History of Milam County Texas

Lelia McAnally Batte’s History of Milam County, Texas presents a comprehensive exploration of the county’s evolution from its earliest days to the mid-twentieth century. Published in 1956 by the Naylor Company in San Antonio, this 257-page work delves into the myriad forces that have shaped Milam County, making it a unique yet representative reflection of Texas’ broader historical and cultural dynamics.

Milam County’s story, as Batte narrates, is rich and multifaceted, encompassing interactions with Native Americans, Spanish explorers, Mexican empresarios, and a host of other groups and individuals who have left an indelible mark on its landscape and societal fabric. The book is structured to guide readers through various historical periods and aspects of county life, from its natural environment and early inhabitants to its communities, educational institutions, and religious practices, culminating with appendices that honor local contributions to the World Wars.

Batte emphasizes that this work is a history, not a genealogy, prioritizing written records over tradition and folklore. Her research is grounded in an extensive review of county archives, legal documents, and other primary sources housed within Milam County and beyond. This rigorous approach allows her to correct prevailing misconceptions and provide a detailed account of the county’s development. She acknowledges the limitations inherent in such a historical undertaking, noting that no single volume can capture every detail of the county’s past. However, she aims to offer a balanced and insightful overview that captures the essence of Milam County’s journey from simplicity to complexity.

The book also reflects a collective effort, benefiting from the contributions of numerous individuals and organizations. While space constraints prevent the acknowledgment of all who assisted, Batte expresses her deep gratitude to those who supported her research, underscoring the communal spirit that underpins the narrative of Milam County itself.

Table of Contents

The face of the County, p. 1
Indians, Friars and Empresarios, p. 6
In the Republic of Texas, p. 21
In the Middle Nineteenth Century, p. 48
Fin de Siecle, p. 73
In the Twentieth Century, p. 110
Communities, p. 156
Education, p. 178
Religion, p. 189
Appendix: World War I Dead, p. 215
Appendix: World War II Dead, p. 217
Index, p. 221

Index to the History of Milam County Texas


Abel, J. G. H., 62
Abstract . . . of Land Titles, cited, 41n
Academy, at Maysfield, 166
Ackerman, B. F., 75
Ackerman, (Mrs.) B. F., 61
Acknowledgments, ix-x
Acosta, Juan Jose, 15
Acuff, J. W., 195
Adams, F. M., 74n, 190
Adams, Frank, 96
Adams, Frank Carter, cited, 96n, 98n
Adams, Jean, 63n, 207n
Adams, (Mrs.) T. V., 63n
Addison, James, 46
Addison, Malcolm Henry, 1
Addison, Oscar M., 202
Ad Hall, Texas, 40, 94, 156
Ad Hall Cooperative Association, 93-94
ad interim government, 31-32
adjutant general, 67
Ad valorem Tax, 74
Advisory Board of Texas Historians, 116
Africa, 169
African Methodist Church, of Ben
Arnold, 207; of Cameron, 206, 208; of Davilla, 206; of Minerva, 207; of Rockdale, 208
Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 147, 148, 153
agrarian discontent, 93-96
Aguayo, Marquess de, reaches Little River, 4
Airport, in Cameron, 126-27; in Rockdale, 127
Alabama, migration from, 17, 58, 176
Alabama, Texas, 53
Alamo, fall of, 32
Alarcon, Martin de, 8
Alcoa plant, 125, 153-54, 172-74, 213
alcoholic beverages, 163
Alexander, Daniel, 51
Alexander, Randle B., 123n
Alfred, Lon, 182
Allday, Richard, 62
Allen, A. H., 58, 190
Allen, James C., 217
Allen, Samuel T., delegate to Consultation, 21
Allen, Winship, 166
Allen’s Springs, Texas, 156, 176
All Saints Episcopal Church, 210
Alpha Eta Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, 162
Alpha Tau Benefit Order, 162
Aluminum Company of America, 153-54. See also Alcoa plant
Alvin, Texas, 125
American Coal Company, 152
American-LaFrance fire engine, 138
American Legion, 161; in Rockdale, 171
American Lignite and Briquette Company, 151
American Milk Products Company, 146
American Round Bale Compress Company, 145
American Sketch Book, 1
Ancient Order of Pilgrims No. 157, 161
Anda y Altamirano, Fray, 9
Ander, Hans, 199
Ander, Theo, 199
Ander, W. N., 199
Anders, Dad, early settler, 44
Anderson, Clayton SC Company, 145
Anderson, James, 157
Anderson, Nancy Hasseltine, 69
Anderson, S. N., 181
Anderson, T. J., 55n
Anderson, T. M., 190-92
Anderson, Thomas J. H., 83, 191; biographical sketch of, 71
Anderson, W. W., 55n
Anderson, William, 58
Andrews, John H., 215
Angelina County, railroad through chartered, 90
Angell, L. C., 217
Anglin, Elisha, 28
Animals in Milam County, 2
Anschicks, C., 81
Anthropophagy, among Tonkawa Indians, 6
Apache Indians, 7, 10
Apel, George, 212
Apostolic Faith Mission, 208-09
Aransas Pass Lignite Company, 108
Arcadia, Texas, 156, 165
Archer, Branch Tanner, 22
Archives, Texas, vii
Areeneaux, J. Early, 195
Anion, Texas, 156
Armadillos, 2
Armstrong, William, 182
Army Papers, vii
Army of occupation, 66, 68
Arnold, , 67
Arnold, B. I., 66, 90, 156
Arnold, Ben, 114
Arnold, Bennie, 156
Arnold, John T., 137
Arnold, Jordan P., 157
Arnold, Mamie E., 136
Arnwine, Mary, 173
Arocha, Nepomuceno, 15
Arrow Coach Lines, 125
Arroyo Animas, 8, 9
Arroyo de las Benditas Animas, early name of Brushy Creek, 5
Artists, in Milam County, 57
Ashford, Robert P., 60
Ashley, Alto H., 108-09
Ash trees, 2
Assembly of God Churches, in Milam County, 200
asses, 56
Associated Press, 153
Athens, Georgia, 71
Atkinson, Ben, 2
Atkinson Bog, 2
Atlantic Pipe Line Company, 136
Augustana Church, 198
Austin, Moses, empresario grant to, 11
Austin, Stephen Fuller, 4-5, 11-14, 21
Austin, Texas, 36, 88, 90, 108, 123, 125, 131, 144, 148, 169
Austin and Central Texas Coal Company, 106
Austin (Baptist) Association, 192
Austin College, 179n
Austin Consolidated Coal Company, 106-07
Austin’s Colony, 11, 13
Austria, natives of, in Milam County, 97, 110, 113
Authifer, Ed, 99, 164
Automobiles, in Milam County, 123
Autry, Gene, in Cameron Centennial rodeo, 120
Avery, Willis, at battle of San Jacinto, 32
Avrett, William Marshall, 217 Avriett, Giles L., 114


