Hope Cemetery, Lawrence County, Arkansas

Last Updated on March 10, 2012 by

Birth Date on Left, Death Date on Right

(427 Unmarked Graves)

1884 Thayron Burrow 1945
1872 Katie M. Tullus 1935
1890 Daisy Munday 1950
1865 T. J. Beasley 1946
18 7 9 Josie Beasley 1951
1882 James Stewart 1945
1885 Lula E. Stewart 1935
1904 Zella Bowers 1924
1914 Eyelyn Stewart 1924
1854 John A. Mitchell 1928
1844 Rhoda Mitchell 1926
1850 John H. Pettyjohn 1923
1854 Rhoda Pettyjohn 1935
1856 Q. C. James 1923
1866 Veda James 1925
1873 James Galbraith 1947
1880 Alice Galbraith
1858 Elie Hufstedler 1931
1885 Janie B. Hufstedler
1849 Jane Hufstedler 1931
1848 George G. Galbraith 1923
1903 Cecil Galbraith 1922
1905 Beatrice Galbraith 1923
1864 Belle Galbraith 1948
1884 Claudia Bullard 1950
1885 Robert A. Rushing 1942
1923 Henry Diggs 1937
1881 Taylor Davis 1950
1875 Addie L. Dent 1924
1873 C. E. Martin 1954
1894 Merle E. Jones 1953
1855 Susan C. Huggins 1924
1850 Thomas A. Higgins 1928
1872 H. A. Brewer 1932
1877 Ida D. Brewer 1940
1836 Elizabeth Stephens 1921
1933 Kathrine Hutton 1942
1932 Jirmny Dutton 1933
1874 E. S. Jones 1927
1876 Georgia Jones 1924
1903 Laura Pyle 1946
1862 William A. Hall 1948
1866 Levi 11. Clark 1953
1872 William R. Goad 1947
1892 Emmett Jines 1947
1903 William R. Goad 1947
1931 Fooks Son 1946
1852 Richard Anthony 1942
1903 Esther Harden 1951
1880 Edd Harden 1956
1868 Charlotte Edwards 1950
1875 James Fortenberry 1945
1873 Blanche Greenfield 1946
1892 Everett Sellers 1945
1867 William Sellers 1954
1873 Mary Sue Sellers 1954
1861 John W. Rogers 1947
1873 Nancy A. Rogers 1945
1906 Clifton Lawson 1945
1872 Lillie Lawson 1935
1850 Deliah Chaplain 1927
1854 Austin Chaplain 1918
1917 William and Franklin Rottenberry 1917
1875 L. A. Johnson 1915
1853 Mary E. Wilson 1937
1853 William J. Wilson 1914
1893 Ruby Lee Wilson 1950
1881 Minnie W. Duvall 1951
1915 Annabelle Duvall 1917
1915 Robert Lindsey 1915
1871 Asa Baker
1875 Mary Morton Baker 1949
1890 Ottis Hill 1915
1870 Mary O. Hill 1945
1866 John Hill 1935
1868 James B. High 1921
1918 Wincel Bilbrey 1921
1885 Ab McKamey 1956
1845 Robert McKamey 1924
1852 Susan B. McKamey 1930
1874 James L. McKamey 1950
1838 Dr. J. R. Wells 1918
1859 J. A. Cook 19\6
1913 Martin McKamey 1917
1867 Richmond Gass 1922
1867 Mary Elizabeth Gass 1939
1866 John C. Star 1924
1844 Amanda Goff 1926
1843 Pryor A. Goff 1920
1873 I. H. Phillips 1922
1865 Mrs. Lettie Poteet 1921
1916 Howiel P. Smith 1920
1901 Lora I. Brady 1950
1895 Otto F. Downing 1954
1886 Robert Rogers 1956
1898 Neva M. Rogers
1910 John J. Shepard 1953
1895 T. W. Willie Phillips 1897
1852 Jay and Jane Bridges 1852
1854 B. E. and J. F. Bridges 1857
1881 Mabel Bridges 1885
1892 Jane Bridges 1894
1890 Tennie Bridges 1891
1869 Rev. Ben A. Bowers 1890
1884 John Rogers 1886
1881 Emma Luck 1911
1874 William J. Luck 1906
1822 James L. Bowers 1862
1864 T. L. Bowers 1896
1865 F. E. Bowers 189 7
1857 L. L. Dail 1859
1864 Almeda Dail 1865
1865 B. J. Chambers 1943
1874 J. Edd Halson 1917
1849 Fred Barkman 1938
1855 Adora Barkman 1829
1855 Charles W. Ward 1916
1846 J. S. Ketchem 1915
1872 Joseph D. Propes 1943
1901 Vivian Abee 1919
1918 Ethel Abee 1919
1872 William McCrow 1917
1873 Carrie McCrow 1916
1853 A. B. Butler 1915
1916 Charles Phelps 1938
1895 Charles O. Phelps 1915
1850 Edward F. Carter 1939
1852 Deliah J. Carter1915
Richard C. Hinshaw
1898 S. S. O. L. C. P. H. 1955
1865 Dr. J. C. Poindexter 1944
1866 Joe S. Bilbrey 1935
1875 Addie Barker Hay 1946
1875 Ralph E. Barker 1939
1863 William W. Herring 1944
1865 Callie Herring 1940
1884 Thomas J. Wilson
1887 Willie Dalton 1940
1882 Ben O. Brightwell 1957
1871 Austin Russell 1944
1859 Jane Russell 1944
1944 Robert Jewel Powell 1946
1904 Jamie Rexroad 1943
1902 Vern Dutton 1942
1903 Sarah K. Penner 1953
1866 Green H. McCarroll 1952
1910 Dent McCarroll 1957
1891 Margaret Mullen 1951
1913 Norman B. Powell 1951
1955 J. R. Hackworth 1955
1876 B. F. Matthews 1955
1880 Martha Matthews 1957
1919 John T. Halcum 1952
1896 Andrew J. Sisk 1952 1893
William H. Blansett 1953
1887 Jennie E. Blansett
1930 Louis Ray Davis 1955
1903 William W. Spears 1957
1893 Katie H. Ray 1956
1900 Pearl McKnight 1931
1936 Alton Jesson Stokes 1938
1885 Martha Vella Stokes 1945
1867 William H. Kelley 1945
