Choctaw Freedmen Newborn, Act of April 26, 1906

The document discusses the enrollment cases of individuals who were entitled to be listed as citizens of the Choctaw Tribe but were omitted due to various reasons, including government oversight. Choctaw Freedmen Newborn: Si Johnson, Charley Johnson, Emerson James, Carl Harrison, Brillie Harrison, Ida Bird, Estoria Hall, Andy Butler, Georgan Butler, Hattie Burris, Isaac Burris, John Burris.

To fully understand this information, see the Report of Commissioner J. George Wright, November 15, 1907.

Act of April 26, 1906, 34 Stat., 137.

Choctaw Freedmen Newborn

Si Johnson, Charley Johnson

Applications for the enrollment of these applicants appear to have been filed with the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes on March 5, 1906; they were born March 5, 1904, and May 2, 1905, respectively, were living March 4, 1906, and are children of Martin Johnson, whose name appears opposite No. 784 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen, and his wife, Mary Johnson, whose name appears opposite No. 784 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen, and his wife, Mary Johnson, a noncitizen of said nation. The commissioner, on March 4, 1907, received sufficient information to show that these children were entitled to enrollment as minor Choctaw freedmen, and on that day telegraphed the department and recommended that their names be placed upon the roll. The telegram appears to have been received on March 5, 1907, too late for said children to be enrolled.

Emerson James

The application for the enrollment of this applicant appears to have been filed with the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes on March 5, 1906, Emerson James was born April 1, 1905, was living March, 4, 1906, and is a minor child of Jim and Molly James, whose names appear opposite Nos. 3444 and 3451, respectively, upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen. Sufficient information to show that this child was entitled to enrollment was not received until March 4, 1907, and on that day the commissioner telegraphed the department and recommended that said child be placed upon the final roll of minor Choctaw freedmen. Said telegram appears to have not been received until March 5, 1907, too late for said child to be enrolled.

Carl Harrison, Brillie Harrison

It appears that applications were filed with the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes on March 5, 1906, for the enrollment of Carl and Brillie Harrison. They are the children of Brigham Y. and Mary Harrison, whose names appear opposite Nos. 1953 and 3489, respectively; upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen. They are minors, aged about 4 and 3 years, respectively, and were living March 4, l906. Sufficient Information was not obtained until March 4, 1907, to determine the right of these children to enrollment, and on that day Commissioner Bixby wired the department, and recommended that their names be placed upon the approved roll of minor Choctaw freedmen, but the telegram appears to have not bean received until March 5, 1907, too late for said children to be enrolled.

Ida Bird

Application for the enrollment of this applicant seems to have been filed with the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes on March 5, 1906. Ida Bird was born about June 10, 1902, was living March 4, 1906 and is the child of Sophlna Hall, whose name appears opposite No. 834 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen. Information from which to determine the child’s right to enrollment appears not to have been received until March 4, 1907, when the commissioner telegraphed the department and recommended that the name of said child be placed upon the approved roll of minor Choctaw freedmen. Said telegram appears to have not been received until March 5, 1907, too late for said child to be enrolled.

Estoria Hall

Application for the enrollment of this applicant seems to have been filed with the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes on March 5, 1906, Estoria Hall was born May 2, 1900, was living March 4, 1906, and is a, minor child of Thomas Hall and Malinda Hall (enrolled as Malinda Jones), whose mimes appear opposite Nos. 5380 and 819, respectively, upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen. Information from which to determine the child’s right to enrollment appears not to have been received by ‘the commissioner until March 4, 1907, when Mr. Bixby telegraphed the department and recommended that the mime of said child be placed upon the approved roll of minor Choctaw freedmen. The telegram appears to have not been received until March 5, 1907, too late for said child to be enrolled.

Andy Butler, Georgan Butler

The application for the enrollment of these applicants under the provisions of the act of April 26, 1906, was received July 25, 1906, and they were listed for enrollment on Chickasaw freedmen new born card No. 400, the application reciting that the same was made for the enrollment of the children as “freedmen of the Chickasaw Nation” February 20, 1907, the commissioner dismissed the application for their enrollment as Chickasaw freedmen in accordance with the approved opinion of the Assistant Attorney General for the Interior Department dated November 15, 1906, holding that children of Chickasaw freedmen were not entitled to enrollment under the provisions of the act of April 26, 1906.

In the caption of the application for the enrollment of these children it is recited that their father is a freedman of the Choctaw Nation, but in the affidavit of the mother as to the children’s birth it is stated that their father is a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation. Andy and Georgan Butler were born October 17, 1902, and August 7, 1905, respectively, and are children of Charley Butler and Carrie Butler, whose name appears opposite No. 1716 upon the approved roll of Chickasaw freedmen. Subsequent to March 4, 1906, it was discovered that said Charley Butler is a duly enrolled Choctaw freedman, his name appearing opposite No. 2426 upon the approved roll of such citizens. Evidence of marriage on file with this office shows the lawful marriage of the parents of these children on April 19, 1900. The children were living on March 4, 1906, and were lawfully entitled to enrollment as Choctaw freedmen on March 4, 1907.

Hattie Burris, Isaac Burris, John Burris

March 4, 1907, Commissioner Bixby rendered his decision granting the application for the enrollment as minor Choctaw freedmen under the act of April 26, 1906, as amended by the act of June 21, 1906 (34 Stat. 325), of Hattie, Isaac, and John Burris. On that day the commissioner telegraphed the department of his action and recommended that their names be placed upon a schedule of minor Choctaw freed men and approved by the department. On that day he also addressed a letter to the department confirming the telegram and transmitting the record of proceedings in the case, March 9, 1907 (I. T. D., 8200-1907, the department advised the commissioner that his telegram was not delivered until March 5, 1907, and no further action could be taken In the case.

These children were born: Hattie, April 28, 1901: Isaac, December 5, 1902; and John Burris, January 29, 1904-are the legitimate children of Turner Burris, whose name appears opposite No. 4870 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen, and Etta Burris, a noncitizen, and were living March 4, 1906.

Choctaw, History,

United States Congress. Five Civilized Tribes In Oklahoma, Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Certain Members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, Sixty-second Congress, Third Session. Department of the Interior, United States. 1913.

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