History of Highland County Ohio

Folklore of Highland County, a 1946 book by Violet Morgan, is a collection of historical accounts and folklore about Highland County, Ohio. The book features a range of topics, including the area’s geography, the history of its indigenous populations, and stories about settlers who came to the area in the 19th century. Morgan highlights the significance of local history and attempts to preserve the unique cultural heritage of Highland County through the compilation of diverse sources, including letters, family histories, and interviews. She emphasizes the importance of remembering the contributions of those who served in the military and the value of sharing local history with future generations.


Allen, Newton- — 200
Allen, William — 161
Allensburg — 161, 162
Ambrose, Rev. William — s0
Anderson, Richard C. — 83
Anderson State Road — 83
Antioch College — 80
Appleseed, Johnny — 55, 153
Auburn Methodist Church — 147


Badgley, Andrew — 201
Baldwin, Jesse — 190
Ballentine, John J. — 174, 218
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad — 86
Banking, (See Oliver Newton Sams)
Barnes, Jacob — 187
Barngrover, George — 201
Barngruber, Adam — 188
Barr — 20
Barrere, George — 49, 51, 85, 172, 187
Barrere, Nelson — 229
Barrett, David M. — 173, 190
Barrett’s Mill- — 190, 191
Battise, — 20
Battle of Belfast — 20, 21
Battle of Lynchburg — 18-20, 162, 163
Beecher, Norman B. — 218-219
Beals, Thomas — 41
Beatty, Pearson — 160
Belfast — 169, 170, 171
Bell, C. S- — 55, 56, 86
Bell, Charles — -179
Bell, Joseph — -201
Bell, Virginia — 56
Bell, William- — 179
Belpre and Cincinnati Railroad — 86
Berryman, Eli — 47
Berryman family — 200
Berryman, Jonathan — 47, 55, 187, 188
Berryman, Thomas — 171
Berrysville — 200
Between-the-logs, Chief — 27
Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah — 161, 204-205, 229
Black, John B. — 143, 144
Blackburn, H. C. — 182
Black Snake — 20
Blair, Rev. J. G- — -181
Blair, J. Wallace — 170
Bloom, Christopher — 352
Blount, John — 175
Boone, Daniel — 1, 26
Borum, Catherine — 168
Boston — 189, 190
Botts, Coleman — 163
Bowen Distillery — 163
Bowles, Quinton — 174
Boyce, Robert — 83, 84
Boyd, L. B. — 190
Bragg, Tom — 156
Bridges — 164
Brouse, Frank — 11
Browder, T. F. — 182
Brown, Elgar — 171
Brown families — 147
Brown, Lancelot — 169
Buck, Martin — 173
Building a cabin — 33
Buford — 157-158
Buford, Colone! — 157
Bullard, John and James — 136-138
Bunn, John — 161
Burk, William — 76
Butler, Asa R. — 199
Butler, Bess — 153
Butler Cornet Band — 181
Butler, Leonard — 153
Butters, John and Susan — 185
Byrd, Charles Willing — 205-206


Caldwell, Don — 174
Caley, George- — 50, 83, 84
Campton, John — 52, 188
Caniff, Milton Arthur — 219-221
Cannon, Thomas — 197
Carey, Charles Newton — 195
Carey, David McPherson — 185
Carey families — 147
Carey, Zimri — 148
Careytown — 195-196
Carlisle — 145
Carlisle, James — -55
Carlisle, Nancy- — — 160
Carlisle, Samuel B — 55, 144
Carmel — 151
Carr, Wilbur John — -202, 206-207
Cartwright, Peter — 75, 76, 201
Celeron — 1
Centerfield — 164-165
Chautauquas — 178
Chinskau — -20
Cincinnati and Eastern Railroad — 86
Clark, George Rogers — 1
Clark, Joseph — 8s3
Clark, Samuel — 176
Cochran, Elizabeth Gossett — 28, 198
Clouser, Charlotte, Simon and Susanna — 146, 147
Coffey, John — 179
Coffman — 163
Collins, Caspar — 94-99, 173
Collins, Charles H — 207-208
Collins, O. C. — 163
Collins, William O. — 173
Columbus and Maysville Railroad — 86
Connor, John — 165
Cooke, William Bridge — 6
Coombs, John M. — 164
Cooper Mound — 13, 14, 167
Cope, Garrett — 190
Copes, Wesley — 177
Corn huskings — 33
Cornstalk — 26, 27
Countryman, Obediah — 171
Courting — 35-40
Cowgill settlements — 195
Cravens, Benjamin — 184
Crawford, Noble — 61
Crawford, Col. William — 26
Crockett, Davy — 85, 86
Crothers, Rev. Samuel — 181
Crusade Church — 79
Crusaders (See “Mother” Thompson)
Cummings, Ferris — 155
Curry, James — 179
Curry, Otway — 181, 182


