Biography of Harry S. Brown

Harry S. Brown. A lawyer of twenty years’ experience, Harry S. Brown has been identified with the Coffeyville bar the greater part of his professional career and he has shown a remarkable capacity for handling litigation entrusted to him and is a leading citizen as well as a lawyer. He represents an old Indiana family of English origin. His first American ancestors came to South Carolina in colonial times. Through his grandmother Mr. Brown is of Scotch descent. One of his Brown ancestors was a captain in the English navy and lost his life at sea. His grandfather, John Brown, … Read more

Biography of Rolla Edwin Long

Rolla Edwin Long, superintendent of the city schools of Galena, is an educator of wide and diversified experience in the schools of this state, and has spent altogether upwards of twenty years in a profession which is one of the most important to the welfare of mankind. In 1916 he entered upon his fourth consecutive year as superintendent of the schools of Galena. The people of that city take special pride in their schools, and Mr. Long has done much to raise the local school standards and improve the different departments of instruction. Under his supervision are six schools, a … Read more

Biography of Asa Knowles Talbot

Asa Knowles Talbot. It is no small distinction in the business world to create and build up a business which is generally recognized as the leader of its kind in a city or county. That is the place occupied by the A. K. Talbot Harness and Manufacturing Company at Coffeyville. It is the leading concern in the handling of harness and other goods in Montgomery County, and Mr. Talbot has also developed a factory for the manufacture of leather novelties and is at the head of a very successful concern. While he has spent nearly all his life in Kansas, … Read more

Biography of William Paxton Hazen

William Paxton Hazen, who died at Chetopa, Kansas, April 16, 1909, was for many years a successful Kansas banker. His widow, Mrs. Addie (Glass) Hazen, who survives him, is widely known in women’s circles in Kansas, and is especially active in charitable and philanthropic enterprises in her home city. Mr. Hazen died when at the high tide of his usefulness. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 10, 1858. His father, David Hazen, was a lawyer by profession, practiced for many years in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but died in Erie, Kansas. Mr. Hazen’s maternal grandmother, Mary Ewing, had her pew in … Read more

Biography of John Norval Sherman, M. D.

John Norval Sherman, M. D. Although one of the younger physicians of Neosho County, Dr. John Norval Sherman, of Thayer, has gained the confidence and support of the public by reason of his thorough training for his profession and his fidelity to the ethics of the medical fraternity. He came to his present field of activity in 1916, with five years of experience behind him, and has already built up what promises to be a lucrative and representative practice. Doctor Sherman was born July 11, 1884, at Lafayette, Madison County, Ohio, and belongs to a family which originally came to … Read more

Biography of Amour Loriaux

Amour Loriaux. Among the alert and enterprising men who during the last several years have utilized the opportunities offered at Caney for business preferment and who have attained thereby success, is Amour Loriaux, whose career is typical of modern progress and advancement, and who as a man of affairs ranks among the leaders of the younger generation in this live community. Mr. Loriaux is vice president and manager of the Connelly Window Glass Company, a concern which from modest beginnings has grown to large proportions, and has been a resident of Caney since 1908. Amour Loriaux was born at Charleroi, … Read more

Biography of Washington E. Gregg, Hon.

Hon. Washington E. Gregg. The chief executive office of any community is a responsible one and the individual occupying it has resting upon his shoulders not only the numerous burdens connected with the management of a city, but also the accountability for its commercial and moral integrity. As he is, so is his community, for it soon reflects his character and manner of dealing with large problems, and unless he keeps a firm grip upon the reins of office and forces his associates to handle civic affairs in an expeditions and straightforward manner, his administration soon shows the effect of … Read more

Biography of Wilber A. Cochel, Prof.