1927 Mary J. Kelley
1909 Vernon Norris 1928
1908 Robert J. McKamey 1926
1881 Ida Hatcher Ball 1939
1916 Scharbrough White 1933
1891 Maggie Crabtree 1931
1861 L. A. Chaney 1944
1867 Manerva Chaney 1846
1851 Larkin Warden 1935
1850 Louisa M. Warden 1936
1843 W. K. Raney 1929
1870 Amanda Raney 1954
1865 John A. Hill 1929
1908 Ethel Stokes 1937
1891 Mier 1933
1867 Nathan N. Davis 1931
1868 Maggie Davis 1940
1861 Silas York
1879 Cleo Ball, M. D. 1949
1887 J. E. Purdy 1951
1862 Susan A. Odem 1950
1922 Lugene Rogers 1939
1863 Martha Rogers 1938
1857 James R. Rogers 1936
1894 Beatrice Groves 1940
1872 Robert S. Weir 194,8
187″ Mary W. Weir 1943
1881 Lacy L. Holt 1943
1886 Artie Holt 1943
1861 Henry Drewer 1940
1889 Dana Rash
1868 Fannie H. Rash 1925
1891 Fisher Rash 1904
1892 Ottis Phillips 1949
1897 Charlie Phillips
1905 Burton Pierce 1911
1864 Victoria Hill 1936
1852 Phillip Hill 1940
1883 Wright W. Hatcher, M. D. 1949
1889 Kathleen Hatcher
1872 James F. Graham 1927
1858 James H. Washam 1946
1871 Hattie Washam 1929
1902 Rav Foster 1930
1876 Joann Foster 1926
1856 J. C. Eaton 1936
1866 Clara Eaton 1926
1847 Rev. W. S. Southworth 1928
1860 W. C. Henderson 1935
1853 Samuel A. Owen 1949
1851 Lucy C. Owen 1925
1877 Thala K. Kirkpatrick 1949
1867 Herman T. Kirkpatrick 1940
1892 Eric Berry Kirkpatrick 1930
1868 James Perrin 1948
1868 Ida S. Perrin 1948
1870 John K. Puckett 1949
1873 Blanche Puckett 1956
1892 Herman J. Miller 1932
1893 Irene Hatcher Miller
1862 J. T. Tumblingson 1932
1867 John T. Helm 1927
1860 Susan Stokes 1941
1861 Robert P. Stokes 1949
1930 John W. Stokes
1860 William Duvall 1864
1824 Bowlen Duvall 1879
1824 Orleana Duvall 1871
1872 Emalie Jane Duvall 1918
1836 Peter Duvall 1916
1850 Jake Harden 1926
1850 Thomas Duvall 1917
1854 Mary Duvall 1939
1852 T. P. Chesser 1897
1856 Willis Chesser 1888
Four Duvalls (Names not readable)
1897 James Freeman 1902
T. J. Hawkins
1907 Velma Jones 1919
1910 Marshall Jones 1923
1899 Bandy Jones 1916
1856 G. A. Church 1903
1867 M. E. Blackwell 1913
1835 John W. Bristow 1903
1901 Marvin and John Smith 1903
1858 McNeal Infant 1858
1836 T. J. Robertson 1904
1820 Ard Butler 1884
1891 Mike Beasley 1891
1902 Emma Beasley 1920
1893 Della Beasley 1895
1872 Mary E. York 1930
1890 Foster Rash 1930
1890 Ethel Rash 1919
1924 Imogene Phillips 1924
1863 John Rash 1949
1895 Idell Phillips 1897
1878 J. N. Phillips 1893
1898 John Horton 1898
1836 Kittie Jones
1896 Bertha Graham 1898
1890 Gama Graham 1899
1916 C. L. and F. E. Graham 1917
1868 0. S. Gar 1873
1893 Jewel Kirkpatrick 1898
1895 G. L. Burns 1918
1876 Taylor Weir 1881
1824 Dr. James Sloan 1869
1890 James Star 1917
1918 Mary Star 1918
1851 Dr. W. J. Hatcher 1904
1821 John Bridges 1858
1877 Arneiza McKamey 1892
1853 Elisa McKamey 1855
1875 McKamey Infant 1875
1857 Wilson Wall 1892
Major Bowers
1876 Oliver J. Goff 1913
1856 Emma Henderson 1939
1849 A. B. Henderson 1910
1887 Henderson Infant 1887
1857 F. S. Davis 1902
1857 Dr. Arthur G. Henderson 1947
1858 Frances E. Henderson 1923
1861 Amiel and Samuel Henderson 1861
1891 Julia Fay Davis 1892
1869 Mollie Davis
1885 Mabel Bolding 1898
1801 Willie Gants 1857
1849 John H. Odem 1912
1789 Marvin Duvall 1862
1852 Bern Whitehall 1899
1869 App Davis 1913
1887 Neb Downing 1918
1861 J. H. Bragg 1865
1832 Idabell Barker 1896
1884 Fred Dye 1905
1881 Showalter 1900
1886 Harris Infant 1886
1852 Wife of A. S. Meyers 1896
1830 J. B. Hendrix 1893
1830 B. H. Hendrix 1853
1894 Iva James 1912
1874 William M. Clark 1944
1878 Sidney Lee Clark 1885
1852 Mrs. J. M. Clark 1941
1881 John L. Clark 1948
1885 C. M. Estes 1932
1813 James Sanders 1886
1900 John H. Forrester 1900
1883 Mattie and Arvel Harp 1935
1861 Fannie Ellis 1901
1864 J. F. Kinnon 1913
1848 George W. Goad 1912
1852 Angel Goad 1932
1895 Tate Infant 1896
1817 N. C. Rash 1873
1871 Arthur Rash 1942
1869 Lizie Tate 1925
1856 John Estes 1931
1858 Agnes Estes 1932
1857 R. H. Byers 1920
1898 Ruth Byers 1920
1893 Milton Childers 1896
1849 Clara Childers 1890
1895 Florence Polk 1910
1886 Beulah Polk
1859 John L. Polk
Lida, Wife and children of W. A. Bragg – Rosa, Asa, Marvin and Tennie
1914 David Poole 1914
1900 Carley Hester 1914
1831 Dr. M. G. Kirkpatrick 1916
1829 Sarah McCall 1882
1848 Augustus Goff 1913
1878 H. Carter 1910

