Biography of G. O. Hall, M. D.

The career of Dr. G. O. Hall, a leading physician of Bartlesville, is proof of the fact that it is only under adverse conditions that the best and strongest in the individual are developed, for he is a self-educated, self-made man whose indomitable purpose and untiring effort have enabled him to overcome all obstacles and difficulties in his path and work his way steadily forward to the goal of success. A native of Texas, he was born September 1, 1882, and is a son of Dr. P. B. Hall, who for the past twenty-one years has been engaged in the practice of medicine at Marlow, Oklahoma, being one of the well known physicians of that locality.

G. O. Hall was regarded as a dull boy in school and owing to his retiring nature was not popular with his playmates, but by those who knew him well he was loved and trusted. His early life was one of hardship and privations and when twelve years of age he was run over by a wagon, the injury causing an infection which necessitated the use of crutches for five years, and he is still lame. The accident nearly cost him his life and he was obliged to remain out of school for three years but studied at home and made three grades during this time. His parents were in straitened circumstances and before completing his high school course he was obliged to aid in providing for his own support, working for a year for a telephone company. He went to Dallas, Texas, for the purpose of taking a commercial course and lack of funds forced him to secure a place where he could earn his living out of school hours and many times he suffered because of insufficient nourishment. After completing his business Bourse he devoted a year to bookkeeping and then took up the study of medicine at Dallas, afterward entering the Epworth College of Medicine at Oklahoma City, from which he was graduated in 1909. He began practice in the little town of Ara, in Indian Territory, going from there to Carnegie, Oklahoma, after which he returned to Marlow, his boyhood home. He then went to Enid, Oklahoma, where he remained for three years, and during the influenza epidemic of 1918 he came to Bartlesville in connection with the United States health service, becoming widely known because of his successful treatment of influenza, and has since followed his profession here, his pronounced skill and ability winning for him a large practice. He first located in the Bryant building, where he utilized two small rooms, and he now occupies a ten-room suite at No. 3171/2 Johnstone street, where he maintains X-Ray-Microscopic and Physio Therapeutic laboratories which represent an investment of several thousand dollars. Dr. Hall was one of the first men in the southwest to advocate and practice the use of X-ray treatment in tonsil and adenoid cases and in all kinds of tubercular infections. His office practice makes heavy demands upon his time and attention, many people coming to him from a distance, and he seldom makes a call upon a patient. He carefully diagnoses his cases and thoroughly understands the scientific as well as the practical phases of his profession, utilizing every possible opportunity to promote his knowledge and improve his efficiency. He possesses a studious nature and delights in the scientific study of the profession but has, moreover, that practical trend which utilizes his knowledge to the best possible advantage in his efforts to alleviate suffering and check the ravages of disease. Dr. Hall has developed a clinic the continued increasing business of which requires a corps of trained assistants, and at the present rate of growth it is predicted that in a short period of time this clinic will be known throughout the world.

On the 25th of December, 1907, Dr. Hall was united in marriage to Miss Pearly M. Pearcy, of Carnegie, and they have become the parents of three children: Ylita, G. 0., Jr., and Billy. Dr. Hall gives his political allegiance to the democratic party and while residing in Marlow he served as justice of the peace, this being the only public office he has ever filled, although he is deeply interested in everything pertaining to the development and up-building of his community. His fraternal connections are with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In the field of professional service he has made continuous progress, attaining high rank among those whose skill is uniformly acknowledged, and he is a man whom to know is to esteem and honor.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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