Biography of Maj. Harrison H. Hilton

MAJOR HARRISON H. HILTON. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is one of the prosperous old-time merchants of Arkansas, and is one of the pioneers of the section in which he resides. He has fought the hard battle of life bravely and well, has bent the force of circumstances to his will, and although he began at the bottom round of the ladder, he has attained an enviable place at the top through sheer force of character. He was born in Ashe County, N. C., in 1826, a son of Christopher and Josephine (Wolf) Hilton, who were born in … Read more

Biography of J.B. Eagel

J. B. Eagel, son-in-law of J. H. Walters, has been a resident of Boone County, Arkansas, for the past ten years, but was born in another part of the county August 25, 1853, the second of twelve children born to Dock and Serena (Swain) Eagel, the former of whom was born in Maury County, Tennessee, in 1824. In 1839 he came to Arkansas, and until his death in 1873, resided in Lonoke County. He was an uncle of ex-Gov. Eagel of the State. He was a Mexican soldier, a soldier in the Civil War, was a Democrat in politics and … Read more

Biography of Col. Eli Dodson

COL. ELI DODSON. This gentleman is the intelligent, trustworthy and efficient county and probate judge of Boone County, Arkansas, and in his official capacity has comported himself with dignity, good sound judgment and judicial fairness. He has resided in the county since 1881, but has been a resident of northwest Arkansas since 1852, whither he came from Madison County, Arkansas, in 1834. He was born on his father’s farm in White County, Tennessee, May 22, 1828, the only child of Eli and Mary (Goad) Dodson, the former of whom was born in Virginia in 1798, a son of William Dodson, … Read more

Biography of Dr. James M. Robinson

DR. JAMES M. ROBINSON. This successful old medical practitioner is well known for his genial personality, his ready and kindly sympathy with those who come to him as invalids, and for this reason his clientele is perhaps even larger than would have been attracted by his recognized ability and the success which has attended his efforts. He belongs to that class of physicians who recognize the fact that there is something more than a barren ideality in “ministering to a mind diseased,” or, in other words, that the mental condition of the patient has in many cases much to do … Read more

Biography of J. H. Walters

J. H. WALTERS. To attain happiness we strive for the acquisition of wealth or position, and, if one is possessed of the first and has native ability and ambition, the second falls to him as his natural heritage. In the acquirement of wealth fortune smiles on those alone who are watching for the opportunity she offers, and J. H. Walters is one of those who has shown himself to be a wide-awake, systematic business man, and has made the most of every opportunity that has presented itself. He was born in Virginia, October 26, 1823, a son of William and … Read more

Biography of Dr. Calvin J. Floyd

DR. CALVIN J. FLOYD. He whose name heads this sketch has built up a large practice by steady devotion to duty and the constant exercise of energy and judgment, and, though he belongs to the younger class of physicians, he has already made an excellent reputation for himself in this most honorable, if laborious, line of human endeavor. The Doctor was born in Independence County, Arkansas, December 15, 1859, a son of E. N. and Martha (Russell) Floyd, the former of whom was born in Jackson County, Ala., and is now living on a farm on Crooked Creek in Boone … Read more

Biography of C. C. Hudson

C. C. HUDSON. Many of the most active and enterprising residents of Newton County are natives of the same, and have here spent the greater part of their lives. In them we find men of true loyalty to the interests of this part of the State who understand as it were by instinct the needs, social and industrial, of this vicinity, and who have a thorough knowledge of its resources. They are, therefore, better adapted to succeed here than a stranger could be and are probably without exception warmly devoted to the prosperity of their native place. Mr. C. C. … Read more

Biography of James S. Hudson

JAMES S. HUDSON. This gentleman is one of the substantial residents of Newton County, Arkansas, and is also one of the pioneers of the same, for he has resided here since his birth, which occurred on February 4, 1857. His uncle, Samuel Hudson, was the first white settler of the county, having come to this region in 1830, and his brother, Andrew Hudson, the father of James S., came here in 1835 from his native county of Jackson,Tennessee, where he was born in 1818. He settled on a farm about three miles west of where Jasper now is on Little … Read more

Biography of Kemmer F. Cantrell

The general mercantile firm, of which this gentle-man is a member, Cantrell & Angle, is well-known throughout Marion County, and enjoys a liberal patronage. Mr. Cantrell is a member of one of the pioneer families of Arkansas, and was born November 8, 1853, a son of William P. and Elizabeth (Payne) Cantrell, and grandson of Abner and Mary (Maxey) Cantrell. In 1830 the grandfather’s family emigrated from Alabama, taking up their abode in Madison County, Arkansas, but in 1854 removed to Boone (then Carroll) County, and located on a farm three miles from Lead Hill, but settled eventually in Marion … Read more

Biography of De Roos Bailey

Of the younger element of our prominent, energetic and influential citizens, none are better known than De Roos Bailey, one of the distinguished attorneys of the northwestern part of Arkansas, whose home is at Harrison. During the years that he has practiced his profession here he has shown that he is endowed with superior ability, and his comprehensive knowledge of the law, together with the soundness of his judgment, secured his almost immediate recognition at the bar. Since that time to the present he has so identified himself with the affairs of his section that its history can-not be recorded … Read more