Biography of Samuel Aaron Kenoyer

Samuel Aaron Kenoyer, a prominent real estate operator of Miami, has won a substantial, measure of success through the capable management of his business affairs and has also aided materially in improving and developing his city, being recognized as a most progressive and public-spirited citizen. He was born in Kentland, Newton county, Indiana, September 30, 1873, of the marriage of James and Nancy Jane Kenoyer, the former also born in that county, while the latter was likewise a native of the Hoosier state. For a time the father engaged in farming and he afterward turned his attention to the carpenter’s … Read more

Biography of Robert L. Queisser

Queisser, Robert L.; pres. The Queisser-Bliss Co.; born, Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 9, 1866; son of Julius and Caroline J. Schliobitz Queisser; educated, Indianapolis public and high schools; married, Springfield, 0., Nov. 24, 1887, Jessie L. Fried; two sons, Charles Fried, and Robert L., Jr.; regimental adjutant, 3rd Regiment Inf., 0. N. G.; battalion adjutant 7th Regiment Inf., 0. N. G.; captain commissary, 5th Regiment Inf., 0. N. G.; aide-de-camp on staff of Gov. Judson Harmon, four years; former pres. Chamber of Commerce, Zanesville; spent early life in railroad work, leaving a responsible position in the traffic department of The Baltimore … Read more

Biography of Howard Davis

Howard Davis, the owner of a well improved and productive farm near Bartlesville, also has valuable oil wells on his property, and in the conduct of his interests he displays keen discernment, marked executive ability and enterprise. He is a native of Indiana but was reared in Illinois and in 1901 he came to Indian Territory, settling in Lincoln county, where he engaged in buying broom corn for an eastern firm. Subsequently he removed to Osage county and there devoted his attention to the cattle business until he took up his residence in Washington county, where he has remained. Mr. … Read more

Lee, William Max – Obituary

William M. Lee, who came to Whitman County in 1872 from Walla Walla, died at his home in this city Tuesday evening [June 16, 1925], surrounded by his wife and four surviving children. He suffered an attack of pneumonia about two weeks ago and due to his advanced age of 77 years the after effects proved fatal. Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church Thursday at 2 p.m., Rev. W. P. Osgood, a former pastor coming from Albany, Oregon, to officiate, assisted by the new pastor, Rev. J. L. Peringer. Mr. Lee was an active member of the finance … Read more

Harker, Xantippe Lee – Obituary

Thursday, February 6 1908, at 3:15 a.m. at the home of L. Goehring, at 1259 Castle St., Mrs. Xantippe Harker, widow of the late James Harker, aged 76 years. The funeral services will be held at the Goehring residence Saturday afternoon, Feb. 8, at 1:30 o’clock conducted by Rev. F. G. Davies. Interment in Ottumwa Cemetery. [The headstone says she died on the 5th not the 6th . She was the daughter of Marshall Burr Lee and Ellen McEwen]. OBIT: Ottumwa Courier, Feb. 6, 1908 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Harker, James – Obituary

James Harker Is Called By Death; Aged Resident Answers Final Summons This Morning At 5:30 O’clock, was 82 years of age at the time of his death [November 20, 1906] and has lived in this city since 1876 – Funeral tomorrow. James Harker an aged and highly respected citizen, passed away this morning at 5:30 o’clock at the family resident on West Park Avenue. Mr. Harker was 82 years of age at the time of his death and is survived by his wife, Mrs. Xantippe Harker. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock from the last … Read more

Harker, Alonzo – Obituary

Alonzo Harker was born May 11, 1857 near Hope, Bartholomew County, Indiana and died Sept. 22, 1891, at his home 1236 North Court St., Ottumwa, Iowa. He came to Ottumwa with his parents James and Xantippe Harker in 1876. He has lived in this city ever since except two years spent in Kansas. In 1877 he was baptized and received into membership of the First Baptist church of this city, of which church he has been a faithful member to the day of his death. October 16, 1879, he was married to Laura A. Bonwell, of Bartholomew County, IN, who, … Read more