Daniels, Albert — 16, 182
Danville — 168, 169
Davidson, John — 49, 52, 188
Davis, David — 190
Davis, Edwin H. — 12
Deer Park — 195
DeHaas — 169
Devault, Amelia Newby — 138, 139
Dick, C. G. — 25
Dick home, Marshall — 145
Dick, Thomas — 25
Dick, Thomas H. — 185
Dickey, John — 170
Dickey, Henry L. — 229
Diehl, Park — 202
Dittey, Robert M. — 31, 73
Dodson, Joshua — 162
Dodsonville — 162
Doggett, Prof. Henry — 65, 68
Donalson, Israel — 26
Dowden, Otho — 165
Dunlap, Dr. Alexander — 180
Dunlap, Mary L. — 65
Dunlap, Dr. Milton — 180
Duvall, John — 163
Dwyer, Kate — 181


Eakins, Joseph — 77, 78
Eagle Spring — 51, 177
East, Isaac — 152
East Danville — 169
East Monroe — 165
East Monroe Falls — 165
Edgington, John and Asahel — 41
Edmiston, Dr. — 176
Edward Lee McClain
High School — 7I1, 72
Edwards, Charles — 147
Ellicott, Benjamin — 52
Ellicott brothers — 67
Ellison, Andrew — 26
Elmville — 151, 152
Emrie, Jonas R. — 229
Etowah — 26, 27
Evans, Dan — 188
Evans, Richard — 49, 188
Eversole, Jacob — 187
Eubanks, Joe — 154
Eyler, Aaron — 197


Fairfax — 159-160
Fairfax View — 159
Fairview — 198, 199
Fallsville — 146
Farm agencies — 58
Faris, Elizabeth, David, James — 196
Faris, Lillie Ann — 208- 209
Father Cheynol — 81
Father Gacon — 81
Finley, James B 26, 76, 77, 78, 188, 201
Finley, John — 77
Finley, William — 80, 83, 84
Firestone, Clark B. — 17
Fitzpatrick, James — 76, 201
Flax breakings — 34
Folsom — 200
Folsom, Frances — 200, 201
Foraker, Joseph: Benson — 190, 209, .229
Forest Lawn — 62
Forest Lawn sale — 62-63
Fort Hill — 14, 15, 16, 17
Fort Salem — 14, 28
Franklin, Anthony — 172
Fullerton, Alexander — 51
Fullerton, Hugh — 15, 51, 209-210


Gall, Nancy Washburn — 153-155
Gardner, George B — 173
Gardner, Grace — 176
Garrett, George L. — 59, 69, 191
Georgetown — 146
Ghost Towns — 145-149
Gibson, Samuel — 41
Gilland, Rev. James — 202
Gigging fish — 34
Gist Settlement (Darktown) — 123-126
Glasscock, Noah — 190
Glenn, William H. — 173
Goldsberry, Rev. William — 163
God’s Garden — 189
Gormon, John — 174
Gossett, Charles — 197, 221
Gossett, John — 188
Grand-Girard, Emily — 65, 202
Granger, Dr. Benjamin — 199
Greenfield — 179-183
Greenfield Seminary — 65, 181
Griffith, Anna — 160


