connected with the leading journals of Honolulu as associate editor. Later he devoted himself to’ agriculture and horticulture, and was for many years employed as manager of some of the large plantations of the Islands. In 1867 he married Miss Clara M. Rowell, and as children were born in his family he decided to seek a more desirable place for their education and in March, 1889, he established his present residence. Mrs. Dole is also a native of the Hawaiian Islands. Her father, the Rev. G. B. Rowell, was a native of New Hampshire, and spent many years of his life in missionary service. Mr. and Mrs. Dole have twelve children, all born on the Islands, viz.: Walter S., William Herbert, Marion F., Clara M., Charles S., Emily C., Alfred R., Norman, Wilfred H. Ethelbert G., Sanford B., and Kenneth L. His eldest son, Walter, is attending the Cornell University, of the class of 1892; Herbert is in mercantile life in New York; the other children are members of their father’s household.

Mr. Dole is a desirable acquisition to the community of Riverside. He is a thorough businessman and well versed in agricultural and horticultural pursuits, and is destined to take a leading part in these industries. He has for many years been a consistent member of the Congregational Church; he is also a member of the Masonic fraternity and affiliated with Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A. M., of Honolulu.


The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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