Q and R Prisoners of The Old Jersey

Last Updated on July 15, 2011 by

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below.

Q Surnames

James Quality (3)
Joseph Quality
Josiah Quality
Samuel Quamer
Thomas Quand
Louis Quelgrise
Duncan Quigg (2)
James Quinch
Samuel Quinn
Charles Quiot
Samuel Quomer

R Surnames

Thomas Race
Antonio Rackalong
Patrick Rafferty
Daniel Raiden
Michael Raingul
Richard Rainham
Thomas Rainiot
George Rambert
Peter Ramlies
Joseph Ramsdale
Abner Ramsden
Jean C. Ran
Benjamin Randall
Charles Randall
Edward Randall
Jesse Randall
Joseph Randall
Nathaniel Randall (2)
Thomas Randall
William Randall (2)
Dolly Randel
Paul Randell
Joseph Randell (2)
Joses Randell
George Randell
Paul Randell
George Randels
Nathaniel Randol
Jean Baptiste Rano
Benjamin Ranshaw
James Rant
Norman Rathbun
Roger Rathbun
Peter Rathburn
Samuel Rathburn
Rogers Rathburne
Peter Rattan
Arthur Rawson
Francis Rawson
James Rawson
Alexander Ray
John Ray
Nathaniel Ray
Nathaniel Raye
George Raymond
James Raymond
William Raymond
William Raymons
Jean Raynor
Benjamin Read
Oliver Reade
Jeremiah Reardon
Lewis Recour
John Red
James Redfield
Edward Redick
Benjamin Redman
Andre Read
Barnard Reed
Christian Reed
Curtis Reed
Eliphaz Reed
George Reed
Jeremiah Reed
Job Reed
John Reed (2)
Jonathan Reed
Joseph Reed
Levi Reed
Thomas Reed (2)
William Reed (2)
John Reef
Nicholas Reen
Thomas Reeves
Jacques Refitter
Julian Regan
Hugh Reid
Jacob Reiton
Jean Remong
Jean Nosta Renan
Louis Renand
John Renean
Pierre Renear
Thomas Renee
Thomas Rennick
Frederick Reno
Jean Renovil
Michael Renow
Jean Reo
Barton Repent
Jean Requal
Jesse Rester
Louis Rewof
Thomas Reynelds
Elisha Reynolds
Nathaniel Reynolds
Richard Reynolds (2)
Thomas Reynolds
Thomas Reyzick
Sylvester Rhodes
Thomas de Ribas
George Ribble
Benjamin Rice
Edward Rice
James Rice
John Rice (2)
Nathaniel Rice
Noah Rice
William Rice
Elisha Rich
Freeman Rich
John Rich
Matthew Rich
Nathan Rich
Benjamin Richard
Diah Richards
Gilbert Richards
James Richards
John Richards
Oliver Richards
Pierre Richards
William Richards
David Richardson
John Richardson
Pierre Richardson
William Richardson
Cussing Richman
Ebenezer Richman
Benjamin Richmond
Seth Richmond
Clement Ricker
John Rickett
Nathaniel Rickman
Lewis Ridden
Isaac Riddler
Lewis Rider
John Riders
John Ridge
John Ridgway
Isaac Ridler
Amos Ridley
Thomas Ridley
David Rieve
Israel Rieves
Jacob Right
James Rigmorse
Joseph Rigo
Henry Riker
R. Riker
James Riley
Philip Riley
Philip Rilly
Pierre Ringurd
John Rion
Daniel Riordan
Paul Ripley
Ramble Ripley
Thomas Ripley
Ebenezer Ritch
John River
Joseph River
Paul Rivers
Thomas Rivers
John Rivington
Joseph Roach
Lawrence Roach
William Roas
Thomas Robb
James Robehaird
Arthur Robert
John Robert
Julian Robert
Aaron Roberts (2)
Edward Roberts
Epaphras Roberts
James Roberts (2)
Joseph Roberts
Moses Roberts (2)
William Roberts (4)
Charles Robertson (2)
Elisha Robertson
Esau Robertson
George Robertson
James Robertson (3)
Jeremiah Robertson
John Robertson (6)
Joseph Robertson
Samuel Robertson
Thomas Robertson
Daniel Robins
Enoch Robins
James Robins
William Robins
Anthony Robinson
Ebenezer Robinson
Enoch Robinson
James Robinson (2)
Jehu Robinson
John Robinson (3)
Joseph Robinson
Mark Robinson
Nathaniel Robinson
Thomas Robinson
William Robinson
John Rockway
Daniel Rockwell
Jabez Rockwell
Elisha Rockwood
Anthony Roderick
Jean Raptist Rodent
James Rodgers
Michael Rodieu
Francis Rodrigo
Franco Rogeas
Robert Roger
Dudson Rogers
Ebenezer Rogers
Emanuel Rogers
George Rogers (3)
John Rogers (5)
Nicholas Rogers
Paul Rogers
Thomas Rogers
William Rogers
John Rogert
Joseph Roget
Jean Rogue
John Francis Rogue
John Roke
John Rollin
Paul Rollins
Toby Rollins
Francis Roman
Petre Romary
Diego Romeria
Benjamin Romulus
Lewis Ronder
Jack Rone
Paul Ropeley
Bartram Ropper
Gideon Rose (2)
John Rose (2)
Philip Rose
Prosper Rose
Jean Rosea
Augustus Roseau
Guilliam Roseau
Jean Baptist Rosua
William Rose
Andrew Ross
Archibald Ross
Daniel Ross (3)
David Ross
James Ross
Malone Ross
Thomas Ross
William Ross (3)
Bostion Roteslar
John Roth
Samuel Rothburn
Benjamin Rothers
Jean Baptist Rouge
Jean James Rouge
Charles Roulong
Hampton Round
John Round
Nathan Round
Samuel Round
Andrew Rouse
Claud Rouse
Daniel Roush
Hampton Rowe
John Rowe
William Rowe
George Rowen
George Rowing
Patrick Rowland
John Rowley
Shter Rowley
John Frederick Rowlin
William Rowsery
James Rowson
Augustus Royen
John Royster
Richard Royster
Blost Rozea
Lawrence Rozis
Peter Ruban
Ebenezer Rube
Thomas Rubin
Eden Ruddock
Ezekiel Rude
John Ruffeway
Lewis Ruffie
Henry Rumsower
Joseph Runyan
Nathaniel Ruper
John Rupper
Daniel Ruse
Daniel Rush
Edward Russell
Jacob Russell
Pierre Russell
Samuel Russell
Valentine Russell
William Russell
John Rust
William Rust (2)
John Ruth (2)
Pompey Rutley
Pierre Ryer
Jacob Ryan
Frank Ryan
Michael Ryan
Peter Ryan
Thomas Ryan
Renee Ryon

Dandridge, Danske American Prisoners of the Revolution, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1911, 1967.

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