Hair, Daniel — -42
Harper, William — 163
Harps, James A. — 182
Harriett — 184
Harris, Frank Raymond — 221-222
Harris, George — 145
Harris, Oliver — 47, 48, 80
Hart, Alphonso — 229
Harwood (See Pulse)
Hastings, John Sr. — 197
Hawk, Ira Gossett — 197
Hay, John — 165
Haynes, Roy Asa — 210-211
Hays, David — 49, 51, 172, 187, 189
Head, Bigger — 184
Head, William and Sarah — 185
Henderson, Charles — 162
Herrod, Capt. — 21, 184
Herron, Capt. James Boyd — 138-143
Hess, Anthony — 197
Hetherington, James — 161
Hibben, Dr. Frank C. — 12
Hibben, Dr. Samuel Galloway — 222-223
Hiestand, Jacob — 152 |.
Hiestand, Joseph — 223-224
Highland — 165-166
Highland County’s French
Settlement — 116-122
Highland County Poultry Farm — 57
Highland Institute — 65
Highland Station — 166
Hill, Capt. Billy — 51, 172
Hillsboro — 171-178
Hillsboro Academy for Boys — 65, 67
Hillsboro Band — 176
Hillsboro and Cincinnati
Railroad — 86
Hillsboro High School — 72-73
Hillsboro’s Mystery Child — 114-116
Hiser, Dan T. — 154, 155
Hiser, Marion — 154, 155
Hoagland Crossing — 178
Hogsett, James — 51, 52
Hollow, Anthony — 158
Hollowtown — 158
Holmes, John — 147
Honeygrant — 29
Hough, Peyton — 202
Hoyt, Dr. Maurice — 173
Hoyt, Dr. William M. — 173
Hope, Edward — 194
Howard, John — 166
Huggins, Burch D. — 62, 63, 64
Huggins, Estelle Huntington — 224-225
Huggins, John Newton — 158, 159
Huggins, Judge H. M — 173
Hughes, Oliver — 186
Hughey, Rev. William — 163
Hulitt, John — 194
Hull, John Edwin, — 74, 175, 225
Hunt, Phineas — 52
Hussey, Martha — -54
Huston, Robert — 147, 187


Trick, David — 172
Irvin, Admiral — 182


Jarnagin, Isaac Wesley — 154
Jackson, Jacob — 166
Jeans, Dr. Philip C. — 225-226
Jenkins, Arthur — 174
Jenny, John — 164
Jones, John and Mary (Turkey Farm) — 57
Jones, Greenbury — 162
Johnson, Alfred — 199
Johnson, William — 170
Johnson, “Whitewash” — 147
Jolly, David — 25
Jolly, family — 25
Jolly, James — 25
Jolly, John — 25
Jolly, Joseph — 25
Jolly, William — 25


Kennipe, Jackson — 172
Kenton, Simon — 18, 19, 20, 26, 41, 50, 83
Kerr, John — 50, 51, 188, 189
Kilbreath — 164
Kincade, Thomas — 49
King Solomon — 27, 162, 163
Kinzer, David — 196
Knott, Francis — 181, 211-212
Knox, John — 53


Laforges — 159, 160
Leaming, Bert — 183
Lee. Rev. Ignatius — 56
Leesburg — 166, 167, 168
Lewis, Daniel — 144, 145
Lewises — 159
Liggett — 164
Lindsley, Robert — 157
Little Miami Railroad — 86
Logan, Colonel — 26
Lucas settlement — 195
Lucas, Richard — — 145
Lupton, Bathsheba — 46, 167
Lutteral, Lewis — 179
Lynchburg — 162-163


Manary, James — 83
Mancher, Zimri — 200
March, Daniel P. — 168
Marconet, John — 158
Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad — 86, 87
Marshall — 184-186
Martin, Isaac Fenton — 159
Massie, Benjamin — 170
Massie, Henry — 46, 47, 187
Massie, Nathaniel — 41, 46, 167, 170, 179
Matthews, Maud Butler — 153
Matthews, Rev. J. McDowell — 10
McArthur, Duncan — 27, 83, 179,
McCafferty — 187
McClain, Edward Lee — 182, 183, 212-213
McClain, Rev. John — 181
McClure, T. H. — 155
McCoppin, Ove — 151
McDaniel, George — 200
McDowell, Rev. Joseph — 65, 229
McIntyre, Alexander — 163
McKeehan, Jennie — 156
McKimie, Robert — 4, 126-136
McMullen, John — 65
McNary, John — 65
McPherson. Isaac — 168
McSurely, William H. — 226-227
Mershon, Timothy — 46
Miller, Dusty — 51, 79
Miller, Earle V. — 174
Miller, Mrs. D. S. — 159
Miller, William Hampton — 79, 80, 186
Milligan, James — 179
Moccasin Church — 202
Mongor, James — 161
Monocue, Chief — 27
Mooney, Judge — 180
Moore, Robert — 190
Morgan, David — 175
Mother Thompson — 89-93
Mount Eric — 146
Mowry, Abe — 201
Mullenix, Joseph — 173
Murphy Temperance Movement — 180
Murphy, Alexander — 196, 197


