Biography of Malcolm Crawford

MALCOLM CRAWFORD, well known in Hatfield, Massachusetts, as a farmer and skilled mechanic, comes of a family that has been in New England for many generations, its records tracing back to 1730, almost two hundred years ago.

(I) James Crawford, immigrant ancestor of the family, came to America in 1730 from Londonderry, Ireland, in 1730, and settled in Newtown, Massachusetts. He later went to Union, Connecticut, where he bought land and was a large land owner. Although he came from Ireland, James Crawford was of Scotch extraction, and he married Elizabeth Campbell, also of Scotch origin. Their children, all born in America except the oldest, were: Margaret; Robert; James, of further mention; John; William, Hugh, and Jane.

(II) James (2) Crawford, son of James and Elizabeth (Campbell) Crawford, was born in Union, Connecticut, in September, 5733. In 1769 he moved with his family to Westminster, Vermont, and in 1798 or 5799 to Putney, Vermont, where he died in 1807. He was a soldier in the American Revolution. He married, in 1755, Grace Carpenter, born in 1734, as Ashford, Connecticut, and they were the parents of Chester, Frances, Anne, Theophilus, of further mention; Sarah, Lydia, and Elizabeth.

(III) Theophilus Crawford, son of James (2) and Grace (Carpenter) Crawford, was born April 25, 1764, died January so, 1856, in Putney, Vermont. He was an influential citizen of his community and served as justice of the peace, high sheriff, and representative to the State Legislature. He married, on October 26, 1788, Annis Johnson, born 5766, died in May, 1851; and they were the parents of David, Sally, Henry, Gratia, James, Mark, of further mention; Fanny, Lydia, Theophilus and Annis.

(IV) Mark Crawford, son of Theophilus and Annis (Johnson) Crawford, was born at Putney, Vermont, October 20, 1800, died there May so, 1860. Like his father, he was a prominent citizen, and in 185, to 1852 served in the State Legislature He married, on December 30, 1828, Judith Hunt Mason, died August 24, 1884, and they were the parents of: Henry, born 1829, died 1842; Charles, born 1832, died 1855; Noah Mason, born 1834, died 1835; John Mason, born 1836; Eliza Maria, born 1841, and Henry, of further mention.

(V) Henry Crawford, son of Mark and Judith Hunt (Mason) Crawford, was born in Putney, Vermont, January 12, 1844. He married, on February 14, 1872, Lydia Maria Lowell, and they were the parents of Hugh, Malcolm, of further mention, and Annis. Henry Crawford did an extensive farming business, keeping as many as one thousand sheep at one time, fifty or sixty horses, and a large herd of cattle. He grew tobacco and also did general farming. At one time he served as selectman of the town, and up until the time of his death in 1918, took a very active part in all public affairs. Henry Crawford was held in high esteem by his friends and neighbors and is well remembered throughout the community. His wife died in 1916.

(VI) Malcolm Crawford, son of Henry and Lydia Maria (Lowell) Crawford, was born in Putney, Vermont. He attended school in Erie, Pennsylvania, for a time, and then was a student at Black River Academy, where President Coolidge was a fellow-student. Later he studied at the Glenwood Classical Seminary at West Brattleboro. After leaving school, Mr. Crawford was connected with the grocery business for a short time, and then went into the tobacco business and was engaged in raising and packing tobacco. He came to Hatfield, Massachusetts, in 1900, and went into the office of the Porter Machine Company as bookkeeper, later learning the machinist’s trade and going into the shop as a skilled mechanic, engaged in the manufacture of lathes. After twelve years with the concern, Mr. Crawford left to become a farmer for a number of years, but later returned and is at present associated with the concern in the capacity of skilled mechanic Mr. Crawford is well known and liked in the community, and is a prominent member of the Masonic order, being affiliated with Jerusalem Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of Northampton; Northampton Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and member of the Council, Royal and Select Masters; Northampton Commandery, Knights Templar, and Melha Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Springfield, Massachusetts. He is also a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, of Northampton.

Mr. Crawford married, April 6, 1909, Antoinette Morton, of South Deerfield, Massachusetts, daughter of Jackson and Antoinette (Morton) Stebbins. As a child, Mrs. Crawford was adopted by her mother’s people and took the name of Morton.



Lockwood, John H. (John Hoyt); Bagg, Ernest Newton; Carson, Walter S. (Walter Scott); Riley, Herbert E. (Herbert Elihu); Boltwood, Edward; Clark, Will L. (Will Leach); Western Massachusetts A History 1636-1925; New York and Chicago: Lewis historical publishing company, inc., 1926

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