Baker, Bryant, 116
Baker, Henry A., 217
Baker Telephone Company, 103
Bailey, James, 62
Bailey, Jesse, killed by Indians, 40
Bailey, John, 28; elected J. P., 35
Bailey, Matt B., 138
Bailey, Winfred, 47; in Civil War, 62
Bailey family, 156
Bailey’s Store, 156
Baileyville, Texas, 156, 174
Baines, George W., 181
Baird, W. L., 135
Banks, 91-92; disappearance of, 12324; failure of, 116
Bankston, Wade H., 217
Banner, published in Rockdale, 171
Banzhaf, George, 147
Baptism, of Indians, 9, 10
Baptist Church, 119, 159; history cited, 190n; in Milam County, 189-95; in Rockdale in 1893, 170; Mexican, 112
Barbed wire, introduced in Milam County, 93
Barchenger, Victor J., 217
Barclay Gin and Cotton Company, 145
Barker, Eugene Campbell, cited, 11n, 15n, 16n, 20n, 21n, 31n
Barker History Center. See Eugene C. Barker Texas History Center
Barr, Robert, 28; offers land for capitol, 36
Barrett, (Don) Carlos, 22
Barron, (Captain) Thomas H.,
Ranger captain, 38
Barry, Bryan, 57
Barter, 16
Bartlett, Paul Clement, 217
Bartlett, Texas, 103
Bartlett Community Power and Light Company, 133
Barton, C. 0., 190
Barton, Frank, 81
Baseball, 120
Baskin, A. H., 138
Bass, 2
Bastrop Lignite Coal Company, 152
Bateman, J. M., 183n
Batey, John M., 215
Bathtubs, 148
Batis, Harry M., 150n
Batte, Albert, 70
Batte, Augustus, 70
Batte, Clyde DeLay, 217; dedication to, v
Batte, Dorcas G., 162
Batte, Gustavus Adolphus, biographical sketch of, 70-71
Batte, Mrs. Lelia McAnally, 162; acknowledgments by, ix-x; author’s preface, vii-viii
Batte, Lu, petition of, 75n
Batte, Mary, 70
Batte, Mary Belle, thesis of, cited, 178n, 179n
Batte, P. D., 70
Batte, Robert Lee, ix, 2, 48, 77n, 120, 145, 194, 195, 209; dedication to, v
Batte, Willie, 70
Batte, Round, Bale Gin, 145
Battestown, Texas, 194
Battetown Baptist Church, 194
Battle Creek, Indian fight on, 45
Battle Ground Prairie, Indian fight at, 43
Battle of Salado, 50
Baxter, B. B., 191
Bayley, Winfred, 48
Baylor, Robert Emmett Bledsoe, 46-47, 190
Baylor University, 113
Beal, John, 58
Beal’s Chapel, Texas, 156
Bean, Peter Ellis, visits Milam County area, 11
Beans, production in 1850, 56
Beard, Johnnie E. W., 217
Beasley, J. A., 133
Beasley, W. T. N., 192
Beauchamp, Grace D, cited, 99n
Beauchamp, J. R., cited, 106n
Beaver traps, 16
Beavers, Harry W., 215
Beaver’s Marsh, 2
Beck, (Mrs.) Lizzie, 171
Becker, R., 199
Beef cattle, 56
Beesley, Morris J., 217
Beeswax, 56
Belfalls Light and Power Company, 133
Belgrade, Texas, 90
Bell, (Governor) Peter Hansbrough, 50
Bell, William W., 41
Bell County, 4, 21, 83, 103, 148, 157; created from Milam, 33, 52; Grange established in, 93; Indian attack in, 20; Philip Nolan builds fort in, 11; railroad through chartered, 90; studies of, 1
Bell County, The History of, 1
Belmena, Texas, 156, 189, 192
Belton, Texas, 84, 89; Milam Land District office moved. to, 50; railroad to, 83
Ben Arnold, Texas, 156-57, 198
Ben Arnold Methodist Church, 207
Ben Arnold State Bank, 124; chartered, 92
Ben Milam Highway 36, 122
Bennett, Ben, 215
Bennett, Robert Jordan, 217
Benson, S. M. J., 59
Benton, A., 28
Berg, _____ , 107
Bermuda grass, 2
Bermudes, Victor, 112
Beta Sigma Phi, 162
Bethlehem Baptist Church, 191
Bethlehem, Texas, 157
Betonic clay, 164
Beseda, H. E., 196
Bible, of Batte family, cited, 71n
Bicycles, in Cameron, 103
Bidai Indians, 9
Bienemann, P., 212
Big Briary Creek, 157
Big Elm Creek, bridge over, 83
Bigelow Wind Mill Co.. 93
Big Toot, Indian chief killed, 43
Bigham, A. I., 62
Big Lump, Texas, 157
Billingsley, (Captain) Jesse, 32
Bill of Sale Records of Milam County, cited, 134n, 135n, 143n
Bingham, John H., 182
Binkley, William C., cited, 21n, 22n, 23n, 24n, 25n, 31n
Bird, (Captain) John, killed by Indians, 42
Birdeshaw, William, 182
Birds, in Milam County, 2
Bison, hunted by the Tonkawa, 6
Black Diamond Coal Company, 107
Blackland, Texas, 157-58
Blackout, in Cameron, 118
Blacksmiths, 159
Blacksmith shop, 58
Blain, John S., 180
Blair, John S., 52, 52n
Blake, C. M., 183n
Blake, Tommy S., 217
Bland, Homer D., 217
Blankenship, Miriam, 158
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 213-14
Block House Springs, 189
Bluebonnet, 1
Blue-eyed grass, 1
Blue Hill, Texas, 53, 157
Bluejays, 2
Blythe, T. P., 182
B’nai B’rth, 98
Boales, Calvin, 19
Board of Control, 116
Board of medical examiners, 68
Board of Water Engineers, 127
Boedecker, Batte & Schiller Gin, 145
Bohemian Roman Catholic Union of Texas, K. J. T., 112
Bohemians, in Milam County, 97-98
Boles, 77
Boles, A. H., 67
Bolinger, F. M., 184
Bollinger, L. H., 157
Bollingers, Texas, 157
Boll weevil, 144, 165
Bolton, Herbert Eugene, cited, 7n, 10n; locates mission sites, 10-11 Bond, William K., 158
Bond issue, by McAlester Fuel Company, 153; Cameron airport, 12627; Cameron power system, defeat of, 132; Cameron sewage system, 136; Cameron water system, 12930; courthouse proposed, 78; improvement and water works, 101; levee construction, 128; Rockdale, 154; Thorndale water system, 131; to encourage immigration, 74-75
Bonnell, (Major) George W., 42
Booth, Thomas, 78
Boren, Michael, 46; petition of, 46n
Boring, J., 28
Bosque County, created from Milam, 33
Boundary, between Milam and Williamson counties resurveyed, 114
Bowen, G. W., 58
Bowen, W. A., 160
Bowers, Texas, 157
Bowie knives, 67
Boyd, William C., 75n
Boyles, J. B., 74n
Boynton, J. B., 134
Boy Scouts, 162; in Milano, 167; in Rockdale, 171
Brackenville, Texas, 53, 157
Brady, A. E., 82
Branchville, Texas, 22, 90, 157, 19394
Branchville McKinley Lodge No., 113, 157
Branchville Mexican Cemetery, 112
Brashear, Cora, 196
Brazoria County, 36
Brazos County, 33; railroad through, 90-91
Brazos, Department of, 24
Brazos River, 3, 4, 8, 12, 55, 71, 122; Bidai Indians on, 9; Ervipiame Indians on, 7; hydrogenerating plants on 132-33; Nashvile on, 168; Port Sullivan on, 170; steamboats on, 54; Youdane Indians on, 6
Brazos River Bridge, 81, 118
Brazos River Transmission Electric Cooperative, Inc., 133
Bream, 2
Breeding, Enoch, 171
Breeding, Nannie, 171
Breitkreuz, Otto W., 217
Bremond, Texas, 108
Brenham, Texas, 54, 89
Brenham and Waco Railroad Company, 91
Briar Branch Baptist Church, 192
Briary Church, 157
Briary, Texas, 157
Briary Methodist Church, 206
Brick kiln, in Rockdale, 170
Bridge, across Big Elm Creek, 83; across Brazos, 81, across Brushy Creek, 82; across Little River, 82, 123; across San Gabriel, 81; construction described, 87; destroyed, 118
Bridges, in Milam County, 81-82
Brilliant kerosene, 106
Brinson, W. F., 206
Briquette Coal mine, 108
Brock, (Mrs.) Loretta, ix
Brook Farm, 99
Brooks, John W., 57.
Brown, Frank, cited, 17n, 19n, 37n, 38n
Brown, Joe, 215
Brown, L. D., 28
Brown, Marshall, 119
Brown, Milton F., 160
Brown, R. D., 135
Brown, Thomas Jefferson, cited, 53n
Brown Chapel, Texas, 157
Brown County, 33
Browning-Ferris Machinery Company, 123
Brunswick County, Virginia, G. A. Batte born in, 70
Brushy Creek, 3, 5, 5n, 7, 131, 173 Bryan, Billy B., 217
Bryan District of Texas Methodist Conference, 208
Bryant, B., 52n
Bryant, Benjamin Franklin, 47, 48, 157; body removed to State Cemetery, 117
Bryant’s Station, Texas, 157-58., marker erected at, 116-17; population of in 1870, 72; teachers in, 182
Buades, William, 214
Buck, J. H. G., 171
Buckholts, Charles, 51, 61; death of, 63; letter from, quoted, 62 Buckholts, John A., 158
Buckholts, Texas, 63n, 95, 122, 158, 196, 198; German Agricultural Association of, 111; gin at, 145 Buckholts Farmers Union Cotton Warehouse Company, 146
Buckholts Full Gospel Church, 201
Buckholts Lodge No. 1902, A. F. & A. M., 158
Buckholts Methodist Church, 207
Buckholts State Bank, 90
Buckholts Telephone Company, 135
Buckley, S. B., 106
Buffalo fish, 2
Buffalo skins, used for carpet, 39
Building clay deposits, 175
Bullard, Jesse, 215
Bulletin, published in Buckholts, 158
Burck, A. A., 89
Burgess. Lenon T., 215
Burleson County, 22, 45, 57, 122, 141; book about, 1; Chance’s Prairie in, 69; creation of, 33, 46-48; jail, 80; petition for creation, 46; proposed railroad through, 91; to pay part of Milam County debt, 48
Burlington, Texas, 90, 98, 155, 15859, 170, 199, 213; buses through, 125; gin at, 145; oil mill at, 146
Burlington, Vermont, 159
Burlington Baptist Church, 193 Burlington Lodge No. 235, 159
Burlington State Bank, 92 Burlington Telephone Exchange, 134
Burlingtonian, published in Burlington, 159
Burned Records, of Milam County, cited, 23n, 46n, 49n, 50n, 55n, 56n, 57n, 63n, 64n, 180n, 190n, 191n, 202n
Burnet, David Gouverneur, 26, 31
Burnet, Matthew, 39
Burnett, William, 81
Burnet County, 33, 90
Burnety’s hotel, in Cameron, 51
Burns, S. M., 144
Burry, James M., 52n
Buses, 125, 154
Bushdale, Texas, 68, 141, 159, 199
Business and Professional Women’s Club, 162
Bustillo y Zevallos, (Governor) Juan Antonio, leads expedition against Apaches, 8
Butane gas, 136
Butler Burner Sales Company, 136
Buttercup, 1
Button Prairie, Texas, 159
Byrd, Robert, 74n
Byrne, Christopher E., 212


