Biography of J. A. Weatherly

J. A. WEATHERLY. In this day and age of bustle and hurry very few people stop to consider what we can and how to select it, but the skillful housewife is very careful in her purchase of groceries, for she knows that on their purity and wholesomeness depends in a large measure the health and happiness of her family. J.A. Weatherly, dealer in fine groceries at Harrison, Arkansas, enjoys a reputation for courteous dealing and promptness in his line of business which any grocer might be proud to have and his goods have become noted for their excellence and purity. … Read more

Biography of Prof. J. T. Gilley

PROF J. T. GILLEY. While the life of an educator is generally barren of incidents for biography, it is still true that a life devoted to this calling must have many points of interest to practical thinkers, and be of benefit to the great work of educational progress. Prof. J. T. Gilley is one of the most popular educators of Marion County, Arkansas, and was born in Tennessee March 2, 1855. a son of one of the old and prominent farmers of this section, A. S. Gilley, who came thither from Tennessee in 1870, with his wife, Elizabeth (Little Gilley, … Read more

Biography of Thomas Newman

In the veins of this gentleman flowed sturdy English blood, for in Dorchester, England, he first saw the light of day. In his boyhood he was brought to this country by his father, John Newman, and with him settled in Philadelphia, Pa., where the latter followed the calling of a mechanic, and eventually died. Thomas Newman attained manhood in the East and then embarked in the battle of life as a railroad engineer, but in 1858 or’59 turned his attention to newspaper work in Kansas, and through its pages advocated the cause of Abolition. After a short time he moved … Read more

Biography of De Roos Bailey

Of the younger element of our prominent, energetic and influential citizens, none are better known than De Roos Bailey, one of the distinguished attorneys of the northwestern part of Arkansas, whose home is at Harrison. During the years that he has practiced his profession here he has shown that he is endowed with superior ability, and his comprehensive knowledge of the law, together with the soundness of his judgment, secured his almost immediate recognition at the bar. Since that time to the present he has so identified himself with the affairs of his section that its history can-not be recorded … Read more

Biography of John O. Morrow

JOHN O. MORROW. Activity and business enterprise is in no direction more lucidly marked in any city than in the livery business. This calling is the pulse of a city’s enterprise and vim. The experience and brain work of capable business men are called into requisition in this line, and a city that is noted for its transient patronage as well as its busy home life is sure to give good profits to the liveryman. One of the most popular establishments of this kind is that owned by John O. Morrow, which was established in Harrison in 1889, and as … Read more

Biography of Richard S. Holt

RICHARD S. HOLT. It is a pleasure to write the biography of a man of unusual personal merit-the possessor of a combination of gifts so comprehensive that happiness and success in any enterprise is bound to follow the application of his qualities to the solution of almost any reasonable problem in life. It is an unwritten law that the secret of success in life in all individual cases is the common property or heritage of all unfortunates of the human race. It is therefore eminently proper for the historian or delineator of character to review the lives of those individuals … Read more

Biography of David A. Eoff

DAVID A. EOFF. This gentleman is the capable and efficient sheriff and collector of Boone County, Arkansas, has resided in this section all his life and was born here December 29, 1852. His grandfather, Alexander Eoff, was a Tennessean, came to this section of Arkansas at a very early day, settled on an unimproved tract of land on which he resided until advancing years compelled him to desist from work, when he gave his farm to one of his sons, with whom he afterward moved to Lead Hill where he died in 1890 at the advanced age of ninety years. … Read more

Biography of Thomas R. Cantrell

THOMAS R. CANTRELL. One of the famous lines of the great play, “The Old Homestead,” is “Young blood tells.” This expression applies not alone to a man’s social advancement, but in business life particularly, where the old men are dropping out and the younger generation stepping into their shoes. In Lead Hill, Arkansas, the younger generation is in the lead in every calling, especially in the mercantile business, a noted firm being Pumphrey & Cantrell, of which Mr. Cantrell is the junior member. Thomas R. Cantrell was born in Warren County, Tennessee, in 1858, son of Paris and Rosanna (Frier) … Read more

Biography of Capt. J. W. Story

This able attorney at law has his office at Harrison, Arkansas, and in every branch of his profession he is meeting with marked success. He has a decided veneration for the law, and this, combined with the accuracy of his legal knowledge, lucidity of statement and felicity of illustration has given him the confidence of all his patrons. He is a native of Tennessee, and a son of N. W. and Katie Story, who lived and died in White County of that State. His father was a successful farmer, a man of pure and exalted character, who enjoyed in a … Read more

Biography of John H. Middleton

JOHN H. MIDDLETON. John H. Middleton, general merchant, farmer and postmaster at Omaha, Boone County, Arkansas, is a worthy citizen in all the relations of life, and has always been interested in the advancement in the different affairs of his section. He is a successful business man; his generosity keeps pace with his prosperity, and he contributes liberally of his means to the advancement of worthy enterprises, in which respect his generosity has been recognized and appreciated. Mr. Middleton is a product of Bolivar, Missouri, born January 9, 1854, and is a son of William J. and Lovina J. (Beckley) … Read more

