Biography of F. M. Garvin

F. M. GARVIN. The American bank is the synonym of dignity, respectability and safety; the medium of exchange between cities and foreign countries and the great sustainer of the various business enterprises of the country, The bank is the teacher of method and system and is a check upon reckless and indiscriminate speculation, the spirit of which is too prevalent in the country. The Harrison Bank, of Harison, Arkansas, of which F. M. Garvin is the efficient and trustworthy cashier, was established in November , 1887, with a capital stock of $30,000, the stockholders of which were largely residents of … Read more

Biography of I. C. Wilson

I. C. WILSON. This gentleman is one of the oldest pioneers of Marion County, and his name is so inseparably mixed with its progress and welfare that to leave it out of this work would be like the play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out. He was born in North Carolina February 2, 1814. Of that State his parents, James and Celia (Askew) Wilson, were also natives. In 1845 they turned their faces westward, eventually landed in Arkansas, and here they breathed their last, the father’s death occurring in Yellville at about the age of sixty-seven years, and the mother’s … Read more

Biography of D. P. Redwine, M. D.

D. P. REDWINE, M. D. Few, perhaps none save those who have trod the arduous paths of the profession, can picture to themselves the array of attributes, mental, physical and moral, and the host of minor qualities essential to the making up of a good physician. His constitution must be of the hardiest to withstand the constant shock of wind and weather, the wearing loss of sleep and rest, and contact with disease of all kinds. The above are but a few necessary remarks introducing Dr. D. P. Redwine, who is a native of Searcy County, Arkansas, where he was … Read more

Biography of J. A. Weatherly

J. A. WEATHERLY. In this day and age of bustle and hurry very few people stop to consider what we can and how to select it, but the skillful housewife is very careful in her purchase of groceries, for she knows that on their purity and wholesomeness depends in a large measure the health and happiness of her family. J.A. Weatherly, dealer in fine groceries at Harrison, Arkansas, enjoys a reputation for courteous dealing and promptness in his line of business which any grocer might be proud to have and his goods have become noted for their excellence and purity. … Read more

Biography of John J. Morrow, M. D.

JOHN J. MORROW, M. D. Health is the most precious gift of nature, and how to retain it and how to regain it when lost are matters of vital moment. For this the physician’s services are often required, and it is therefore most necessary that he should be a man of intelligence, well-posted in his profession and conscientious and painstaking in his practice. These requirements are possessed by Dr. John J. Morrow, who is an exceptionally successful physician of Gassville, Baxter County, Arkansas He was born at McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee, October 27, 1861, a son of D. G. and … Read more

Biography of David A. Eoff

DAVID A. EOFF. This gentleman is the capable and efficient sheriff and collector of Boone County, Arkansas, has resided in this section all his life and was born here December 29, 1852. His grandfather, Alexander Eoff, was a Tennessean, came to this section of Arkansas at a very early day, settled on an unimproved tract of land on which he resided until advancing years compelled him to desist from work, when he gave his farm to one of his sons, with whom he afterward moved to Lead Hill where he died in 1890 at the advanced age of ninety years. … Read more

Biography of John Stone

JOHN STONE. Among the prominent farmers and stockraisers of Sugar Loaf Township, Boone County, Arkansas, stands the name of John Stone, whose fine farm and surroundings show what perseverance and industry will accomplish. Mr. Stone was born in Lauderdale County, Ala., in the year 1829, to the marriage of Noble and Mary (Simmons) Stone, natives of the Palmetto State. When both father and mother were children they went with their par-ents to Alabama, grew to mature years in that State, married, and when our subject was about six months old they removed to Marion County, Tennessee There the mother died … Read more

Biography of John Murphy

JOHN MURPHY. This prominent farmer and stockraiser of Harrison township, Boone County, Arkansas, was born in Miller County, Missouri, January 7, 1838, and probably inherits much of his push and energy from his Irish ancestors, his great-grandfathcr Murphy having been a native of the Emerald Isle. The latter came to America after the Revolutionary War and settled in the Palmetto State, where his last days were spent. His wife was a native of Wales. His son, John Murphy, grandfather of subject, was born in South Carolina, but at an early date settled near Murfresboro, Tennessee, where he died when his … Read more

Biography of Thomas Newman

In the veins of this gentleman flowed sturdy English blood, for in Dorchester, England, he first saw the light of day. In his boyhood he was brought to this country by his father, John Newman, and with him settled in Philadelphia, Pa., where the latter followed the calling of a mechanic, and eventually died. Thomas Newman attained manhood in the East and then embarked in the battle of life as a railroad engineer, but in 1858 or’59 turned his attention to newspaper work in Kansas, and through its pages advocated the cause of Abolition. After a short time he moved … Read more

Biography of Prof. J. T. Gilley

PROF J. T. GILLEY. While the life of an educator is generally barren of incidents for biography, it is still true that a life devoted to this calling must have many points of interest to practical thinkers, and be of benefit to the great work of educational progress. Prof. J. T. Gilley is one of the most popular educators of Marion County, Arkansas, and was born in Tennessee March 2, 1855. a son of one of the old and prominent farmers of this section, A. S. Gilley, who came thither from Tennessee in 1870, with his wife, Elizabeth (Little Gilley, … Read more

