Biographical Sketch of Andrew Skelly Barron

When Andrew Skelly Barron, of good Scotch stock, landed in New York City fifty years ago with his bag of luggage and pocket of savings, he first did two things. He took out his naturalization papers and became a citizen of the United States the day he arrived; and then looked for the land of the greatest opportunity.

In this quest the good ship Moses Taylor brought him around the Horn to San Francisco. Having been raised on a farm, Mr. Barron followed agricultural pursuits which eventually brought him to San Mateo County.

This was twenty-six years ago. At that time Mr. Barron saw an opening in the dairy business and he rented three cows. This was the beginning of Mr. Barron’s present business. He now operates one of the largest dairies on the peninsula at Beresford, besides farming large tracts of land in this county. There are 135 cows now at his Beresford dairy. Among his other interests is his fertile Romac ranch of 300 acres.

Andrew Skelly Barron was born in Ayar, Scotland on March 10, 1851. His parents were Scotch farmers sand before he emigrated to America Mr. Barron spent most of his time on the farm. Not only is Mr. Barron a self-made man but he has helped many others through the struggle of life. He helped bring up his sisters and their children who came out here from Scotland. Mr. Barron is a member of the Masons having joined the order while in Halfmoon Bay.



Alexander, Philip W.; Hamm, Charles P. History of San Mateo County from the Earliest Times: With a Description of Its Resources and Advantages: and the Biographies of Its Representative Men. San Mateo County, California: Press of Burlingame Publishing Company. 1916.

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