Biography of E. J. Rhodes

E. J. RHODES. Among the reputable men of Harrison, Arkansas, who in their conduct of business matters, and the duties belonging to the various relations of life, have acquired a worthy name, is E. J. Rhodes, who, although but in the prime of life, is old in experience. The record of his life is one of interest, for it shows what can be accomplished when one possesses the determination to forge ahead, and has the wisdom to make the most of the opportunities which present themselves. He was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, March 17, 1845, the second of eight … Read more

Biography of Dr. Calvin J. Floyd

DR. CALVIN J. FLOYD. He whose name heads this sketch has built up a large practice by steady devotion to duty and the constant exercise of energy and judgment, and, though he belongs to the younger class of physicians, he has already made an excellent reputation for himself in this most honorable, if laborious, line of human endeavor. The Doctor was born in Independence County, Arkansas, December 15, 1859, a son of E. N. and Martha (Russell) Floyd, the former of whom was born in Jackson County, Ala., and is now living on a farm on Crooked Creek in Boone … Read more

Biography of Judge B. B. Hudgins

JUDGE B. B. HUDGINS. The present circuit judge of the Fourteenth District of Arkansas is Judge B. B. Hudgins, who was born in Taney County, Missouri, August 15, 1854, the eldest child born to Dr. John W. and Malinda (Byrne) Hudgins, who were born in Jackson County, Ala., and Marion County, Tennessee, respectively. The paternal grandparents were Benjamin and Martha (Ellis) Hudgins, and were born and reared on the Atlantic coast, and Benjamin was a young man when he came West. He was descended from one of three brothers who came to this country from England. Dr. John W. Hudgins … Read more

Biography of Major J. Berry King

J. Berry King is now engaged in the general practice of law in Muskogee. Born in Harrison, Arkansas, May 29, 1888, he is a son of Alfred and Laura (McCormick) King, the father a banker and merchant of Harrison for a number of years, there successfully carrying on extensive business interests. In 1909, however, he removed to Oklahoma, where he resided until his death, which occurred in December, 1918. Major King received a public and high school education in Springfield, Missouri, and afterward attended the University of Arkansas, from 1903 until 1907. He then made preparation for his professional career … Read more

Biography of James O. Nicholson

JAMES O. NICHOLSON. The gentleman whose name opens this sketch is the oldest merchant in Boone County, Arkansas, and has given his attention to the business in which he is now engaged in Harrison since 1868. He came to this place with Capt. H. W. Fick, with whom he was in business for about two years, when he became the sole proprietor of the establishment, and has continued as such up to the present time. He carries a large stock of general merchandise, and the building he occupies at the southeast corner of the public square is a two-story structure, … Read more

Biography of J. F. Davis

Prominent among the names which give strength and importance to the town of Powell, Arkansas, as a thriving trade center, is that of J. F. Davis, well known as a successful dry goods merchant. He has by his energy, honesty and close attention to business, built up a large trade and is regarded as a leader in his line in Marion County. An average stock of goods valued at $2,000 is carried, and is well selected to meet the demands of the public, and an annual business of from $9,000 to $10,000 is done. He was born in the Palmetto … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles G. Brown

Brown, Charles G. (See Ward)—Charles G. Brown, born in Texas March 12, 1854, educated at Tullahassee Mission in the Creek Nation. Married at Sauna, Cherokee Nation July 30, 1880, Mary, daughter of William and Lenora Coker, born in Boone County, Ark. January 25, 1865. They are the parents of: Lulu, born December 10, 1881; Quatie, born December 21, 1890; Etta Beatrice, born No­vember 23, 1896; Nannie Lenora, born July 21, 1899 and Debra D., born April 19, 1905. Mr. Brown is farming near Pryor. John Ward, a white man, married Catherine McDaniel of Scotch-Cherokee descent and they were the parents … Read more

Biography of Hon. Benjamin F. Williamson

HON. BENJAMIN F. WILLIAMSON. A man’s life-work is the measure of his success, and he is truly the most successful man who, turning his powers into the channel of an honorable purpose, accomplishes the object of his endeavor. In the study of every man’s life we find some main-spring of action, something that he lives for, and in Benjamin F. Williamson it seems to have been an ambition to make the best use of his native and acquired powers and develop in himself a true manhood. He was born in Moore County, N. C., near Carthage, in 1856, to William … Read more

Biography of William G. Pumphrey

WILLIAM G. PUMPHREY. This prominent citizen and retired farmer and stockraiser of Sugar Loaf Township, Boone County, Arkansas, was born in Rutherford County, Tennessee, in 1824. His grandfather, Larkin Pumphrey, was probably born in North Carolina, but at an early date moved to Kentucky, and from there to Tennessee, dying in Rutherford County, of the latter State, where he had followed farming. It is thought that he was a Revolutionary soldier. His marriage resulted in the birth of six sons and three daughters, of whom our subject’s father, Lewis Pumphrey, was one. The latter was born in North Carolina, but … Read more

Biography of John Stone

JOHN STONE. Among the prominent farmers and stockraisers of Sugar Loaf Township, Boone County, Arkansas, stands the name of John Stone, whose fine farm and surroundings show what perseverance and industry will accomplish. Mr. Stone was born in Lauderdale County, Ala., in the year 1829, to the marriage of Noble and Mary (Simmons) Stone, natives of the Palmetto State. When both father and mother were children they went with their par-ents to Alabama, grew to mature years in that State, married, and when our subject was about six months old they removed to Marion County, Tennessee There the mother died … Read more