Choctaw and Chickasaw Citizens, Act of July 1 1902

The document discusses the enrollment cases of individuals who were entitled to be listed as citizens of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes but were omitted due to various reasons, including government oversight. Choctaw by Blood: Mary King; Chickasaw by Blood: Ecius Shields, Barney Shields; Choctaw Freedmen: Gilbert McKinney, Lena Dunford, Della Chester, Martha Ann Owens, Henry Owens, Sephus Liggins, Roberta Liggins.

To fully understand this information, see the Report of Commissioner J. George Wright, November 15, 1907.

Act of July 1, 1902, 32 Stat.. 641.

Choctaw by Blood

Mary King

Application was received by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes on December 29, 1902, for the enrollment of Mary King, born September 17, 1902, and living September 25, 1902, who is a child of Jesse King, whose name appears upon the approved roll of Choctaw citizens opposite No. 10778, and Alice King, nee Nicholas, whose name appears opposite Choctaw roll No. 9837. This application was received too late under the act of July 1, 1902, for the child to have been enrolled when the application for it was received.

Chickasaw by Blood

Ecius Shields, Barney Shields

Applications for the enrollment tis citizens by blood of the Chickasaw Nation were received by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes on December 31, 1903, for Ecius Shields, born January 10, 1900, and on October 12, 1904, for Barney Shields, born October 1, 1901. These applicants are the children of Simon and Mandy Shield (Shields), whose names appear opposite Nos. 637 and 252, respectively, upon the approved roll of citizens by blood of the Chickasaw Nation and were living September 25, 1902.

Choctaw Freedmen

Gilbert McKinney

Application was received on March 10, 1903, for the enrollment of this applicant us a Choctaw freedman. He was born September 2, 1900, and was living September 25, 1902, and is the child of Boling McKinney, whose name appears opposite No. 5536 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen. The enrollment of Boling McKinney with his other four minor children was approved by the department March 4, 1907, but the applicant, Gilbert McKinney, whose case was embraced in that of his father and sisters, was not enrolled. The commissioner advised the department, in reference to this case in his letter of June 28, 1907, herein above referred to.

Lena Dunford

Application was received December 26, 1902, for the enrollment of Lena Dunford, born December 10, 1895, and who was living September 25, 1902, as a Choctaw freedman. Lena Dunford is a child of Terry Dunford, whose name appears opposite No. 3405 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen, and Louisa Dunford, nee Hicks, to whom Terry Dunford was married about 1891 or 1892.

Della Chester

December 20, 1902, there was received an application for the enrollment of Delia Chester as a Choctaw freedman. Said Delia Chester was born May 1, 1902; was living September 25, 1902; and is a child of Hester Chester, whose name appears opposite No. 872 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen.

Martha Ann Owens, Henry Owens

Applications were received December 29, 1902, by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes for the enrollment of Martha Ann Owens, born November 18, 1899, and Henry Owens, born January 26, 1902, and who were living September 25, 1902. These applicants are the minor children of Tom and Charlotte Owens, whose names appear opposite Nos. 2779 and 2780, respectively, upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen.

Sephus Liggins, Roberta Liggins

Applications for the enrollment of these children appear to have been received at the post office in Muskogee, Ind. T., on December 25, 1902, and at the office of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes on December 26, 1902. There is, however, a note placed upon the applications for their enrollment to the effect that they were “received December 25, 1902,” but the question as to whether or not they were received within the time limited by the act of July 1, 1902, was never determined by the commission. They are the minor children of Ella Butler, whose name appears opposite No. 727 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen: they were born July 12, 1900, and April 26, 1902, respectively, and were living September 25, 1902.

The applications of the above-named applicants, except that of Caroline Cole, for enrollment as citizens of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations appear to have been received too late, under the act of July 1, 1902, to entitle them to enrollment under said act as citizens of said nations. The applications were retained in the possession of the commission, but they appear to have never received consideration, except the case of Gilbert McKinney, after the passage of the act of April 26, 1906, extending the time for the reception of applications for enrollment to December 1, 1905, or to have been discovered between April 26, 1906, and March 4, 1907.

United States Congress. Five Civilized Tribes In Oklahoma, Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Certain Members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, Sixty-second Congress, Third Session. Department of the Interior, United States. 1913.

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