Biography of Amour Loriaux

Last Updated on March 4, 2012 by

Amour Loriaux. Among the alert and enterprising men who during the last several years have utilized the opportunities offered at Caney for business preferment and who have attained thereby success, is Amour Loriaux, whose career is typical of modern progress and advancement, and who as a man of affairs ranks among the leaders of the younger generation in this live community. Mr. Loriaux is vice president and manager of the Connelly Window Glass Company, a concern which from modest beginnings has grown to large proportions, and has been a resident of Caney since 1908.

Amour Loriaux was born at Charleroi, Hainaut, Belgium, December 24, 1885, and is a son of Joseph and Julia (Haubruge) Loriaux, natives also of that place. His grandfather, Emile Loriaux, was born in 1843, at Charleroi, came to the United States in 1891, and after spending one year at Streator, Illinois, moved to Hartford City, Indiana. He then came to Caney, Kansas, where he is now living in comfortable retirement, still strong and vigorous in both mind and body in spite of his seventy-three years. During his active years he followed the trade of a glassblower, a vocation which has been engaged in by the members of the family for a number of generations.

Joseph Loriaux was born in November, 1865, at Charleroi, Belgium, where he was reared and educated, and in his youth learned the glass-blowing trade, which he followed during his entire residence in his native land. When he came to the United States, in 1891, he went to Streator, Illinois, where there was a glass factory, in which he worked for one year, at the end of that time moving to Hartford City, Indiana, where he likewise followed his trade. In April, 1908, he came with his family to Caney, and in 1913 went to Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where he now makes his home. Mr. Loriaux at this time is a merchant in the line of meat and groceries, and also has holdings in the oil fields of Kansas and Oklahoma and is a producer. He is a republican in politics, and fraternally a charter member of Caney Lodge No. 1215, of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and of Caney Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Mr. Loriaux married Julia Haubruge, who was born in 1868, at Charleroi, and they have five children, namely: Amour, of this notice; Joseph, who is a window glass worker of Caney; Radolph, who is engaged in merchandising at Bartlesville, Oklahoma; Francine, who resides at that place with her parents; and Eva, who is a student in the Bartlesville public schools.

Amour Loriaux was educated in the public schools of Hartford City, Indiana, and as he proved a bright and attentive scholar, was able to graduate from the eighth grade when he was thirteen years of age. Being anxious to enter upon his independent career, he secured employment in a window glass factory at Hartford City, Indiana, and subsequently held a like position at Danville, Illinois, from whence he came to Caney in 1908. Here Mr. Loriaux secured a place in the plant of the Connelly Glass Window Company, and through the display of ability, industry and fidelity, won steady promotion until, in 1915, he was made manager of the concern, as well as vice president and a member of the board of directors. Still a young man, Mr. Loriaux has established a reputation for sound judgment and keen sagacity. While he never sacrifices a safe conservation to personal ambitions, yet he has always sought honorable advancement. Few men can speak with more authority upon the glass business, and he has proven his ability to handle the problems that always arise in the conduct of growing enterprises. He holds membership in the National Window Glass Workers’ Association. Mr. Loriaux is interested in civic affairs, and has not hesitated to advocate those measures and principles that he believes are best for his city. Accepting modern ideas, he gives his support to movements along material and moral progress. His political views make him a republican, and fraternally he holds membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, having been a charter member of Caney Lodge No. 1215.

Mr. Loriaux was married in 1904, at Hartford City, Indiana, to Miss Eva Goossens, a daughter of Victor and Henrietta Goossens, farming people of Hartford City. Mr. and Mrs. Loriaux have two children: Amour, Jr., born December 19, 1906; and Maurice, born August 27, 1909.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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