Civil War Microfilm at the National Archives

Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations
Raised Directly by the Confederate Government.
(M258. 123 rolls. 16mm. DP.)

This microfilm publication reproduces the compiled service records of Confederate soldiers who served in military organizations raised directly or otherwise formed by the Confederate government and therefore not identified with any one state. Two or three of these organizations seem to have been originally considered units of the Confederate Regular Army. Several others were raised among residents of Indian Territory; one was made up of foreigners recruited among Union prisoners of war.

Preceding the jacket-envelopes for the individual soldiers in each organizational unit, there are usually empty envelopes on which the officers of the unit are listed. Jacket-envelopes contain cards showing the exact captions of muster-in and muster-out rolls that were copied and the certifications of the mustering officers verifying the accuracy of the rolls. Record-of-events cards indicate the activities in which any part of the unit had been engaged. Because of the irregular way in which most of these units were organized, there are relatively few caption cards. Record-of-events cards are more numerous, but they sometimes do not contain any account of happenings because no such notation was made in the original records.

The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilmed publication are indexed on M818.

Roll Description
1    1st Confederate Cavalry
2    D--H
3    I--N
4    O--T
5    U--Y
     1st Confederate Regular Cavalry
6    1st Battalion, Trans-Mississippi Confederate Cavalry (1st
     Battalion, Arkansas and Louisiana Cavalry)
7    3d Confederate Cavalry
8    D--H
9    I--N
10   O--S
11   T--Y
     6th Battalion, Confederate Cavalry
12   7th Confederate Cavalry (Claiborne's Regiment, Partisan
     Rangers; 7th Regiment, Confederate Partisan Rangers):
13   C--F
14   G--K
15   L--Pa
16   Pe--S
17   T--Z
     7th Battalion, Confederate Cavalry (Prentice's Battalion,
     Confederate Cavalry)
18   8th (Dearing's) Confederate Cavalry
19   8th (Wade's) Confederate Cavalry (2d Regiment, Mississippi
     and Alabama Cavalry)
20   E--K
21   L--R
22   S--Z
23   10th Confederate Cavalry
24   F--K
25   L--P
26   R--Z
27   14th Confederate Cavalry
28   L--Z
29   15th Confederate Cavalry (1st Regiment, Alabama and Florida
30   D--Ha
31   He--Mi
32   Mo--R
33   S--Z
34   20th Confederate Cavalry (Lay's Regiment, Confederate
35   N--Y
     Baxter's Battalion, Confederate Cavalry
36   Bell's Battalion, C.S.A.
     Blake's Scouts, C.S.A.
     Burrough's Battalion, Partisan Rangers (Princess Anne
     Partisan Rangers)
     Clarkson's Battalion, Confederate Cavalry, Independent
37   L--Y
     Fort's Scouts, C.S.A.
     Lyon's Escort, Forrest's Cavalry, C.S.A.
     Martin's Escort, C.S.A.
38   Mead's Confederate Cavalry (Mead's Regiment of Partisan
39   Murchison's Battalion, Cavalry
     Powers' Regiment, Confederate Cavalry
     Capt. Raum's Co., Confederate Cavalry (Warren Dragoons)
     Wheeler's Scouts, C.S.A. (Hawkins' Scouts, C.S.A.; Carter's
     Scouts, C.S.A.; 1st Tennessee Mounted Scouts)
40   Wood's Regiment, Confederate Cavalry
41   Ce--E
42   F--He
43   Hi--L
44   M--O
45   P--Sl
46   Sm--Z
47   1st Regular Battery, Confederate Light Artillery (Semmes'
     Battery; Barnes' Battery)
     Braxton's Battalion, Confederate Artillery (Battalion C, 2d
     Corps, Army of Northern Virginia)
     Courtney's Battalion, Confederate Artillery
     Cunningham's Battalion, Confederate Artillery
     Cutshaw's Battalion, Confederate Artillery
     Capt. Davis' Co., Confederate Light Artillery
     De Gournay's Battalion, Heavy Artillery (12th Battalion,
     Louisiana Heavy Artillery)
48   Capt. Dent's Battery, Light Artillery, C.S.A.
     Haskell's Battalion, Confederate Artillery
     Huger's Battalion, Confederate Artillery
     Lewis' Battalion, Confederate Artillery
     Capt. Lillard's Co., Independent Scouts and Rangers (Nelson
     Rangers and Scouts)
     Capt. Madison's Co., Mounted Spies and Guides (Phillips'
     Mtd. Spies and Guides)
49   Capt. Marshall's Co., Confederate Artillery (Brown Horse
     Martin's Battalion, Confederate Reserve Artillery
     McIntosh's Battalion, Confederate Artillery (Battalion C,
     Reserve Corps Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia)
     McLaughlin's Battalion, Confederate Artillery