Cabrera, Antonio, 112
Caddo Indians, 3, 38, 156
Caddo Missionary Baptist Church, 193
Caddo Springs, Texas, 156, 159
Calder, (Captain) Robert J., 32
Caldwell, L. W., 67
Caldwell, Wilbur, 138
Caldwell, Wilma T., Jr., 217
Caldwell, Texas, 13, 15, 36, 43, 4648, 50
Caldwell County, San Antonio-Nacogdoches road in, 11
Callahan County, 33
Calvert, Texas, 83-84, 156
Calvert and Belton Railroad Company, 84
Calvert Bridge Company, 81
Cameron, Ewen, 49
Cameron, Texas, 37, 39, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 63, 66, 68, 76, 83, 91, 94, 95, 96, 114, 118, 214; airport in, 126-127; tyinks in chartered, 92; buses through, 125; business clubs in, 161; buys land for Mexican cemetery, 112; cemetery associations in, 136; Centennial monuments at, 117; Churches of Christ in, 196; city hall, 104; clubs in, 161-62; compresses in, 145; county records in, vii; description of, 72, 159-62., electric power in, 132; fire department in, 137-39; first automobile in, 121-22; fraternal organizations in, 161; Germania Verein in, 111; gins at, 145; history of, 100; hospitals in, 160; hotels in, 51-52; kerosene sold in, 106; Mayeye Indians near, 7; Mexican community center in, 112; milk processing plants in, 146; natural gas in, 136; newspapers in, 160; not on 1880 census, 73; oil mills in, 146; opposition to trucking lines in, 125; parking meters in, 125; population of, 72, 111; public health measures in, 140; public works in, 114; rabies in, 141; railroad to, 89, 90, 121; redesignated county seat, 78; roads through, 81; runoff statistics at, 4; school in, 180, 185-86; sewage system in, 135; sewing rooms in, closed, 114; street lights in, 102; street improvement in, 103, 124; telephone systems in, 134; town site laid out, 49; typhoid fever in, 128, 140; volunteer fire department in, 104, 13739; water system in, 101, 128-30
Cameron and Brazos Valley Oil Company, 149
Cameron Assembly of God, 200
Cameron Baptist Church, 189-90, 203
Cameron Chamber of Commerce, 126, 140, 161
Cameron Church of Nazarene, 208
Cameron City Council, 114, 119, 126, 128, 132, 136, 138, 154; acknowledges naming of U.S. S. Cameron, 117; appoints fire chief, 118; appoints postwar planning board, 120; installs parking meters, 125; minutes of, cited, 68n, 101n, 102n, 103n, 104n, 106n, 112n, 113n, 114n, 117n, 118n, 119n, 120, 121n, 124n, 125n, 126n, 127n, 128n, 129n, 132n, 134n, 135n, 136n, 137n, 138n, 139n, 140n, 141n, 143n, 146n, 155n, 185n, 186n; opposes trucking lines, 125; ordinances of, 103; passes automobile ordinances, 124; quarantines smallpox areas, 104; refuses to outlaw Ku Klux Klan, 113; refuses higher utility rates, 128-29; seeks funds for city-owned water system, 129
Cameron Commercial Club, 161
Cameron Compress Company, 93, 145
Cameron Cotton Oil Company, 146
Cameron Country Club, 162
Cameron Creamery, 146
Cameron Daily Herald, 34n, 80n, 120, 160; cited, 121n
Cameron Daily Midget, 160, 197n
Cameron Delphian Chapter, 162
Cameron Enterprise, 120, 160; cited, 96n, 99n, 121n, 134n, 149n, 190n, 202n, 203n
Cameron Fishing Club, 144
Cameron Garden Club, 137
Cameron History Club, 147, 162
Cameron Ice and Storage Company, 161
Cameron Lodge, I. O. O. F., 161, 203
Cameron M. E. Church, South, 202
Cameron Oil and Refining Company, 150
Cameron Oil Mill, 102
Cameron Sentinel, 57, 160
Cameron State Bank, 92, 116
Cameron Water, Power and Light
Company, 101-02, 128-29, 137
Camp, Emory B., 118, 120
Camp, (Mrs.) Viva Woody, 198n
Camp, (Mrs.) W. H., jr., 197n
Campbell, Alba C., 109
Candelaria Mission. See Mission Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria Canless, M., 28
Canteloupes, 167
Canton Wrought Iron Bridge Co., 83
Cardinals, 2
Cardwell, R. J., 126
Cardwell Flight Academy, 126
Carlile, Hicks R., 215
Carlile, James W., 215
Carnahan, Arthur L., 91n, 153n, 154n, 155n
Carnay, Thomas, 84
Carp, 2
Carr, R. W., 152
Carroll, _____ , cited, 33n, 37n
Carroll, John W., 74n, 181
Carroway, P. H., 40
Carruthers, W. L., 175
Carter, _____ , and others, cited, 2n, 144n
Carter, Henry G., 65
Carter, Wiley, in Texas army, 32
Carter’s Institute, 105
Caskey, (Mrs.) Alice, 204n
Cass, Jesse L., 109
Catfish, 2
Catchings Schoolhouse, 162
Catalpa trees, 2
Catholic Church. See Roman Catholic Church
Cattle, 59, 141, 153, 172
Cave, W., 62
Cedar Creek, Indian depredation on, 43
Cedar Creek Presbyterian Church, 210
Cedar trees, 2
Cemeteries, 44, 69, 70, 71, 97, 98, 112, 136, 168, 176, 188
Centennial, of founding of Cameron, 120
Centinel. See Cameron Sentinel
Census, 73; of 1850, 52n, 55-56, 56n, 57, 57n, 58n, 69, 70n, 180n, 182n, 201n; of 1860, 56, 56n, 57, 58, 58n, 59n, 70, 176, 180n, 182n, 201n, 204n; of 1870, 57n, 71-72, 97, 97n; of 1900, 111n; of 1940, 110n, 111n
Central Freight Lines, Inc., 125
Central Texas Bus Lines, 125
Central Texas junior League, 120
Cen-Tex Cooperative Oil Mill, 146
Cervallos, ______, death of, 9
Cervin, August, 214
Chamberlain, H., 181
Chamberlin, C. H., 163
Chambers, Thomas Jefferson, 15, 19, 36, 41n, 117
Chamelons, 2
Champion, published in Thorndale, 175
Chance, (Captain) James, 42, 69, 46n
Chance, Martha, 69.
Chance’s Prairie, 69
Charles, Marvin, 175
Cheese, 56
Chernoskey, Frank C., 217
Childers, Frank, killed by Indians, 39-40
Childers, Goldsby, 20, 28, 37, 189
Childers, James, killed by Indians, 43
Childers, Robert, 39
Childers, George Campbell, 28-31
Childress, Samuel T., 215
Chiles, Lewis, 17
Chinaberry trees, 2
Christian Church, in Rockdale, 170
Church of Christ, in Milam County, 195-96
Church of God in Christ, in Milam
County, 200-01
Churches, in Milam County, 189-214
Circleville, Texas, 83
Cisterns, 176
Citizens National Bank of Cameron, ix, 92, 123-24
Citizens State Bank of Rockdale, 92, 116, 143
Citizens Welfare League, 124
City manager, 130
City manager municipal government in Rockdale, 171
Civic Improvement League, 161
Civil War. See War Between the States
Clan Cameron, 117
Clapp’s Crossing, of Trinity River, 33
Clark, David, killed by Indians, 3940
Clark, George, campaign of, 95-96
Clark, George A., 151
Clark, Horace, cited, 71n
Clark, Lee, 151
Clarke, Lloyd W., 215
Clarkson, Texas, 162
Clarkson Baptist Church, 192
Clayton Round Bale presses, 145
Clear Water County, proposed, 52
Clement, Jones, 132, 149n
Clement, Pearl, cited, 70n
Clement, Sam, 207n
Clemons, William H., survey, 165
Clock, courthouse, 79-80
Clubs, in Buckholts, 158; in Cox’s providence, 163; in Thorndale, 175
Coahuila and Texas, petitioned by Robert Leftwich for empresario grant, 12
Coahuiltecan language, Tonkawan language related to, 6
Coal, 58
Coaldale, Texas, 162
Coaxial cable, 144
Cobb, G. C., 64n, 75n
Cobb, W. M., 160
Cocnran, J. M., 210
Cochran, Robert, 180
Cockleburr weed, 2
Cocos Indians, 9
Cofer, M. E., 100
Coffer, J. T., 87
Coffield, C. H., 101, 107, 170-71
Coke, (Governor) Richard, 86, 87n
Cole, D., 180
Coleman’s fort, 39
College of Santa Cruz de Queretaro, 8
Collins, Willis, at battle of San Jacinto, 32
Collinsworth, James, 36
Colquhon, Ludovic, 41n
Colorado River, 3, 6, 9
Colored Baptist Church, 192, 193
Colored Church of Christ, 196
Columbia, Texas, 36
Colvin, Alvin, 46
Comanche County, 33
Comanche Indians, 26
Commission of Control, Texas Centennial, 55n, 116, 168
Commissioners Court, of Milam County, 3-4, 67, 103, 108, 114, 11617, 123, 127-28, 139, 141-42, 147, 155; applies for federal building funds, 115; appoints sheriff, 118; grants pipeline right of way, 136; grants permission to destroy Wildcat bridge, 118; grants wage increase to county employees, 119; in new courthouse, 78; minutes of cited, 4n, 66n, 77n, 78n, 80n, 81n, 82n, 83n, 89n, 93n, 94n, 100n, 103n, 104n, 105n, 106n, 108n, 114n, 115n, 116n, 117n, 118n, 119n, 120n, 122n, 123n, 125n, 128n, 133n, 136n, 139n, 140n, 142n, 143n, 148n, 150n, 155n, 184n, 185n, 186n, 211n; opposes trucking lines, 125; lays quarantines, 104-05; requests road improvement funds, 122
Community Gas Company, 136 Community Power & Light Company, 133
Community Public Service Company, 129, 130
Compresses, 145
Compton crossing, of San Gabriel, 81
Concepcion, battle of, 21
Cone, (Mrs.) Inez, ix
Cone’s Switch, Teras, 162, 165
Confiscation of arms, 67
Confederacy, 63
Confederate States of America, 59
Confederate Muster Rolls, vii; cited, 59n, 60n, 61n
Confederate veterans, 92
Conger, _ , cited, 72n
Connor, (Dr.) Seymour V., ix; cited, 35n, 46n
Conoley, (Reverend) Malcolm Campbell, 162
Conoley, Texas, 162
Constitution of 1824, overthrown, 21, 22, 26
Constitution of 1876, 184; amended, 92, cited, 92n
Consultation of 1835, 21-28
Continental Bus Lines, 125
Convention of 1836, 29-32, 43; papers of cited, 91n
Convicts, hired in Milam County, 75
Conway, Ark., 18
Cook, Henry B., 158
Cook, Isaac, 180
Cooke, John Esten, 171
Cooke, W. H., 171
Cooper, A. D., 161
Copperhead snakes, 2
Cooperatives, 93-94, 148
Cordova, , cited, 16n
Corinth, Texas, 135, 163
Corn, 72, 172; production in 1850, 56
Corn clubs, 147
Coral snakes, 2
Coryell, James, killed by Indians, 38
Coryell County, created from Milam, 33
Cotner, Robert, cited, 96n
Cotton, 56, 72, 92-93, 111, 113, 14446, 158, 165, 171, 172; first bale from Rockdale, 88; shipped from Rockdale, 170
Cotton gin. See Gins
Cotton seed mills, 145
Cotton seed oil, 145-46
Cottontail rabbits, 2
Cottonwood trees, 2
County Commissioners Court. See
Commissioners Court
County physician, 104
County seat, dispute over, 46; election, 77; location of, 45-48
County tax, 67
Courthouse, built at Caldwell, 46; burning of, 77; Clock installed, 115; condemned, 79; construction of, 78; construction of present, 79; description of, 49; early description of, 47; remodeled, 115; tax for construction, 76
Cow Creek, 36
Cox, J. Fred, 203
Cox, John G., 56, 58
Cox, M. G., 190
Cox’s Providence, Texas, 163
Coyotes, 2
Craben, William M., 215
Craddock, John Robert, at battle of San Jacinto, 32
Cravy, George, 206
Crawford, Frank M., 68, 90
Crawford, Henry T., 68, 92
Crawford, Thomas G., 182
Crawford, Wilbur F., 68, 90, 92
Crazy Water Company, 149
Creath, J. W. D., 189
Cribbs, Gilbert, survey, 149
Crimmins, M. L., cited, 49n
Critchfield, C. W., 217
Critchfield, Jesse M., 217
Crittenden, Texas, 163
Crockett, Texas, 53
Crops, value of in 1941, 111
Cross, Mrs. S. P., 136
Cross Roads, Texas, 163
Crouch, Isaac, 37
Crouch, (Mrs.) Jim, 214n
Crow murder case, 96 Crows, 2
Crunk, _ , 77
Cruz, Teodoro M., 112
Cuba, 109
Culberson, (Governor) Charles Allen, 96
Cullens, Aaron, killed by Indians, 40
Culpepper, H. P., 128
Culpepper, Mary Lake, cited, 96n Cummins, Moses, surveyor, 19 Curry, David, 205
Curtis, Stilman S., killed by Indians, 42
Custom duties, Mexican, 21
Cypress, standing, 1
Czech Moravian Brethren Church, 98, 196-97
Czech Roman Catholic Union of Texas. K. J. T., 112
Czechs, in Buckholts, 158; in Corinth, 163; in Marak, 166; in Milam County, 97-98, 196-97, 110; opposed to prohibition, 106