Prof. Wilber A. Cochel. There is no doubt but that educational education means more to the United States today than any other kind of education and great institutions like the Kansas State Agricultural College are standard bearers in disseminating agricultural knowledge. This college management, with remarkable judgment, has gathered together a group of thoroughly trained instructors covering every phase of agriculture, the agriculture of modern progress. At the head of the animal husbandry division is found Prof. Wilber A. Coehel, a scholar and scientist whose name carries weight in many states of the Union on account of his discoveries and … Read more

Biography of U. G. Charles

U. G. Charles. One of the oldest of the refining and civilizing agencies of man is architecture, the art which constructs for beauty or utility or combines both. While it has necessarily been regulated by natural conditions and configuration of the country in which it is exercised, the development of a modern palace, either for residence or business, step by step from the ancestral cave or tent, is one of the great and interesting romances of civilization. Of the masters of this art who have contributed much to the past of Wichita, and who, because of their superior equipment and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. Wall

Wall, William E.; pres. Fred G. Clark Co.; born, Chatham, Ont., Can., Aug. 23, 1868; educated, common schools and Chatham High School and Collegiate Institute; came to Cleveland in 1890; engaged in the oil business, for the past 24 years identified with the Fred G. Clark Co.; elected pres. of the National Petroleum Ass’n, 1903; pres. the Tiona Refining Co., Indianapolis, Ind., treas. the Conewango Refining Co., Warren, Pa.; director the Monitor Oil Co.; Great Western Oil Co., and Manufacturers Oil Co.; elected sec’y of the Cleveland Petroleum Ass in, 1904; member Euclid, Hermit, and Clifton Clubs; Chamber of Commerce; … Read more

Biography of James Cuthbert

James Cuthbert. One of the oldest and best known general contractors in the state is James Cuthbert of Topeka, which city has been his home and the center of his widely extended activities more than thirty-five years. As his name indicates, Mr. Cuthbert is a sturdy Scotchman, and his many associates and friends in Kansas say that he exemplifies all the best traits of the race. He was born in Nairnshire, Scotland, July 14, 1849, a son of James and Jane (Bowie) Cuthbert, who spent their lives in Scotland. He grew up among his native hills and heather, had a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles K. Teter, D. D. S.

Teter, Charles K., D. D. S.; professional anesthetist and minor oral surgery; born, Westfield, Ind., Sept. 25, 1875; son of Rev. J. H. and Sarah Howard Teter; educated, Westerville High School, 1892-1894; Otterbein University, 1894-1897; Ohio Medical University, D. D. S., 1897-1900; married, Galena, O., Feb. 28, 1900, Etta M. Bush; issue, two sons and one daughter; private in 4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Spanish American War; saw service in Porto Rico; chief anesthetist St. Luke’s Hospital; inventor of the Teter oxid and oxygen apparatus; vice pres. of the National Association of Anesthetists, 1912-1913; pres. The Teter Mnfg. Co.; member National … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Crooks Teter

Teter, William Crooks; specialist in dentistry; born in Tennessee, May 4, 1873; son of Rev. Joseph II. and Sarah Howard Teter; educated, Houghton Seminary, N. M., 1886; Sheridan, Ind., High School, 1891; Otterbein University, 1892-1898, Dental Dept., Ohio Medical University, 1899-1903, degrees of A. M. and Ph. B.; married, Coshocton, O., May 2, 1900 EImira Noptune; issue, two daughters and one son; active in the development of the Teter nitrous oxid and oxygen apparatus and nitrous oxid and oxygen anesthesia; has done special work in poerrhea alveolaris; vice pres. the Teter Mnfg. Co.; member the National Dental Ass’n, Ohio Dental … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard Perry Tolle

Tolle, Richard Perry; merchant; born, Maysville, Ky., Oct. 20, 1883; son of William A. and Sarah Frances Fowler Tolle; educated, public schools, Maysville; married, Indianapolis, Ind., May 19, 1904, Annabel Day; issue, three children; manager the S. S. Kresge Co., Cleveland store; 32nd degree Mason, A. A. 0. N. M. Shrine; member Country Club. Recreations: Baseball and Automobiling.