Nace, Henry — 161
Naces — 159
Nevins brothers — 168
New Edenborough — 146
New Market — 47, 49, 187-189
New Market Inn — 189
New Petersburg — 194-195
Norfolk and Western Railroad — 86, 87
North Union — 171


O’Donoghue, Rev. John B — 181
Oakland Female Seminary — 65
Ohio Tavern — 189
“Old Clarence” — S6
“Old College Township Road” — -8?
“Old Mad River Road’’ — 83
Oldaker, Isaac — 199
Osborne, Lydia — 197
Ottewill, Ann Quinn — 62
Overman, Enoch — 194


Paint Post Office — 194
Palmyra — 146
Parker Hotel — 53
Parkinson, George — 49, 188
Parmer, Joseph — 49, 179
Parshall, Flo — 154
Parshall, Dr. Hugh M. — 227
Pearne, Thomas Hall — ?78
Pence, Harry Langley — 227-228
Pennington, Abraham — 190
Pike, Capt. James — 173
Pike, Samuel — 173
Polk, James G. — 166, 228
Pope, Fred — 24
Pope, Gen. J. W. — 24
Pope, Mrs. Nathaniel — 24
Pope, Nathaniel — 23, 41, 166, 167
Pope, William — 24
Powell, Robert — 170
Prayer for French Travelers — 74, 75
Price, Prof. Ralph W. — 18r
Price’s Premier Band — 181
Pricetown — 196-197
Prospect- — 201
Pugh, Robert — 162
Pugsley, J. J. — 173, 229
Pulliam, Benjamin — 159, 160
Pulse (Harwood) — 197-198
Pummell, A. J — 194
Purcell, Archbishop — 181


Quinn, James — 75, 76, 201


Radcliffe, Harrison — 168
Rains, Aaron — 190
Rains, George — 190
Rainsboro — 190-194
Reece, David — 53, 165
Reece, James — 165
Reynolds, William — 155
Richards, Wil! — 62
Ridings, John Duvall — 157
Ridings, Lydia House — 157, 158
Ridings, Samuel — 144, 157, 158
Roads, John — 147
Roads, Miss Katie — ?7
Roads, Philip — 27, 28
Roberds, Susan — 160
Roberts, Isaiah — 202
Rockingham — 146
Rocky Spring Church — 78
Roebuck, Aaron — 160
Rogers, John — 144
Rogers, Col. Thomas — 143
Rogers, William- — 83, 143
Ross, Oliver — 47, 187
Ross, Rebecca — 47, 187, 188
Ross, St. Clair — 161
Rotroff, Jonas — 161
Rouse, Edna Grey — 159
Ruble, Dr. William K. — 33
Russell — 199


Salem Echo, The — 197
Samantha — 196
Sams, Isaac — 66-69
Sams, Oliver Newton — 154, 213
Sauer, Mack — 168
Saylor, Jacob — 4, 57
Schooley, Samuel — 179
Scott, Samuel Parsons — 213-214
Setty, Anthony — 154
Seven Caves, The — 5-6
Shackleton — 189
Shade, William Henry Taylor- — 214-215
Shannon Stock Co. — 178
Sharpsville — 199
Shepherd, Baylis — 199
Shetrone, Dr. Henry — 13, 16
Sicily — 158, 159
Simmons, William — 184
Sinking Sprine — 152-157
Sinton, David — 215-216
Sloan — 201
Smart, Lavinia — 179
Smith, Bruden — 200
Smith, John A. — 229
Spargur, Henry W. — -190
Spargur history — 191-194
Spargur Reunion — 193-194
Strasburg — 158
Stroup, Michael — 49, 50, 83-84
Stultz, P. P — 154
Sugargrant — 29
Sugar Tree Ridge — 160-161
Sunlight Farm — 57
Swadley, Mrs. Margaret Spargur — 191
Sypherd, Matthew — 185


