1758, November 27, Fort Loudoun


this is to acquaint, your Excellency that the 25 jnstant two Runners came to latt me know that the great Warriour and judge Friend, (who had been to war Some time ago towards the French Fort) were at a Day’s Journey from the Fort; Accordingly yesterday, judge Friend with his Gang Came, and told me that the great Warrior and him, with the rest would wait on me, which they did, j recived them with the Honour that they expect on Such Occasion, j gave them an Entertainment, and the two warriors dined with me, they brought three Scalps, and by what they found in the Enemy’s Camp, they were Tweecktwees, and are the Same that killed our Hunters and the White Man about 31 Days 40 miles from us. Great Warrior told me that they had been great way up la belle Riveire, that they found the Tracks of great many Men, that had been Scouting the Bateaux that went to Du Quine, but could never find an Opportunity to Signalize themselves till they came to the French hunting Ground; where they discovered frech Tracks they followed them, and a Dog that they had with them, gave the Enemy the Alarm, on which they Run, and they firing on them, they killed three, and wounded another on the Arm, who made his Escape, tho followed very close.

The Entertainment and their Discourse being over, finding that they were waiting for their Presents, j ordered to give to the 3 warriors that had killed their Enemy, one Gun, one Match Coot, one Shirt, one pair of Boots, and one Flapa Piece; and to the two warriors j gave them in Private on Match Coat, one Shirt, one pair of Boots and one Flap a Piece. Their Number Consisted of 41 Men.

J can assure your Excellency that in Such Occasion j thinck j have been very Saving. As they wee going away tey beg very much for Some Rum, but telling them that j had none, and that the first opportunity they Should have a Cagg, they went away very well Satisfied, and gave Several War Hoops.

When all the jndians were gone, and the two Warriors left by themselves, j told judge Friend, that the Man, that he and bought from Virginia, was Confined in the Guard House, for taking two Horses out of our Pasture, with intension to run away to the French. Said j to him, when you came from Virginia, that Man had a farton from his Commanding Officer, to come with you at his own, Request, and when Lieut. Col. Howorth was here he went to his own Regiment, was there pay’d for the time he had been absent, and afterwards Commited Some Misbehaviour, and was punished for it.

Few Days after he deserted, and came to ninety Six, where he drunck and gamed what he had, and afterwards came over the Hills, when j heare of it, j acquainted you with it said j to him, and told you that j was afraid he was a Deserter and j should be obliged to take him up for Such. You told me that there was no Such Thing and that you had Spoke with him and had given you a paper to show the Contrary. And as you was going to war you desired that he should Stay to your House to take care of your Horses and to assist your Family, and if he shoul be absent and neglect your affairs, and attempt to run away, you desired me to Confine him till you came. Now said j to judge Friend, j am convinced that he had deserted from Col. Washington’s Regiment, and Company, that he is a Thief, that he has Stol’d two Horses out of our Pasture, and has committed Many Crimes Even in your absence. J was going to Send him to Charlestown, two Days ago, but hearing of your Coming, j did put it of, to pay you the Compliment, and j hope you will not be against it; and that the next Morning j am going to Send him away to Keowee with a Party of Men. He would have Said Many Things on that Subject, but the great Warrior told him that as he was a White Man and a Rogue, therefore he should leave that to the white Men to punish him as he deserved it. Judge Friend then Said that he would not incourage Villainy and was very willing that j Should Send him to Charlestown.

As Samuel Ben’s Negrow has benn Concerned with this john Plakiett in Stilling these two Horses, and as far as j know in Many other Crimes, j have obliged Saml. Ben to give me a Bond of five hundred Pounds Curcy. That the Said Negrow Shall never appear in these Parts, and to pay for the two Horses if they are not found’d j shall Send to Morrow Morning this john Plakett to Keowee with a Party of Men, to be Sent from thence to Charlestown, as a Deserter.

I am with great Respect
Your Excellency’s most obedient
And most humble Servant

Paul Demere

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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