Biography of Hon. A. S. J. Lehr

HON. A. S. J. LEHR. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the present representative of Carter County, Missouri, and he is unquestionably one of the ablest and best posted young men in the same. He resides three and a half miles east of Hunter, this county, is a farmer and teacher, and has for a number of years taken a prominent part in political matters. Born in Jacksonport, Arkansas, January 30, 1867, he is the son of Richard H. and Sarah J. (Hardin) Lehr, and the grandson of John F. Lehr, who came from Germany to the United … Read more

Biography of Dr. Berry R. Tubbs

DR. BERRY R. TUBBS. In a comparatively short period Dr. Tubbs has met with unusual success in the practice of that most noble of callings-medicine–and has gained a substantial reputation as a general practitioner with the profession and the public. He was born near Jacksonport, Jackson County, Arkansas, October I. 1849, his parents being Frederick and Harriet (Flan-nery) Tubbs, who came from Wayne County., Tennessee, in their youth and met and married in Arkansas. Frederick Tubbs was a farmer and died when the subject of this sketch was a child, with whom his widow now makes her home. Berry R. … Read more

Biography of Capt. George M. Jones

Capt. Jones is the son of Henry F. and Mary (Waller) Jones, and was born in Shelby county, Tennessee, Oct. 19th, 1836.His father is still living there, aged eighty-one. His mother died in l856. George M. grew up on the farm, receiving his education at the common schools of the county where he lived. At the age of seventeen he went to Memphis, Tenn., and sold dry goods for the firm of Cossitt, Hill & Talmadge. He remained with them something over three years, receiving for his first year’s service, $75.00 and board; for the second, $100.00, and the third, … Read more