Taylorsville — 202
Tecumseh — 20, 23, 162
Terrell, David — 166
Timberlake, John — 146
Thompson, James Henry — 89
Thompson, Mrs. James H. (See Mother Thompson)
Thornton, Abner — 194
Traction line — 87
Trautman, Milton B. — 9
Travelers’ Rest, Greenfield — 61, 180
Trimble, Allen — 41, 53, 55, 89, 146, 216-217
Trimble, Capt. James — 41, 146, 172
Trimble, William A. — 172, 229
Tumbleson, Moses — 145
Turley, Frank — 156
Tuttle, Mary McArthur Thompson — 217


Underwood, James — 147
Underground Railroad Stations — 143-145
Uniontown (See North Union)


Vance, Minnie — 85
VanPelt, Jonathan — 144, 198, 199


Wade — 41
Walker — 159
Walker, Polly — 50, 188
Walters, Rev. Isaac Newton — 80
Walters, John — 166, 167
Washburn, Joe — 154
Washburn, Sanford — 154
Washburn, Thomas — 154
Washington, George — 47, 153
Watts, Joseph M. — 30
Watts, Louise Dunlap (Mrs. E. B.) — 79, 180, 181, 240
Watts, Olive (Mrs. Joseph M.) — 154
Watts, T. M. — 151
Waw-wil-a-way, Chief — 21, 22, 23, 24, 164, 184-185
Weaver, Jonathan — 169
Weaver, Peter — 194
Weber — 163
Webertown — 163, 164
Webster, Daniel — 1i2
Webster, Dan — 160
Webster, Aunt Susanna — 160
Welty, Abraham — 196
West, Enos — 200
Whiskey Road — 84, 85
Wilcox, Zeno — 203-204
Wilcoxon, John — 42-46, 199
Wilkin, Rachel — 161
Willett, John — 199
Willettsville — 199, 200
Williams “‘Charley” — 160
Williams, Henry G. — 184
Williams, Joseph — 41
Wilson, John T. — 159, 160, 170, 171
Wilson, John — 78
Wilson, William — 78
Winkle (See East Danville)
Winkle families — 169
Wishart, William — 187, 188
Witching water — 203
Wood, John — 99-114
Woodmansie, Isaac — 147
Wool picking — 34, 35
Wright, Job — 54, 179, 182
Wright, John — 180


Zane Trace — 83
Zink, David — 145



Adams, John Paul, “Milton Caniff, Rembrandt of the Comic-Strips.”
Atwater, Caleb, “A History of the State of Ohio, National and Civil.” Glezen and Shepherd, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1838.
Autobiography and Correspondence of Allen Trimble, Governor of Ohio, with genealogy of the family. Reprinted from the “Old Northwest” Genealogical Society, 1909.
Auginbaugh, B.A., “Know Ohio” (Revised) Columbus, O., 1939.
American Home Magazine, March, 1938.
Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography by James Grant Wilson and John Fisk, N. Y. 1887.


Bancroft’s Works, Vol. XXV, p. 715, “Colorado and Wyoming.”
Banks, L. A.—Heroic Personalities.
Barrere, Granville, A Toast to Hugh Fullerton.
Bayhan. Frank.
Berry, Thomas E.
Biographical Cyclopedia of the State of Ohio.


Columbia University Press, “Caspar Collins.”
Caspar Tribune Herald, Caspar, Wyoming, 1934.
Collins, Frank, Att., Hillsboro, Ohio, 40 old family scrap books.
Cherrington, H. E—The Evolution of Prohibition in the U. S.
Capital Gallery of the Official Portraits of the Governors of Ohio—compiled by the Ohio Newspapers Artists Ass’n, 1905.
Cincinnati Gazette, 1840.


Amelia Newby DeVault’s grandfather’s diary.
Dunlap, Arthur Beardsley, “Historical Sketch of the Greenfield Schools,” The Dragon, Souvenir Edition, 1915.
Doggett, Henry S., “A Sketch of the Life and Professional Services of Isaac Sams, for 50 Years a Distinguished Teacher,” Pub. by Peter G. Thomson, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1888.
Dickens, Charles, _American Notes.” London, 1842.
Drake, Benjamin, “Life of Tecumseh.”
Dispatch, The, Hillsboro, Ohio, numerous articles.
Dispatch, The Columbus, Columbus, Ohio, numerous issues.
Ditty, R. M., Sketch of Highland county, 1895.
“Dictionary of American Biography” by Allen Johnson, NYS 1929.