Dairy products, 146, 158
Dallam, _____ , cite, 47n
Dallas, 144, 148
Dallas Morning News, cited, 139n
Daly, Elizabeth C., 70
Dandelion, false, 1
Daniel, Joseph T., 95
Daniels, Joseph, 59
Daughters of the American Revolution, 117, 161
David, Fred, 215
Davidson, (Dr.) Robert, 19, 37
Davidson, Shill, 194
Davidson Academy, 29
Davidson Creek, site for County seat, 46
Davidson County, Tennessee, The Texas Association in, 12
Davila, Miguel, 15; survey, 163
Davilla, Texas, 94, 103, 105, 163, 174, 191; population of, 72, 73; railroad through, 90
Davilla Assembly of God, 200
Davilla County, 64, 75
Davilla Institute, 105, 181
Davilla Lodge No. 515, I. 0. 0. F., 163
Davilla M. E. Church, South, 214
Davilla Presbyterian Church, 209
Davilla Telephone and improvement Company, 103
Davilla Union Tabernacle, 201
Davis, C. M., 128
Davis, Dan G., 174
Davis, (Governor) Edmund Jackson, 66, 67, 69
Davis, Ernst A., 217
Davis, Hugh, 83
Davis, Jefferson, 68
Davis, J. H., 183
Davis, John T., 215
Davis, Judd C., 135
Davis, Lee R., 39
Davis, R. J., 180
Davis, W. B., 59
DeBow, , cited, 56n, 57n
Declaration of Independence, Texas, 29-31, 43
DeCordova, _ , cited, 38n, 41n, 53n
Deed of Trust Records, Milam County, cited, 145n, 146n, 151n, 152n, 154n
Deed Records, Milam County, cited, 19n, 20n, 31n, 38n, 57n, 85n, 86n, 89n, 90n, 91n, 92n, 93n, 94n, 98n, 99n, 100n, 101n, 106n, 107n, 108n, 111n, 112n, 113n, 117n, 127n, 128n, 129n, 132n, 133n, 134n, 135n, 144n, 145n, 146n, 147n, 149n, 150n, 151n, 152n, 153n, 154n, 178n, 179n, 188n, 189n, 192n, 193n, 194n, 195n, 196n, 197n, 198n, 199n, 200n, 201n, 203n, 204n, 205n, 206n, 207n, 208n, 209n, 210n, 212n, 213n, 214n; transcribed, 49-50
Defense transportation, 119 Democrat, published in Cameron, 160
Democratic national convention of 1912, 96
Democratic Party, split, 95
Democratic Telegraph and Texas Register, cited, 50n
Denny, H. C., 84
Denton County, 147
Denver, Colorado, 153
Department of Banking, 92n, 116n, 124n
Depression, 113-14
Depressions, effects on rural population of, 110
DeShields, _____ , cited, 20n, 43n
Detmold, Texas, 163, 199
DeVilbiss, John W., 202
Dewberry vines, 1
DeWitt, Green, 14
Dickinson, J. L., 46, 46n
Dickinson, M. W., 137
Dickinson College, 179
Dimmitt, J. J., 87
Dipping vats, 141
Disabled American Veterans, 161, 171
Disciples of Christ, in Milam County, 197-98
District clerk, 66
District Court of Milam County, 35n, 47
District system, of public schools, 184
Ditch Valley farm, mission site on, 11
Dobbins, Amanda, 189
Dobbs, C. H., 210
Dodd, W. J., 200
Dodson, James Ray, 217
Doggett, Mahan H., 215
Dogwood, 2
Dolores y Viana, Fray Mariano Francisco de los, establishes mission on San Gabriel, 8
Domestic Correspondence, vii; cited, 33n, 34n
Donaldson, John A., 70
Donecker, Frances, cited, 27n
Dossett, A. J., 210
Douchey, Caddo Indian, 38
Dozier Construction Company, 131
Draft, during Confederacy, 60
Drilling mud, 164
Drought, 131
DuBois, Leon C., 217
Duda, George J., 212
Duffau, Francis T., 51
Duncan, H., 163
Duncan, W. W., 52
Duncan, Texas, 163
Dunham, Daniel, 28 Dunlap. John, survey, 164
Dunlaps, Texas, 163
Dunn, James, 28; regidor of Viesca, 23
Duty, Richard, 28
Dyer, Clement Clinton, sent to Viesca, 24