Biographical Sketch of Worth M. Tippy

Tippy, Worth M.; clergyman; born, Larwill, Ind.; Nov. 8, 1867; son of Oren and Mary Elizabeth Carder Tippy; educated, DePauw University, Ph. B., DePauw University, Hon. D. D., Baldwin University, Hon. D. D., Cornell University, two years graduate work as Sage scholar, 1901-1903; married, Vevay, Ind., May 16, 1895, Zella Birda Ward; issue, Marian Ward, born Nov. 18, 1896; Helen Ward, born Dec. 12, 1898; member of Mayor’s Committee on nomination for Charter Commission, 1913; pastorates, Dryden, N. Y., 1892; LaFayette, Ind., 1893; Oxford, Ind., 1894; Terre Haute, Ind., 1895; Broadway Church, Indianapolis, Ind., 1900; Epworth Memorial, Cleveland, 1905 to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Gustav Stehn

Stehn, George Gustav; florist; born, Germany, Sept. 17, 1861; son of William Stehn; mother’s maiden name, Dreesfen; served one year, 1880, at De Loues Tomological Institute in Reuteingen, Germany; received first-class diploma; married, Manchester, N. H., Jan. 11, 1893, Anna Emelie Liebing; issue, three children; served four years in Ulan Regiment, King Charles, No. 19, Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, under Count Ferdinand Von Feypelia; advanced to corporal; has worked as florist in New York, Boston and Cleveland; educated as teacher of physical education in Normal School of North America, at Indianapolis, Ind., 1890; graduated with first-class diploma; taught for twenty years in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Taylor

Taylor, Henry; florist; born, England, March 16, 1852; son of Charles and Susan New Taylor; educated, West Fendred British National School; married, Wellsville, O., Feb. 8, 1877, Susan Coyle; issue, five children; at the age of 16, began working at plumbing; followed that until 1908; worked for some of the best firms in Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., and Lafayette, Ind., as a journeyman plumber; held responsible positions with good firms in all the abovenamed cities; 1908, started in the florist business.

Biographical Sketch of La Zell Tanney

Tanney, La Zell; attorney; born, West View, O., Oct. 8, 1862; son of LaCortes and Abbie E. Brooks Tanney; educated, Baldwin University, Berea, O., Oberlin College, Oberlin, O., graduated in law from Valparaiso, Ind.; with degree of LL. B.; married, Decatur, Ind., June 6, 1888, Cora Tricker; issue, one son, Leigh T. Tanney born Aug. 6, 1891; Cora Tricker Tanney died June 17, 1892; married, Lake Helen, Fla., May 6, 1894, Violetta Giddings; issue, one daughter, Florence M. Tanney, born Dec. 10, 1901, and died June 15, 1911; Violetta Giddings Tanney died in July, 1906; began the practice of law … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George H. Schwan

Schwan, George H.; Consular Agent for the German Empire; born, Cleveland, March 27, 1860; educated, Cleveland public schools: graduated from Concordia College. Ft Wayne, Ind., 189; took post-graduate course, Concordia University, St. Louis, Mo.; read law and admitted to the bar in 1882; began practice in Cleveland and continued same until elected to the common pleas bench in 1904; appointed by Gov. Nash to Police Court, in 1901, to fill out an unexpired term; member a number political organizations; Republican; member German Lutheran Church.

Biographical Sketch of Artemus Clark Plummer

Plummer, Artemus Clark; optometrist; born in a log cabin, near Harmony, Ind.; son of Thomas Jermiah and Martha Richards Plummer; educated in district school of Indiana, and Blackwater, Mo.; at the age of 16, began work on a farm and continued at it until 21 years old, then went to Kansas City, and entered Spalding’s Commercial College; doing odd jobs to pay his way; 1899, went to New York City, and entered Dr. R. H. Knowles’ School of Optometry, graduating in 1901; previous to coming to Cleveland, was with Tiffany & Co., New York City, for several years.