Biography of John W. Franks

JOHN W. FRANKS, deceased. In every community some men are known for their upright lives, strong common sense and moral worth rather than for their wealth or political standing. Their neighbors respect them, the young generations heed their example, and when they go to the grave posterity listens with reverence to the story of their quiet and useful lives. Such a man was John W. Franks, who was born in Hardin County, Tennessee, July 13, 1837, and died on his farm near Timbo, in Stone County, Arkansas, November 20, 1886. His father, Jack Franks, died in Tennessee. John W. Franks … Read more

Biography of Isaac Preston Looney

ISAAC PRESTON LOONEY. The subject of this biographical notice is an honorable and progressive farmer, and as such no name in the memorial department of this work is more worthy of mention. He was born in Roane County, Tennessee, in 1831, a son of John and Lucinda (Edrington) Looney, both of whom were natives of east Tennessee. The father was a carpenter and farmer by occupation, and when the subject of this sketch was a child removed with his family to Franklin County, Ala., and there made his home until 1853. They next located in Smith County, Tex., where both … Read more

Biography of David Dearien

DAVID DEARIEN. He whose name heads this sketch is a public-spirited citizen in harmony with advanced ideas, intelligent progress, and the best methods of improving agricultural pursuits, and the good of his country eneraly. He first saw the light of day in Pike County, Illinois, in 1849, a son of A. M. and Elizabeth (Carr) Dearien, the former of whom was a Virginian, and removed from that State to Illinois, thence to Arkansas about 1854. They first located on White River, then moved to Richwoods, and in this county the father still resides and makes his home with his children. … Read more

Biography of Dr. Berry R. Tubbs

DR. BERRY R. TUBBS. In a comparatively short period Dr. Tubbs has met with unusual success in the practice of that most noble of callings-medicine–and has gained a substantial reputation as a general practitioner with the profession and the public. He was born near Jacksonport, Jackson County, Arkansas, October I. 1849, his parents being Frederick and Harriet (Flan-nery) Tubbs, who came from Wayne County., Tennessee, in their youth and met and married in Arkansas. Frederick Tubbs was a farmer and died when the subject of this sketch was a child, with whom his widow now makes her home. Berry R. … Read more