Early Homes of Ohio by Garrett and Massie, 1936.


Firestone, Clark B., “Into the Ohio Wilderness.”
Ford, W. H.
Fullerton, Hugh.
Fehlandt, “A Century of Drink Reform in the U. S.”


Galbreath, Charles B., History of Ohio, 5 Volumes
Geological Survey of Ohio, Report of the
Geology and Palaeontology. Columbus, Ohio, Nevins and Myers, State Printers, 1874.


Henkle, Rev. Paul, “Rev. Paul Henkle’s Journal” 1806, pp. 184-186 in Vol. 23 of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society.
Howe, Henry and Son, “Historical Collections of Ohio, an Encyclopedia of the State,’ Vol. II and III. Publishers, Henry Howe and Son, Columbus, 1891.
Howe, Henry, “Historical Collections of Ohio,” publisher, Henry Howe, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1851.
Hatcher, Harlan, “The Buckeye Country,’ H. C. Kinsey & Co., Inc., New York, 1941.
Harris, Oliver, Diary of Life in Highland County, New Market, 1798-1845.


Jenkins, Warren, “The Ohio Gazetteer and Traveller’s Guide, Together with an Appendix or General Register,” pub. by Isaac N. Whiting, Columbus, 1841.


King, Rufus, “Ohio; First Fruits of the Ordinance of 1787,” Boston and New York, 1888.


Martzolff, “Fifty Stories from Ohio History,” Ohio Teacher Publishing Co., Columbus, Ohio, 1924.
Monica, Sister, O.S.U., Ph. D., “The Cross in the Wilderness,” St. Martin’s, Ohio, 1922.
Mother Stewart, “Memories of the Crusade.”


Newberry, “Newberry’s Geological Survey,’ 1871.
News-Herald, The, Hillsboro, Ohio, numerous issues.


Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, Columbus, Ohio.
“Ohio Indian Trails” by Frank N. Wilcox, The Gates Press, Cleveland, 1934. iy

Ohio Labor Statistics, 1880.


Presbyterian Church, History of, Francis J. Malzard, 1940
Press-Gazette, The, Hillsboro, Ohio, numerous issues.


“Representative Men of Ohio, 1904-1908,” by James K. Mercer, Columbus, Ohio. Fred J. Herr Press.


Scott, Daniel, Esq., “A History of the Early Settlement of Highland County, Ohio,’ Publishers, The Hillsboro Gazette, Hillsboro, Ohio, 1890.
Stout, Wilbur, State Geologist, Orton Hall, Columbus, Ohio.
Shetrone, Dr. Henry C., “The Importance of Ft. Hill Historically and as a Recreation Center,” 1938, address; also, “The Moundbuilder,’ New York, 1930.
Shade, William Henry Taylor Shade, “Buckeyeland and Bohemia,’ The Lyle Printing Co., Hillsboro, Ohio, 1895.
Spring, Agnes Wright, “Caspar Collins—The Life and Exploits of an Indian Fighter of the Sixties.”
Scudder, Horace E., “American Commonwealths.”
Swadley, Mrs. Margaret, “A Brief History of the Spargur Family,” Hillsboro, 1937.


Trollope, Frances, “The Domestic Manners of the Americans,” London, 1832.
Times, The Greenfield, Greenfield, Ohio, numerous issues.
Thompson, Eliza Jane Trimble, Her Two Daughters and Frances Willard. Hillsboro Crusade and Family Records. Second Edition, Cincinnati, Ohio, Jennings and Graham, 1906.
Temperance Crusade, A Brief History of the, by G. Herbert Broomhall, Hillsboro, Ohio, 1942.
Thompson, “History of Highland County,” (1878).
Trimble-Thompson Scrapbook, O. S. U. Museum.


“Unele Bill” by Dusty Miller.


Williams Bros., “History of Ross and Highland Counties, Ohio,”
Williams Bros., Published by W. W. Williams, Printer, Cleveland, Ohio, 1880.
“Who’s Who in the Buckeye State,’ by C. S. Van Tassel, Toledo, O.
“Who’s Who in America,” by Albert Nelson Marquis. The A. N. Marquis Co., Chicago, 1936-1937.


Morgan, Violet. Folklore of Highland County. Greenfield, Ohio : Greenfield Printing and Publishing Co., 1946.


Highland County OH,


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