Nehemiah Posey – Certificate of Marriage, 1777

Posey, Nehemiah, to Anna Posey, Decm. 15, 1777. By John Brantley, J. P.
North Carolina Whereas Anna Posey hath this day applied to me for a Chatham County Certificate of Marriage contracted between her that S. Anna Posey and Nehemiah Posey of the same County of said State on the 7th day of June in the year of our Lord 1777.
I do hereby Certify that on the day and date above mentioned Nehemiah Posey and Anna Trountham was lawfully Joined together in the Holy Estate of Matrimony.
Certified before me this 15th day of Decm 1777.
John Brantly, J. P.
Entered 25 Sept. 1819. R. Moreland, C. C. O.


Pulaski County GA,

Baggott, Rev. J. L. History of Pulaski County Georgia. Daughters of American Revolution. 1935.

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