     Montague's Battalion, Confederate Heavy Artillery (4th
     Battalion, Confederate Heavy Artillery)
     Nelson's Battalion, Confederate Artillery (31st Battalion,
     Virginia Light Artillery; 3d Battalion Reserve, Light
     Lt. W. B. Ochiltree's Detachment of Recruits (Detachment of
     Maj. R. C. M. Page's Battalion, Confederate Artillery
     (Carter's Battalion of Artillery; Braxton's Battalion of
     Palmer's Battalion, Confederate Artillery (Robertson's
     Battalion of Artillery)
     Poague's Battalion, Artillery
     Richardson's Battalion, Confederate Light Artillery
     (Battalion A. 1st Corps Artillery, Army of Northern
50   Maj. F. W. Smith's Battalion, Confederate Heavy Artillery
     Stark's Battalion, Confederate Light Artillery (Battalion B.
     1st Corps Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia)
51   Stuart's Horse Artillery
     Capt. White's Battery, Horse Artillery
52   1st Confederate Infantry (1st Confederate Regiment, Georgia
53   C--E
54   F--Ha
55   He--K
56   L--M
57   N--Ri
58   Ro--S
59   T--Y
60   1st Battalion, Confederate Infantry (Forney's Regiment,
     Confederate Infantry)
61   L--W
62   2d Confederate Infantry
     3d Confederate Infantry
63   E--W
64   4th Confederate Infantry (1st Regiment, Alabama, Tennessee,
     and Mississippi Infantry)
65   G--N
66   O--Y
67   8th Battalion, Confederate Infantry (2d Foreign Battalion,
     Infantry; 2d Foreign Legion, Infantry)
68   9th Confederate Infantry (5th Confederate Infantry; 5th
     Confederate Regiment, Tennessee Infantry)
69   G--Mi
70   Mo--Y
71   Bailey's Consolidated Regiment of Infantry
     Bradford's Corps, Scouts and Guards (Bradford's Battalion)
72   Brooks' Battalion, Confederate Regular Infantry
     Brush Battalion, C.S.A.
73   P--W
     Lt. Cunningham's Ordnance Detachment (Capt. Cuyler's
     Ordnance Detachment)
     Capt. Davis' Co. of Guides, C.S.A.
     Exchanged Battalion, C.S.A. (Trans-Mississippi Battalion;
     Western Battalion)
74   O--Z
     Forrest's Scouts, C.S.A.
75   Gillum's Regiment (Henry Gillum's Regiment; Gillum's
     Regiment, Mounted Infantry; Gillum's Regiment, Mounted
     Lt. Haskell's Co., Infantry
     Jackson's Co., C.S.A.
     Capt. McDaniel's Co., Secret Service
     Stirman's Regiment, Sharp Shooters
     Tucker's Regiment, Confederate Infantry
76   E--Z
     Lt. Young's (5th) Co., Retributors
77   1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles (1st Arkansas Cherokee Mounted
78   M--Y
79   1st Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (Watie's Regiment, Cherokee
     Mounted Volunteers; 2d Regiment, Cherokee Mounted Rifles,
1st Regiment, Cherokee Mounted Rifles or Riflemen)
     1st Squadron, Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (Holt's Squadron,
     Cherokee Mounted Volunteers)
81   1st Chickasaw Infantry (Hunter's Regiment, Indian
82   1st Choctaw Mounted Rifles
83   1st Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles
84   H--N
85   O--Y
86   1st Creek Mounted Volunteers (1st Regiment, Creek Mounted
     Rifles or Riflemen; Creek Regiment, Mounted Indian
     Volunteers; 2d Regiment, Arkansas Creeks)
87   I--S
88   T--Z
     1st Osage Battalion, C.S.A.
     1st Seminole Mounted Volunteers
89   D--Y
90   2d Cherokee Mounted Volunteers (2d Regiment Cherokee Mounted
     Rifles or Riflemen)
91   2d Creek Mounted Volunteers
     Cherokee Regiment (Special Service)
     Deneale's Regiment, Choctaw Warriors (Deneale's Confederate
     Shecoe's Chickasaw Battalion, Mounted Volunteers
     Washington's Squadron of Indians, C.S.A. (Reserve Squadron
     of Cavalry)
     Capt. Wilkins' Co., Choctaw Infantry
     Miscellaneous Indian Records
92   1st Confederate Engineer Troops
93   D--F
94   G--L
95   M--R
96   S--Z
97   2d Confederate Engineer Troops
98   K--Z
99   3d Confederate Engineer Troops
100  G--O
101  P--Z
102  4th Confederate Engineer Troops
103  S--Z
     Engineers, C.S.A.
104  C--Di
105  Do--F
106  G--Hi
107  Ho--L
108  M--Ri
109  Ro--S
110  T--Y
111  Nitre and Mining Bureau, War Department, C.S.A.,
112  I--N
113  P--W
114  Sappers and Miners
115  L--Y
116  Signal Corps, C.S.A.
117  C--F
118  G--L
119  M--N
120  O--S
121  T--Z
122  Bands, C.S.A.
     Lt. Click's Co., Ordnance Scouts and Guards, C.S.A.
     Infantry School of Practice
123  Invalid Corps
     Officers Surnamed Morgan, C.S.A.
     President's Guard, C.S.A.
     Miscellaneous Records

Civil War,

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