The author is indebted to Mrs. J. C. Poindexter for the following information:
During a funeral she said she parked her buggy under a tree. Just as the preacher was dismissing the crowd, there came a peal of thunder out of a clear sky. A cloud quickly gathered and a terrific rain and wind storm followed. She got in her buggy and started home and the tree under which she had been sitting was blown down just as she drove away.

She also states that during the Civil War there was a funeral procession just across the river a company of soldiers met them. One of the soldiers ordered the driver of the wagon which was hauling the corpse to exchange one of his good horses for an old crippled mule. While the exchange was taking place the Lieutenant in command came up and ordered them to hurry. At this time the driver of the wagon made a certain sign which the officer recognized. He order the horse replaced, apologized to the owner and ordered his men to stand at attention until the funeral procession past. (He was a Mason).

The late Dr. Henderson gave me this information:
In 1861 three carpetbaggers came to a Mr. “X” leading one of his mares with a grapevine around her neck. He told Mr “X” the Captain requisitioned this mare and wanted to know if he had a bridle. Mr. said, “Yes” and went into the house. He had a cap and ball rifle and pistol and upon returning he shot and killed two of them, but before he could reload the third one was out of range. They buried both bodies in the same grave at the head of Mr. “X’s” family lot. About twenty-five years ago Mr. “X” died and when they opened his grave they dug into to the foot of the grave of the two carpetbaggers which Mr. “X” had killed. The men shoveled the bones back and buried Mr. “X” with his head in the grave of the two men he had killed.
Mr. “X” was a Mason and fellow Masons took him to Gentry Hill where they hid him for six week. They took turns taking him food and water during the dark hours of midnight. One night it was Dr. Henderson’s time to go but when he arrived at the river he found it bank full. He tied up his horse, found a log, rolled it into the river and poled it across while sitting astride it. (What loyalty)

Lawrence County AR,

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