Eanes, John F., 118, 139
Earle, J. B., 134
Easterwood, W. B., 157
Easterwood’s crossing, 83
Eastland County, 33
East Texas, 12, 125; Domingo Ramon’s expedition into, 7
Eaton, Edward, 74n
Eaves, W. B., 191
Ebenezer Baptist Church, 192, 193
Eca y Musquiz, Jose Joaqin, 9, 10
Echols, John, 45
Eckman, Daniel, 62
Education, in Milam County, 178-88
Edwards, Haden, 12
Edwards, Monroe, 16
Eighteenth Amendment, 142
Elam, Mrs. Louella, 167
El Cuilón, guides Aguayo expedition, 8
Election Register, cited, 35n, 40n, 65n, 66n, 67n, 70n; state, vii
Electric lights, 170
Electric power plant, in Cameron, 102-03
Elevation, of Milam County, 3
Elevation, Texas, 163-64
Elizabeth Cox Wallis Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, 172
Elliot, Claude, cited, 16n
Elliot, James C., 93; in Alliance, 94
Ellison, R., 164
Ellison Ridge, Texas, 164
Elm Creek, bridge, 83; Elm Ridge near, 164; flood of 1915, 3; Indians on, 39
Elm trees, 2
Elm Ridge, Texas, 164
El Paso, Texas, 62
Embree, Elisha, 83, 84
Embree, J. W., 84
emigrants, 50
Employer’s liability compensation, 135
Engerrand, George C., cited, 99n
Epidemics, among animals, 141; smallpox, 9-10, 104-05; typhoid, in Cameron, 140; yellow fever, 156
Episcopalian Church. See Protestant Episcopal Church
Epitaph, of Herman Henniger, 68; of Nancy Roberts, 168
Erath, George B., 17, 18, 43, 49, 180; at battle of San Jacinto, 32; leads Indian sortie, 42; on surveying mission, 40; Ranger captain, 39; surveys county seat, 46
Erath, [Lucy], cited, 16n, 17n, 18n, 38n, 39n, 40n, 42n, 43n
Erath County, created from Milam, 33
Ervipiame Indians, in Milam County, 6; request mission on San Gabriel, 7
Espinosa, Fray Isidro Felix de, 3, 4
Espiritu Santo, 4
Ethridge, Marvin L., 217
Eugene C. Barker Teras History Center, vii
Eupion kerosene, 106
Evangelical Church, 97
Evangelical and Luthern Churches, in Milam County, 198-200
Evangelische Hoffnung, 198
Evans, Ira H., 86
Evans, J. E., 160
Evans, Sterling C., 128
Evard Freeman & Company, 58
Evelina, slave, 57
Everedge, Dan, 195
Extension Service, of A. & M. College, 148


Fahrendorf, Fritz, 112
Fairman, W., 143
Fairs, 147, 148, 162
Fairview, Texas, 164
Falkinberry, David, 24
Falls County, 18, 157, 159; created as judicial county, 46; created from Milam, 33, 52; studies of, 1
Falls of the Brazos, Rangers at, 38
Fannin, James Walker, 32
Fannin’s men, massacre of, 32
Fanny, slave, 57
Farley, _____ , chief justice, Milam County, 34
Farley, M., letter from, 33n
Farley, Massillon, 28, 35, 51, 117, 179
Farmer, Dave, killed by Indians, 40
Farmer’s Alliance, established, 94
Farmers Co-operative Demonstration Work, 147
Farmers Gin and Compress Company, 145
Farmers Improvement Society of Minerva, 146
Farmer’s Institute, 162
Farmers Union Warehouse Company, 145
Farm-to-market highways, 123
Faulkner, Alexander C., 190
Falkner, William H., 59
Federal colors, lowered by Holtzclaw, 63-64
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, 114
Federal trops, in Milam County, 63
Fedor, Texas, Wends move from, 99
Feed grains, 158
Fencing, 93
Ferguson, Dan, cited, 179n
Ferguson, J., 180
Ferguson, W. M., 171
Ferries, in Milam County, 81-82
Fiesler, Rudolph, 215
Fire chief, candidates for, in Cameron, 104
Fire department, volunteer, of Cameron, 104
Fire engine, 104
Fire insurance, rates lowered, 138
Fire losses, 138, 173, 158
Fireman’s Relief and Pension Law, 139
Fire marshal, 138
Fire protection, 137-39
Fires, 139
Fire station, in Cameron, 104
First Baptist Church, of Cameron, 194-95; land purchased from, 104; requests wartime prohibition, 119
First Christian Church, of Cameron, 197; of Thorndale, 197
First Methodist Church, of Cameron, 202; of Rockdale, 205
First National Bank of Cameron, chartered, 116
First National Bank of Cameron, chartered, 92; fails, 116; takes over Ben Arnold State Bank, 124
First National Bank of Milano, closed, 124
First National Bank of Rockdale, chartered, 88, 92; fails, 116
First National Bank of Thorndale, chartered, 92; fails, 116
First Presbyterian Church, 195, 209
First Regiment of Texas Volunteers, in Spanish-American War, 108109
First State Bank of Milano, chartered, 92
Fish, in Milam County, 2
Fisher, D., 189, 190
Fisher, Frank, 99
Fisher, Reuben, survey, 149
Fisher, Thomas B., 62, 99
Fishing clubs, 144
Fitch, Benjamin Franklin, 40; at battle of San Jacinto, 32
Flanniken, Robert H., 47
Fleming, Jesse L., 215
Fleming, Patrick R., 51
Fleming gin, 156
Fleury, A. B., 40, 42n
Flinn, E. A., 162
Flinn, J. Eber, 120
Floods of the Brazos, 3
Flores, Manuel, 42
Florida, migration from, 17; Spanish-American War volunteers in, 109
Flour, price of, 53
Flournoy, (Captain) ______ , 60
Fokes, Abigail, 18
Fokes, John, 39
Fokes family, attacked by Indians, 20
Fonks, John E., slaveholder, 57
Food Stamp Plan, World War II, 114
Football, 164
Foot races, 45
Ford, John Salmon, cited, 43n
Forest Grove, Texas, 164
Forest Grove Christian Church, 197
Forshey, C. C., 84
Forshey, C. G., 83
Fort Bliss, 61
Fort Craig, 62
Fort Griffin, account of cited, 39n; Daniel Monroe left in command of, 40; established, 39
Fortier, Alcec, cited, 71n
Fort Milam, 40, 42
Fort Oldham, 36
Fort Parker, attacked by Indians, 37
Fort Thom, 62
Fort Worth, 144
Forty-Eighth Legislature, 123
Foster, H. A., 180
Four-H clubs, 148, 163, 169, 173
Fourth Texas United States Volunteer Infantry, in Spanish-American War, 109
Fowler, (Mrs.) M. M., 201
Foxes, 2; bounty for, 142
France, 156
Franciscan Order, 10
Francisco, (Reverend) Albert, 99
Frank, slave, 57
Franklin, Clyde, 120
Franklin, Rogers, 215
Franklin, Texas, 36
Franklin, Old, Texas, 45
Franks, G. B., 19
Franks, L. B., 28
Fraternal organizations, 97, 171-72, 177, 175
Frazier, (Mrs.), sister of William Thompson, 44
Fredonians, 12
Freedmen, 64
Freed Negroes, 64
Freeman, G. R., 60
Freeman addition, in Cameron, 50
Freemasonry, 71
Freezeout, Texas, 152, 164, 173
Freighting, 53-54
French explorers, find Indians in Milam County, 6; in Texas, 7; name Milam County Rivers, 3, 5
Friar, David B., 23, 24
Friendship, Texas, 93, 135, 164
Friendship Co-operative Association No. 1335, 146
Friendship Grange Co-operative Association, 93
Frogs, 2
Fruit growing, 144
Fuchs, Robert, 213
Fuchs family, 164
Fuchs, Texas, 164
Fuller, (Mrs.) A. Z., 201
Fuller, N. D., 196
Fulmore, [Zachary Taylor], cited, 18n
Funerals, 137
Fur trade, on Little River, 16
Future Farmers of America, in Val Verde, 175


