Sea Captains James, Ambrose to Lee, Joseph

James, Ambrose
Bpt. Aug. 22, 1725.

1743 Schooner “Swallow” (See Philip Lewis and John Roundey.)
1745 Snow “Bilboa” (R. Hooper’s Letter Book.)

James, Ambrose  
Bpt. May 2, 1736.

1783-1791 Schooner “Polly,” 65T.

“In the year 1783, Capt. Ambrose James sailed from St. Martins for Marblehead. He had been out but a short time when his schooner was taken by an English cruiser and pillaged of every movable article on board including five or six hundred dollars in cash. The Commander of the cruiser then ransomed the schooner for one hundred Johannes, and took Capt. James’s note of hand for security for the payment. The vessel subsequently arrived at Marblehead without further molestation.”  See Roads’ History, Page 193.

James, Richard
Bpt. April 13, 1746.

1777 Brigantine “Court De Estamg.” (C. P.)
1781-1782, 1804-1808 Selectman.

James, Thomas P.

1809 Schooner “Hannah.”
1815 Schooner “Sally,” 70T.
1817 Brig “Increase.” (Lost G. C. )
1818 Schooner “America,” 115T. “
____ Tom.” (Captured G. C.)

Johnson, Benoice

1802 Schooner “Cabinet.”
1803 Schooner “Calumet.”
1805 Schooner “Polly,” 83T.
1806 Barque “Packet,” 169T.

Johnson, John
Born Nov. 19, 1783.

1810 Schooner “Success,” 83T.
1810 Ship “Agricola.”
1817 Brigantine “Joseph.”

Johnson, William Wall

1826 Ship “Ganges.” (Lost G. C.)
____ Barque “Marblehead.”
____ Barque “Frederick Warren.”

The “Ganges,” Johnson from Matanzas ran on shore Dec. 21, behind the east pier at Ostend; most of the cargo landed without damage. (Essex Register, Feb. 4, 1833.)

The “Ganges ” Johnson of Marblehead, which was on shore near Ostend, has been got off and was taken into that port Jan. 7, at a trifling expense. She had previously been sold. (Essex Register, Feb. 21, 1834.)

Kemp, Henry

1822 Brigantine “Alexander.”

Kemp, John

Bpt. Oct. 2, 1808.

Knight, John
Bpt. April 15, 1792.

1810 Schooner “Caesar.” (S. P.)
1812-1815 Schooner “Rambler.”
1816 Schooner “Hannah,” 76T.
1817 Brigantine “Lark.”

Knight, Nathaniel

1790 Schooner “Polly,” 71T.
1792 Bark “John,” 96T. Lost in 1803.
1794 Brigantine “Cicero,” 139T.
1802 Brigantine “Roboreus.” 128 T. Altered to a Barque in 1805.
1803 Schooner “Harriot,” 87T.
1806 Brigantine “Anna.”

Kimball, Thomas

1745 Schooner “Swallow.” R. Hooper’s Letter Book. See Philip Lewis and John Roundey.

King, Samuel

1744 Schooner “Salem.”  (R. Hooper’s Letter Book.)
1745 Schooner “Phoenix” (R. Hooper’s Letter Book.)

Lamprell, Simon
Bpt. June25,1749.

1776 Private in Capt. William Hooper’s Sea Coast Co.  
1776 Seaman on Privateer Brigantine “Massachusetts, Capt. Daniel Souther.
1779 Seaman on Brigantine “Terrible,” Capt. John Conway. 1807 Brigantine “Mentor.”
1809 Schooner “Sally.” (S. P.)
1810 Schooner “Betsy.”
1813 Brigantine “Helen,” 128T.
1821 Schooner “Joseph,” 76T.
1823 Brigantine “Union,” 167T.

Ship “Dashing Wave,” Capt. David R. Lecraw
From pencil drawing in possession of Peabody Museum, Salem

Laskey, James Jr.
Born Sept. 1774 or Oct. 27, 1765.

1798 Schooner “William,” 71T.
1795 Schooner “Hannah,” 73T.
1799 Schooner “Polly,” 139T.

Lecraw, John
Born Aug. 24, 1794.

1832 Schooner “Catherine,” 85T.
1833 Schooner “Eliza,” 55T.

Lecraw, David R.
Born Oct. 24, 1804.

1843 Ship “Niobe.”
1855 Ship “Dashing Wave.”

Lecraw, William
Bpt. Jan. 3,1796.

1823 Schooner “Algenoria.” (S. P.)
____ Ship “Empress.”

Lee, David
Born Sept.24, 1747.

1773 Brigantine “Young Phoenix,” 100T.

Lee, David
Bpt. April 17, 1768.

1795 Schooner “Polly, 71T.

Lee, John
Born May 16, 1738.

1777 Captured in the Brigantine “Fancy” and committed to Mill Prison, England.
Seaman on Privateer Brigantine “General Gates.”

Lee, John
Bpt. Nov. 19, 1769.

1795 Schooner “William,” 60T.
1792 Schooner “Hawk,” 73T.

Lee, Seward
Born May 21, 1724.

Captain, afterward a merchant.

Lee, Seward
Born Aug. 16, 1752.

Died in the West Indies, Aug. 2, 1794.
1789 Schooner “Active,” 67T.
1792 Brigantine “William.” Altered to a ship and broken up about 1807. (Essex Institute Records.)
1793 Schooner “Essex,” 129T.

“Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War,” says he was commissioned April 24, 177.5, Second Lieutenant in Col. John Glover’s Twenty-first Regiment, Capt. Wm. Bacon’s Company.

Recommended for Commission as Ensign by the Committee of Safety, June 22, 1775.

Officer of Marines in 1780 on board the “Resolve,” Capt. Israel Thorndike.

Le Briton, Peter

1801 Brigantine “Peter.”

Lee, William
Born Nov. 29, 1770.

One of the firm of Wm. R. Lee and Company and an officer in the Salem Custom House.

Lee, Joseph Lemmon
Born May 10, 1745.

Son of Col. Wm. Raymond Lee.
1815 Brigantine “Hope,” 116T. Captured in War of 1812.
1818 Ship Wallace,” 343T. Lost near Bologne, France, in 1820, on her way home from Batavia. Capt. Lee and three others drowned. (Essex Institute Records.)

He was with Capt. Crowningshield on the voyage to Halifax in the “Henry,” saved Thos. Smith, seaman, of Salem from being impressed by the British. A monument in his memory was erected in France by his brother-in-law, Hon. A. S. Dearborn.

Ship “Hope” Capt. Asa Hooper
Original water color owned by his great granddaughter, Miss Elizabeth Hooper


Source: Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed, Compiled and Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915


Lindsey, Benjamin J. Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915.

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