Lewis Jones Genealogy

Lewis Jones

Lewis1 Jones, b. at Watertown, 1651; d. at Watertown, April 11, 1684. Will, dated Jan. 7, 1678-9, mentions wife Anna and son Josiah.

Josiah Jones

Josiah2 Jones, b. at Roxbury, Mass., 1642; admitted freeman, at Watertown, April 18, 1690; m. at Watertown, Oct. 9, 1667, Lydia Treadway; selectman at Watertown six years; removed to Sudbury, Mass.; selectman; d. at Sudbury, Oct. 9, 1714; wid. Lydia d. Sept. 18, 1743.

Lydia Treadway, dau. of Nathaniel Treadway, 9 yrs. selectman at Watertown. Treadway m. Sufferance Haynes, dau. of Walter’ Haynes, settled in Sudbury, Dec. 22, 1639; freeman 1640; selectman 10 yrs.; representative 4 yrs.; d. at Sudbury, Feb. 14, 1665, age 82

James Jones

James3 Jones, b. Sept. 4, 1679; m., at East Sudbury, Sarah Moore. Capt. Jones d. Sept. 14, 17’70, at Weston, Mass.; wid. Sarah d. at Weston, Sept. 98, 1774, aged 90.

Catherine Jones

Catherine4 Jones, b. at Weston, April 23, 1721; m. May 9.4, 1743, Rev. Joseph4 Davis of Holden, Mass.




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