Rogers, Ardis Rea Mrs. – Obituary

Ardis Rea Rogers, 90, of Baker City, died July 19, 2005, at Settlers Park. Her memorial service will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Coles Funeral Home. Pastor Robin Harris of Cornerstone Baptist Church at North Powder will officiate. Ardis was born on Jan. 12, 1915, at Alpena Pass, Ark., to Minnie Walker and James Howard Rea. The family moved to Sandpoint, Idaho, in 1915 where they farmed. Ardis, her sister, Theta, and her brother, Paul, went to grade school at Sandpoint. Her parents moved to Meridian, Idaho, where she finished grade school. Her parents moved to Barber, Idaho, a … Read more

Biography of James H. Gray

JAMES H. GRAY. Lead Hill, Arkansas, is known as a flourishing town and contains many able and brainy business men, among whom the general merchant takes prominent rank. In this calling few members possess a wider reputation for ability and enterprise than James H. Gray. He was born in Stone County (then Independence County), Arkansas, in 1865. and is a son of John W. and Tennessee (Cornett) Gray, natives of Mississippi and Hamilton County, Tennessee, respectively, the father born in 1836 and the mother in 1844. When young Mr. and Mrs. Gray came with their parents to Arkansas, and here … Read more

Biography of T. W. Johnson

T. W. JOHNSON. There is no country in the world in which the march of civilization is more noticeable than America, where home life is at the highest ebb of refinement and moral excellence. In every branch of life is this noticeable, the homes in particular showing the delicate touch of the housewife whose keen sense of refinement leads her to command the best and most artistic class of furniture. All classes of furniture may be found at the emporium of T. W. Johnson, who is the largest and only exclusive dealer in furniture and sash and doors in this … Read more

Biography of Dr. J. E. Andrews

DR. J. E. ANDREWS. Of late years it has been discovered that the profession of dentistry has been practiced from the earliest ages, but the knowledge of this science has become so perfected that it is now an art. One of the ablest exponents of this branch of human endeavor is Dr. J. E. Andrews, who is the only prominent practicing dentist of Harrison, in which city he has a well-appointed office and a large and lucrative clientele. He was born in Memphis, Tennessee, November 16, 1862. His father, W.H. Andrews, having been a North Carolinian, born in 1827 or … Read more

Biography of Rev. William H. H. Ruble

REV. WILLIAM H. H. RUBLE. Rev William H. H. Ruble, in addition to looking after the spiritual welfare of his fellows, devotes much of his attention to tilling the soil in Harrison Township, of which section he has been a resident for nearly twenty years.. He was born in Bradley County, Tennessee, in 1841, a son of John G. and Esther (Fine) Ruble, the latter a native of Washington County, Tennessee The father died when our subject was but thirteen months old and it is not known in what State he was born. He was a farmer and about sixty … Read more

Biography of Richard S. Holt

RICHARD S. HOLT. It is a pleasure to write the biography of a man of unusual personal merit-the possessor of a combination of gifts so comprehensive that happiness and success in any enterprise is bound to follow the application of his qualities to the solution of almost any reasonable problem in life. It is an unwritten law that the secret of success in life in all individual cases is the common property or heritage of all unfortunates of the human race. It is therefore eminently proper for the historian or delineator of character to review the lives of those individuals … Read more

Biography of J. H. Walters

J. H. WALTERS. To attain happiness we strive for the acquisition of wealth or position, and, if one is possessed of the first and has native ability and ambition, the second falls to him as his natural heritage. In the acquirement of wealth fortune smiles on those alone who are watching for the opportunity she offers, and J. H. Walters is one of those who has shown himself to be a wide-awake, systematic business man, and has made the most of every opportunity that has presented itself. He was born in Virginia, October 26, 1823, a son of William and … Read more

Biography of Grover P. Watkins

Grover P. Watkins, engaged in the practice of law at Fort Gibson, was born at Carrollton, Arkansas, August 23, 1886, and is a son of Paschal T. and Eliza (Holt) Watkins, who were also natives of Arkansas. The father was a druggist and also a farmer, devoting his attention to the two lines of business at Carrollton. He served as a soldier throughout the Civil war with the Confederate forces and became an officer of the army. He died November 11, 1905, and is still survived by his wife, who makes her home in Green Forest, Arkansas. Grover P. Watkins … Read more

Biography of Dr. William C. Singletary

DR. WILLIAM C. SINGLETARY. Among those who from early manhood have devoted their lives to the cause of suffering humanity, William C. Singletary may be regarded as among the foremost, and in pursuing the noble calling of medicine he has made fame and fortune for himself. He owes his nativity to Bladen County, N. C., born in 1829; a son of Rev. John and Mary Ann (Johnson) Singletary, both natives of the same county and State as their son. In that State they were liberally educated. afterward married, and in 1830 moved to Carter County, Tennessee, where they passed the … Read more

Biography of Capt. Hampton B. Fanchier

CAPT. HAMPTON B. FANCHIER. The intelligence and ability shown by Capt. Hampton B. Fancher, as a progressive tiller of the soil, and the interest he has taken in the advancement of measures for the good of Boone County, Ark, caused him long since to be classed as one of the leading citizens of his section. The most that he has achieved or gained has come as the result of his own efforts, and he deserves much credit for his industry and enterprise. He is a native Tennesseean, born in Overton County in 1828. The son of James and Elizabeth Carlock … Read more