Gafford, John, at battle of San Jacinto, 32
Gailbreath, Howard, 217
Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, 38
Gallagher, Nicholas A., 212
Gallardia, 1
Galveston, Texas, 54, 125, 14-4; consul of Austro-Hungary at, 112; Milam County volunteer company, Spanish-American War, mustered out at, 109
Galveston and Santa Fe Coal Company, 106
Gammel, {H. P. N.], cited, 20n, 30n, 47n, 63n, 22n, 23n, 24n, 34n, 36n, 40n, 48n, 49n, 50n, 25n, 27n, 29n, 42n, 45n, 46n, 51n, 52n, 53n, 65n, 67n, 77n, 81n, 82n, 84n, 87n 105n, 180n, 181n, 182n, 183n, 184n
Gandy, Edward, 217
Ganzabal, Fray Juan José, 9, 10
Garden Clubs, 162, 172
Garlic, wild, 1
Garner, Clifford Duncan, 217
Garrett, N. P., 78, 184
Garrett Hotel, 95
Garter snakes, 2
Garwood, G. W., 88n, 92n, 116n
Garza y Falcon, Miguel, 10
Gause, William J., 164, 206
Gause, Texas, 2, 3, 10, 86, 122, 164, 186; buses through, 125; establishment of, 85; voting precinct moved to, 167
Gause Baptist Church, 191-92
Gause Church of Nazarene, 208
Gause Guide, 164
Gause Lodge No. 8636, G. U. 0. 0. F., 164
Gause Lodge No., 1045, A. F. & A. M., 164
Gause Methodist Church, 206
Gause State Bank, 123
Gay Hill, Texas, 141, 164
Gazette, published at Milano, 167
Gee Mountain, 3
General Land Office, 15n; colony records in, 25; records, vii, 16
George Lane Electric Company, installs courthouse clock, 115
Georgetown, Texas, 87, 90, 91; runoff statistics at, 5; San Gabriel River in, 4
Georgetown and Granger Rail Road Company, 87, 91
Georgia, Milam residents from, 52, 58
German Agricultural Association of Buckholts, 111
German Evangelical Lutheran Church, 198
German Mercantile Company, 111
German Evangelical Lutheran Church, 198
German Mercantile Company, 111
Germania Verein, 111
Germans, 97, 159; in Buckholts, 158; in Corinth, 163; opposed to prohibition, 106
Germany, Ed Authifer from, 165; natives of in Milam County, 110, 113; Wends from, 98
Gettysburg, Battle of, Milam County
Grays in, 61
Ghent, H. C., 83
Giles County, Tennessee, S. C. Robertson born in, 13
Gilleland, Texas, 175
Gillespie, Barry, 47
Gillespie, (Captain) James, 32
Gillis, (Mrs.) Graham, 162, 186, 209n
Gillis, William C., 217
Gins, 92-93; in Ad Hall, 156; in Corinth, 163; in Milam County, 145; in Pettibone, 169; in Tracy, 175; in Yarrellton, 176
Given’s Academy, 105
Glanders, 141
Glazner, W. G., 191, 192
Gleason, Timothy, 159
Godsoe, F. A., 193
Gohmert, L. F., 120
Goldenrod, 1
Goldthwaite, J. G., 102
Goldthwaite & Co., granted electricity franchise for Cameron, 102
Golf course, 162
Goliad, 21, 26-27
Gonzales, 21, 27
Goodloe, Walter, cited, 13n
Goodwill Baptist Church, 195
Goodwin, George, Jr., 217
Gorman, 0. J., 101
Gospel Tabernacle, 201
Grackles, 2
Grama grass, 2
Grand jury, 143
Grand Lodge of Texas, 71
Grange, establishment of, 93; State Fair Park, 94
Granger, Texas, 91; railroad to chartered, 90
Granger Church of Christ, 195
Granite Mountain, 90
Grant, V. S., 61
Grantham Springs, 210
Grapes, 2
Grapevine, large stump of, near Baileyville, 156
Grasses, 2
Grasshoppers, 142
Graves, Thomas A., 19; at battle of San Jacinto, 32; elected sheriff, 35
Grave digging, Cost of, 136
Gray, Fairfax, Cited, 30n, 31n
Grayson, Peter W., 36
Green, A. N., 130, 187
Green, Benjamine M., 69
Green, Charles, 69, 215
Green, Charles Lawless, loan fund, 187
Green, George, 45, 49, 61, 78, 180; at battle of San Jalinto, 32; biographilal sketch of, 69-70; early settler, 17; opposition to bond issue, 75; petition of, 75n; surveyor, 182
Green, (Mrs.) H.L., 161
Green, (Mrs.), Idella, 161
Green, Jacob, 58
Green, Joshua, 69
Green, Louisiana, 69
Green, Robert B., 69
Greenback Party, 94
Green-Chance Genealogy, cited, 70n
Green snakes, 2
Gregg, Alexander, 211
Gregory, Hiram C., 58
Griffin, Robert N., 218
Griffin Chapel African Methodist Church, 205
Grimes, Ben L., 160
Grimes County, 22; proposed railroad through, 91
Grist mill, 58, 159; at Davilla, 163
Gross, Jacob, 49; at battle of San Jacinto, 32; in Indian fight, 39
Grove, M. M., 197
Grow, Galusha A., 86n
Guadalupe River, mission site on, 9
Guaranty State Bank of Gause, chartered, 92
Guide, published at Gause, 164
Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad Company, 89, 158, 159, 163, 165, 169; lays out present Milano, 167
Gulf States Telephone Company, 134
Gulf States Utilities Company, 133
Gun smith, 159