Goehring, Laura Bonwell – Obituary

Mrs. Laura Alice Goehring, a resident of Ottumwa since 1879 and the oldest living member of the First Baptist Church here, died at 10:20 a.m. today [December 12, 1942] at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. W. Swanson of 223 North Marion Street. Mrs. Goehring was born November 29, 1859, near Columbus, Ind., the daughter of Michael and Agnes Bonwell. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ina Swanson, and one son, Harry Harker, both of Ottumwa. She was preceded in death by one daughter, Opal Harker, who died in 1888, and by one brother D. S. Bonwell, who … Read more

Gerking, Samuel – Obituary

Samuel Gerking, covered wagon pioneer of 1862, died yesterday evening at 3:50 at the family residence, 1314 Washington Street at the age of 84 years after having lived in The Dalles for about 19 years. He came here from Umatilla County. Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon from Crandall’s. Interment will be in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. No announcement was made today of the minister who will officiate or of pallbearers for the services. Samuel Gerking was born in Indiana, November 24, 1844. He crossed the plains in 1862 and settled in Umatilla County. He lived … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reverend Thomas C. Right O’Reilly

O’Reilly, Thomas C. Right Reverend ; S. T. D., LL. D., Monsignor; chancellor of the Diocese of Cleveland, and pastor of St. John’s Cathedral; born, Cleveland, Feb. 22, 1873; son of Patrick and Delia Readdy O’Reilly; educated, St. Patrick’s, Cleveland 1879-1887; Spencerian Business College, Cleveland, 1887-1888; St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, 1889-1893; St. Mary’s Seminary, Cleveland, 1893-1894; American College, Rome, Italy, 1894-1899; received degree S. T. D., from Propaganda University, Rome, 1899; LL. D., from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 1909; was ordained priest by Cardinal Cassette, June 4, 1898, in the Lateran Basillica, Rome; asst. pastor St. John’s Cathedral, … Read more

Hammack, J. W. Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. J. W. Hammack, one of the best known of Wallowa an Union county pioneers, died at her home at Lostine, Friday night, June 3, 1927 at the age of 84 years, 7 months and 17 days. Sarah Miller was born in Spencer county, Indiana, Oct., 17, 1842. In 1856 she was united in marriage to J. W. Hammack who passed away Oct. 15, 1912. She united with the Christian church when about 19 years of age and remained a faithful member until her death. About ten years ago she had a severe stroke of paralysis, from which she never … Read more

Makin, Elzie O. – Obituary

For many years was engaged in the operation of a large sheep ranch in Wallowa county, is one of the substantial residents of Joseph, where he is now living retired. He was born in Madison County, Indiana, on August 7, 1862, the eldest and only surviving child born of the marriage of William and Mary (Fox) Makin. The father was at one time the largest sheep raiser in the Wallowa valley but he is now living retired in Enterprise. The mother, however, has long since passed away. When he was a child less than one year of age Elzie O. … Read more

Makin, William – Obituary

To the capable and enterprising citizen whose name initiates this paragraph we are pleased to accord a representation in the history of Wallowa county, since he has trod the path of the pioneer in a worthy manner, displaying constantly qualities of moral worth and value, and has achieved a success in temporal affairs that is commendable and praiseworthy, being the meed of continuity in wisely directed effort and energy and sagacity in all of his ways, and consequently it is very fitting that he should be placed to-day as one of the prominent men of the county, which position he … Read more

Barnhill, Margaret – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Died, in this city Sunday, February 11, 1906, Mrs. Margaret Barnhill, aged 68 years. her last and fatal illness was of short duration. Deceased was born in Indiana in 1838. She afterwards moved to Nebraska. In 1882 she moved with her husband to Wallowa county, settling near Enterprise. It was in the latter place her husband died in 1902 and since that time she has made her home in this city with her son, John Barnhill. She had been a faithful member of the Methodist church for forty years, and like all other pioneer women of … Read more

