1838 Oneida Indian Census

We, the undersigned Chiefs and Head Men of the Orchard Party of Oneida Indians residing at Green Bay, Wisconsin Territory, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing lists, is a just and true Census and enumeration of the number of persons belonging to said party, that is to say, Fifty-three (53) men, Fifty-two (52) women, and One hundred and one (101) children, making a total of Two hundred and six (206) souls, and that the same was taken by H. S. Baird, U. S. Commissioner, in open council, in our presence, at Duck Creek, on the 15th day of November, A. D. 1838.

Jacob Cornelius
Thomas Lodwick X (his mark)
Isaac Johnson X (his mark)
John Cooper X (his mark)
John Cornelius X (his mark).

Orachard Party Oneida

wdt_ID number name men women children total
11Antony, Susan33511
22Broad, Thomas1135
33Cooper, John213
44Cornelius, Jacob Jr.1113
55Cooper, Peter1113
66Christian, Polly156
77Cornelius, Hannah1247
88Cornelius, John1146
99Cornelius, Jacob12710
1010Cornelius, Moses11

I hereby certify that the below Census was taken by me as above stated and is correct and true as given by the Chiefs and Head Men of each of said Bands. That the total number of persons in both Bands is Six hundred and fifty-four (654), and that the said Chiefs and Head Men made oath before me that the same was correct and true.

Henry S. Baird, Commissioner
Green Bay, Nov. 20, 1838

1838 Census of the Oneida First Christian Party

wdt_ID number name men women children total
11Anthony, John 1st.2259
22Anthony, Thomas11
33Anchiquet, Neddy2226
44Anthony, John 2nd22
55Anchiquet, Anthony112
66Anthony, Nina112
77Anthony, William1157
88August, John1113
99Bread, Isaac31610
1010Beachtree, Isaac11


Indian Census Records: A directory of resources providing online access to Indian Census records.

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