Hackberry trees, 2
Hackett, Charles Wilson, cited, 8n
Haldeman, Horace, 87n
Halderman, H. H., 93
Hale, F. M., 180
Hale, H. P., 61
Hale & Co., 88
Hall, A., 156
Hall, C. B., 89
Hall, F. M., 59, 83
Hall, P. W., 81
Hall, (Mrs.) Roberta E., 188
Hamblen, John W., 59, 197
Hamblin, W. K., 58
Hamilton, (Governor) Andrew Jackson, 64
Hamilton, J., 164
Hamilton, Robert, 31
Hamilton, Tom, 174
Hamilton, Texas, 164
Hamilton Chapel, 164
Hamilton County, created from Milam, 33
Hammond, Benjamin F., 84
Hamman, W. H., 84
Hammon, W. H., 81
Hancock, John A., 51
Hancock, (General) Winfield Scott, 65
Handbook of Texas, cited, 3n, 4n, 5n, 6n, 7n, 8n, 11n, 13n, 15n, 16n, 18n, 21n, 27n, 29n, 31n, 49n, 88n, 89n, 93n, 94n, 96n, 99n, 111n, 127n, 179n, 181n
Handy, Texas, 164
Hanna, James S., 81
Hanna, J. G., 180
Hannum, Patsy, 31
Hanover, Germany, 99
Hanover, Texas, 99 164-65
Hardin, Julius, S., 218
Hardin, W. A., 158
Harding, J. R., 28
Hardison, Roy, 205
Hardy, William E., 215
Harl, Leander, 204
Harl Creek, 45
Harlan, Cyrus, 189
Harlan, E., 65
Harmony, Texas, 165
Harmony Church, 165
Harmony Baptist Church, 192
Harris, Dilliard D., 218
Harris, Francis M., 51
Harris, James T., 218
Harris, John R., 57
Harris, J. N., 201
Harris, J. S., 87
Harris, Mary, 57
Harris, Richard 0., 57
Harris, W. W., 191
Harrisburg, Texas, 32
Harve, Texas, 165
Harvy, James, 45
Haskell County, 33
Hatfield, Basil M., 54-55
Hat Prairie Nazarene Church, 208
Havre de Grace, Maryland, 69
Hayes, R. Somers, 85n
Hearrell, U.S., 104; owns first automobile in Milam County, 122; seeks sewage system franchise, 135
Hearne, Roy W., in Spanish-American War, 108
Hearne, Texas, 19, 83, 125; railroad to, 84, 90
Hearne, Belton and North-western Railroad Company, 84
Hearne-Cameron Road, 82
Hebrew Benevolent Association, 98
Hefley, J. D., 128
Hefley, John M., railroad president, 90
Hefley, Lula Mae, 136
Hefley, (Mrs.) Pauline, 209
Hefley, W. T., 90
Hefley Improvement District, 127
Heiskell, John A., 204
Hempstead, Texas, 54
Henderson, , cited, 8n, 18n
Henderson, Ada, 188
Henderson, Harry McCorry, cited, 45n
Henderson, Jack, 139; appointed fire chief, 118
Henderson, J. Pinckney, 35n
Henderson, J. W., 78
Henderson, Katherine, thesis by, ix
Henderson, (Mrs.) Minnie B., 190
Henderson, 011ie, 215
Henderson, T., 144, 190
Henderson, Thomas Stalworth, 95, 113, 129; biographical sketch of, 96; railroad director, 90
Henderson, Winnie, ix
Henderson Elementary School, 188
Hendrix, E. T., 207
Hengst, Emil, 215
Henry, Gladys, 147
Henry, John C., 84
Henry, Robert, 179; at battle of San Jacinto, 32
Henson, A., 28
Herald. See Cameron Herald
Hereford cattle, 153
Hernandez, Jessie, 218
Hernandez, Vicente, 218
Hertenberger, Frank, 128
Hibner, Joseph J., 218
Hickman, (Mrs.) Lelia Lee, 203
Hickory Grove, Texas, 165
Hicks, Charles M., 188n
Hicks, John, 151
Hicks barn, on site of Mission San Ildefonso, 10
Highway Commission, 117
Highway Department, 123
Hildenbrandt, T., 151
Hildreth, M., 74n
Hill, Burton Adolphus, 218
Hill, Curtis E., 218
Hill, F. A., 52, 59
Hill, John T., 215
Hill, W. D., 63n
Hill, W. H., Ranger captain, 38
Hill, (Captain) William W., 45, 46; at battle of San Jacinto, 32
Hill County, created from Milam, 33
Hine, W., 201
Historical Records Survey, map by, mentioned, 33
History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of Milam Counties, cited, 17n, 19n, 32n, 43n, 44n, 45n, 47n, 49n, 55n, 56n, 64n, 68n, 88n, 90n, 92n, 93n, 94n, 95n, 96n, 97n, 98n, 101n, 105n, 181n, 202n
Hoes, Theodore, 215
Hogg, (Governor) James Stephen, Addresses and State Papers of, cited, 96n; campaign of, 95-96
Hogg Club, 95
Hoijer, Harry, cited, 6n
Hokan language, Tonkawan language related to, 6
Holland, W. C., 84
Holly trees, 2
Holmes, Willet, 45
Holt, John A., 65
Holtzclaw, James H., 63, 81
Holtzclaw Bridge, 82
Holub, Ben, 213
Homan, C., 66-67
Homan, Cornelius, 65, 66-67
Homan, W. H., 65
Home demonstration agents, 147-49
Home demonstration club, 148, 175
Homestead exemption, 76
Honey, 56
Hood, Cornelia, cited, 30n, 31n
Hood, Joseph L., delegate to Consultation, 21; first judge of Viesca, 23
Hood, R. L., 181
Hood County, 182; created from Milam, 33; school land trouble, 183
Hood’s Station, Texas, 108, 165
Hood’s Texas Brigade, 61
Hopson, Jack, 39
Hord, ______, 107
Horned frogs, 2
Hornsby’s Bend, 39
Horse mint week, 2
Horse weed, 2
Horses, 56
Horstmann, Augustus, 138
Horton, George M., 51
Horton, William David, 218
Hose carts, purchased by Cameron fire department, 104
Hospitals, 158, 159, 160
Hotels, 58; in Cameron, 51-52; in Rockdale in 1893, 170; in Port Sullivan, 170
House, Boyce, 120
House, John V., 203
Houses, built at Three Forks, 39
Houston, Reagan, 107
Houston, Sam, 32, 34, 43, 59
Houston, Texas, 36, 39, 42, 54, 71, 144, 145
Houston and Great Northern Railroad, 87
Houston and Texas Central Railroad, 54, 84, 168, 170
Houston County, railroad through, 90
Howard, George Thomas, Ranger leader, 42
Howlet, James, 57, 69
Hoxie, H. M., 87n
Hoyte, Texas, 162, 165
Hubbard, R. B., 87n
Hubby, E. R., 180
Hudson, (Dr.) John William, 68
Hughes, Gilbert L., 218
Hughes, T. P., 87
Hummingbirds, 2
Huntsville, Texas, 90, 179n
Huntsville, New Orleans and Western Texas Railway Company, 91
Hurth, P. J., 212
Hydrogenerating plant, 132, 133


I. O. O. E., in Gause, 164; in Milano, 167; in Rockdale, 171; in San Gabriel, 173; in Thorndale, 175
Illinois Cavalry, 68
Illiteracy, 56
Immigration contracts, proposed, 74 Imperial and Royal Consul of Austro-Hungary, at Galveston, 112
Independence, Texas, 36
Indian Hollow, 158
Indian paintbrush, 1
Indian River, Cameron on, 50
Indians, agents for, 53; burial ground at Vogelsang, 176; depredations of, after Revolution, 3740, at Daniel Monroe’s house, 38, at Fort Griffin, 40, at Waco Crossing, 39-40, early, 20, in Milam County, 42, 52-53, near San Gabriel River, 43; fight with, on Little River, 38; hostilities of, 41-42; in Milam County, 72; mound at Tracy, 175; Republic policy toward, 43; trailed by hounds, 43
Indigo, false, 1
Industry, 58
Inquirer, published at Cameron, 160
Insects, 2
International Coal and Brick Company, 151
International and Great Northern Railroad, 77, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 98, 103, 167, 169, 176, 179; drills dry well, 175; intersection with Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe, 89; lays out Gause, 164; lays out old Milano, 167; lays out Rockdale, 170
Interstate Commerce Commission, 155
Inventions, 58
Inventory of County Archives, cited, 34n
Irish Settlement, Texas, 158, 165, 176, 213
Iron, 58
Irons, 148
Isaacs, (Dr.) A. G., 94
Isaacs, Texas, 165
Isbell, Howard V., 218
Isle of Skye, migration from, 17
Itinerant preachers, 158


Jack rabbits, 2
Jackson, Floyd A., 215
Jackson, Gabriel, 46
Jackson, Peter, 65, 202
Jackson’s Store, 38
Jacobi Frauen Verein, 198-99
Jacobs, John Hall, 71n
Jahnick, George H., 75n
Jail, 49, 77; construction of, 80; early description of, 47; sandblasted, 115
Jalonick, Isaac, 88
James, Dove, 158
James, W. M., (Wash), 95
Jarmon, Richard B., 179
Jasper County, Georgia, migration from, 53
Jasper County, Texas, railroad through, 90, 91
Jeffries, Annie J., 71
Jeffries, James, 75n
Jeffries, James J. Jr., biographical sketch of, 71
Jeff Rogers Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, 161
Jehovah’s Witnesses, in Milam County, 201
Jenkins, Albert T., cited, 49n, 59n,
Jenkins, James R., 57
Jenkins, J. Cicero, 84
Jennings, (Mrs.) Bruce, 148
Jerusalem Baptist Church, 195
Jeter, J. W., 139
Jeter, W. M., 194
Jewett, Henry J., 47
Jews, in Milam County, 98
Jistel, Joseph, 112
Johannes, Gemeinde, 199
John, Edward R., 106
Johnson, (Captain) _____ , 60
Johnson, Don Lee, 218
Johnson, Francis W., 20; cited, 11 n, 20n; surveys in Milam County, 19
Johnson, M. M., 79
Johnson, Vivian E., 149n
Johnson County, created from Milam, 33
Johnson grass, 2
Jones, James, 45n
Jones, Jesse D., 128
Jones, Joseph P., early settler, 17; killed by Indians, 45; Jones Prairie named for, 165
Jones, J. E., 201
Jones, Maton, 44
Jones, Sallie, petition of, 75n
Jones, Wiley, 49
Jones, W. J. W., 210
Jones County, created from Milam, 33
Jones Prairie, Texas, 68, 165, 189, 204; early settlement, 45; farmers’ cooperative in, 146
Jordan, J. D., railroad director, 90
Joutel, Henri, found Mayeye Indians in Milam County, 6
Joyce Chapel Methodist Church, 207
Joynes, Solon, 88
Judkins, Loma T., 218
Junior Chamber of Commerce, 161 Junior Historians, 173
Justice of the peace, 67; at Corinth, 163
Justo, José, survey, 176