Hammack, Sarah Miller Mrs. – Obituary

Far Home Calls Pioneer Woman Mrs. J. W. Hammack, one of the best known of Wallowa an Union county pioneers, died at her home at Lostine, Friday night, June 3, 1927 at the age of 84 years, 7 months and 17 days. Sarah Miller was born in Spencer County, Indiana, Oct., 17, 1842. In 1856 she was united in marriage to J. W. Hammack who passed away Oct. 15, 1912. She united with the Christian church when about 19 years of age and remained a faithful member until her death. About ten years ago she had a severe stroke of … Read more

Biography of John Downing Benedict

John Downing Benedict was born in Clermont, a suburb of Indianapolis, Indiana, on the 27th of May, 1854, and there began his education in the common schools. Accompanying his parents on their removal to Vermilion county, Illinois , he there worked on a farm during the summer months, while the winter seasons were spent as a student in the Rossville high school. When eighteen years of age he took up the profession of teaching, which he followed through the succeeding five years in the country and village schools. Subsequently he attended the University of Illinois for one year and then … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ellison J. Parrish

Parrish, Ellison J.; supt. Telegraph Dept., Nickel Plate R. R.; born, Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 9, 1865; son of D. P. and Ellenora Spain Parrish, educated, common schools, Terre Haute, Ind.; married, Conneaut, O., May 24, 1887, Pearl J. Griffey; elected Mayor of Conneaut, O., 1902-1907-1909; only Democrat ever elected in the city for this honor; was first Mayor of the city when it changed from a village; 1908 and 1912, delegate National Democratic Convention; appointed by Gov. Harmon three times as delegate to National Convention of Water Ways at Washington, D. C.; train dispatcher for Nickel Plate R. R. … Read more

Cole, Lindford Catherine – Obituary

Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon Catherine Lindford 1835 – 1891 At her home near Joseph, December 10, 1891, Catherine Lindford Cole, aged 56 years, 6 months and 14 days. Catherine Lindford was born hear London, England may 17, 1835, her parents removing to America the same year, after a short residence in Pennsylvania,  they removed to Indiana, and finally settled in Clark County, Illinois. In 1854 she was married to Eli Misner who died in 1858. In 1859 Mrs. Misner moved to Iowa. In July, 1860 she was united in marriage to Wiley P. Cole (Rev.William Person Cole Sr.) Mr. and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John William Perrin

Perrin, John William; librarian; born, Eugene, Ind.; son of William Jasper and Susan (Allen) Perrin; A. M., Wabash College. Ind., 1889; studied Johns Hopkins, 1890-1892; graduate student and honorary fellow, University of Chicago, 1892-1893, Ph. D., 1895; married Harriet Naylor Towle, of Evanston, Ill., April 16, 1890 (died, Jan. 25, 1910); prof. of history and politics, Allegheny College, Pa., 1894-1898; prof. of history, Adelbert College, (Western Reserve University), 1898-1904; Albert Shaw, lecturer, American diplomatic history, Johns Hopkins, 1904; lecturer on American history, Allegheny College, 1905; librarian, Case Library, Cleveland. since June 1, 1905; organized, 1899, and chairman until 1903, conference … Read more

McComas, E. S. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon One of the largest funerals in the history of the town of Union marked the obsequies of the pioneer editor and politician, E. S. McComas. The funeral was held at Union, Wednesday afternoon, September 6 at 3 o’clock, and was attended by a great gathering of pioneers. The body was laid to rest beside his mother, brother, and son. The deceased leaves a widow, one daughter, an adopted son and three sisters, Mrs. Alice M. Bell of Enterprise, Mrs. Esther E. Pursel and Mrs. Mary R. Thomson of Union. Mrs. Bell received word of her brother’s … Read more