Fort Cobb
Brave or Tom Keys (Gen. I, 37); and his wife, Nettie Pardon; and his brother (Gen. I, 11).
Dora Keys, the sister of Tom Keys, a widow; and one child.
Fritz Hendricks (Gen. I, 47); and his wife.
Harry Age (Chuitsi, Cry-baby) (Gen. III, 17), brother of Stanley and Jerome Age. See Boggy Creek.
East of Fort Cobb
Basindiba; and his wife who is the mother of Ben Carter.
Sister of Ben Carter; and her husband.
Ben Carter; and his wife.
James Ingkanish; and his wife, a Cheyenne (Gen. III, 12, 13).
Henry Ingkanish; and his wife (Gen. III, 18, 19).
Chasukushi (Bangs-cut-off), who is the daughter of Snow-chief; and her husband.
Shikapu’t’iti, Little Kickapoo or Frank Douglas.
The French-Caddo woman (Gen. II, 10); and her husband.
Amos Longhat (Gen. I, 23; Gen. II, 11), his second wife and her children.