The nuncupative will of Richard Woodman of Lynn was sworn to in Salem quarterly court 30: 10: 1647. The following is a copy of the original on file in the office of the clerk of courts at Salem, volume I, leaf 89.
The will of Richard Woodman of the Towne of Lynn defeced [deceased] as foloweth [follows]
Being fpoken [spoken] to by Nicholas (Potter) to make his will Paid that he would make his will and being asked by John Gillow too whome [whom] he would giue [give] his goods faid [said] that he would giue [give] fower [four] pounds to the Elders of lynn fortie [forty] fhilings [shillings] a yeere [year], and all the reft [rest] of his goods he would giue [give] to Jofeph Redknap Richard more and (to) his mafter [master] John Gillow, equally to either of them alike and yet Jofeph Redknap he did make his executor. [execator]
Witneffes [Witness] to this will John Gillow & Richard Moore witness that Jofeph Redknap is the executor
John Gillow
Source: The Essex Antiquarian May 1899