Kacer, Kaspar, 213
Kaltenhorn, _____ , early settler, 45
Kameron Kamp Crowd, 162
Kamp, Lina R., cited, 5n
Karlson, Majorie, 71n
Kelso, (Mrs.) E. D., 210
Kemp, Dempsey, 96
Kemp, Jeff Thompson, 95, 143, 203; biographical sketch of, 96-97
Kemp, (Mrs.) Jeff T., 120
Kemp, (Mrs.) Lina R., 97n 161
Kemp, Louis Wiltz, ix, 55n, 97n, 122n; cited, 28n, 30n, 32n, 44n, 75n
Kemp, Marshall M., 96; utility company president, 101
Kemp, Rosa, 96
Kemp, T. B. and Company, 139
Kemp, Thomas Benton, 96
Kemp, Thompson, 212n
Kendall, S. D., 181
Kennedy, William, cited, 7n, 56n, 57n
Kenney, _____ , cited, 20n, 43n
Kennon, R. W. H., 171
Kennon, Van, 218
Kentucky, migration from, 17, 51
Kerosene, 106
Kitchie Indians, 38
Killeen Church of Chirst, 195
Killough, Isaac, 65
Kiln, in Rockdale, 170
Kimble, Hubert, in Texas army, 31
King, Hugh B., appointed chief justice, 35
King, H. A., 180
King, Rufus G., 60
King, W. H., 86
King’s Daughters, 162
Kinsolving, George Herbert, 210, 211
Kirkman, J. A., 79
Kirkwood, Wharton and Lee, 131
Klement, Adolf F., 215
Kleypas, Joe E,. 218
Knight, George R., 218
Knights of Columbus, hall of serves as courtroom, 115
Knights of Honor Lodge No. 610, 161
Knights of Pythias, in Rockdale, 171
Koehler, Otto, 151
Kolb, P. M., 82, 165
Kolbs Hill, mission site, 8
Kolbs Mill, Texas, 165-66
Kraft Phenix Cheese Corporation, 146
Kraitchar, T., 151
Krause, Johnnie C., 218
Krieger, Marjorie H., cited, 6n, 7n
Kubecka, (Mrs.) Barbara, 213
Ku Klux Klan, 113
Kuntz, Joseph A., 215
Kutnak, Frank J., 218
Kuzel, Edwin E., 218
Kyle, Dave, 158


Labor & Material Man’s Lien Records of Milam County, cited, 134n, 146n
Lacy, Texas, 90
Ladies Cemetery Association, 136
LaGrone, Imogene, 148
Lake, built at Thorndale, 131
Lake City, Texas, 166
Lamar, Mirabeau B., 34, 36
Lamar Papers, cited, 35n, 36n
Lamar, Texas, proposed, 179
Lamkin family, 45
Lamour and Klerke, architects, 80
Lamour and Watson, sue county, 79
Lampasas, Texas, 84, 125
Lampasas County, 33
Lampasas River, source of Little River, 4
Lampkin, George, 180; survey, 106
Lampkin, M. A., 180
Lampkin, William, 180
Land Commissioners, in Milam County, 40-41
Land grants, early Milam County, 15-16; in Milam County, 41; Mexican, 41
Land of Beauty, 7
Land offices, closed, 24
Landson, L. D., Jr., 205
Land speculators, 21
Land speculations, The Texas Association, 13
Land title, first in county, 15
Lankford, Oliver H., 215
Lanier, John T., 215
Laredo, Texas, 85; quarantine against, 140
La Réunion, 99
Larks, 2
LaRue, George W., 65
Larza, Frank, 215
LaSalle, René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de, 3, 7
Latham, R. W., 84
Lauderdale, (Captain), _____ , 60
Laughlin, D., 28
Lauth, John, 212
Law, Sam, 136
Law of April 16, 1830, 16, 18
Lawrence, C. W., 128; utility company secretary, 101
Lawrence, Mill, Texas, 166
LaVinday Le Hue Lodge No. 56, I. 0. 0. F., 161
Layne, Guthrie Fitzhugh, Jr., 218
Layne Texas Well Drilling Company, 131
Leachville Common School District, 185
Leachville Presbyterian Church, 209
League, Hosea H., granted empresario contract, 13; contract abrogated, 14
Leal, Jose, 15; survey, 106, 107, 168, 191
Lebanon Methodist Church, 205
Ledbetter, R. E., 206
Ledbetter, Will, 214
Lee, Ben D., 79
Lee County, 1, 3, 33, 46, 141; Wends settle in, 99
Leecraft, C. A., 197
Leftwich, Robert, empresario grant to, 12; contract annulled, 13
Leggett, Wells W., 84
Lehmann, John, 99
Lengert, Margaret, cited, 2n, 88n, 106n, 111n, 149n, 150n
Lennartz, P. M., 121
Leona, Texas, 53
Leon River, 39; source of Little River, 4
Leon River Baptist Association, 181
Lester, Josiah, 58, 189
Lester, Walter H., 140
Lester, W. H. M., 189
Lesueur, Charles Marion, 59, 61, 65
Lewis, H. L., railroad director, 90
Lewis, Oscar, book by mentioned, 1
Lewis, William A., 218
Lewis, W. C., 202
Lewis, William W., survey, 159
Levee, 128
Levingston, J. C., 180
Lexington, Texas, 89, 155
Liberty, Texas, 166
Liberty Church, 105
Liberty Hill, Texas, 166, 204
Liberty Lodge of Cameron, F. & A. M., 161
Liberty School, 147
Libraries, 56
Licenses, liquor, refunded, 106
Lick Skillet, Texas, 166
Liendo, Jose Justo, 15; survey, 86, 175
Lightfoot, Mary Ann Lucas, 70
Lights Chapel Baptist Church, 193
Lignite, 106-08, 111, 150-53, 171, 175, 176
Lignite, Eggette and Coal Company, 108
Lilac, Texas, 141, 166
Lilac Baptist Church, 192, 193
Limestone County, 21, 33
Lindle, Joe, 212n
Link Line, 90
Lions Club, 161, 162
Lipan Apaches, in Milam County, 7
Lipan Creek, 158
Lishely, _____ , 39
Little, John L., 108
Little, Texas, 166
Little River, 4, 10, 19, 42, 43, 55n, 127, 128, 157, 166, 170; bridge over, 83, 123; Cameron on, 50; confluence with San Gabriel, 4, 5; crossed by Domingo Ramon, 7; Daniel Monroe’s headright on, 49; description of in 1871, 72; early history of, 4; Felix Robertson established camp at mouth of, 12; Fort Griffin on, 39; Indian fight on, 38 navigation of, 54-55; pipeline from, 154; proposed damming of, 101; Rice community on, 170; Ruiz grant on, 15; runoff figures of, 4; sources, 4; suspected contamination of, 140; trading post on, 16
Little River, Texas, town of, 39
Little River Baptist Association, 181, 191
Little River Baptist Church, 187, 194
Little River Bridge Company, 82
Little River Church, Texas, 166
Little River Church Chapter No. 66, R. A. M., 161
Little River Lodge No. 72, United Brothers of Friendship, 161
Little River Oil Company, 150
Little Rocky African Methodist Church, 206
Live Oak, Texas, 166
Livestock, 158; valuation in 1850, 56; valuation in 1940, 111
Livestock Sanitary Commission, 141
Lochiel, _____ , wire from quoted, 117
Locklin Cemetery, 44
Locklins Schoolhouse, Texas, 166
Loewenstein, Benjamin, 98
Loewenstein, Jr., (Mrs.) Ben, 171
Loewenstein, Joseph, 98
Logan, Mat, 62
Lone Star Gas Company, 136
Long, James, 26
Long, J. E., 62
Long, Roy, 143
Longview Junction, 85
Lorenz, Gustav, 107, 152
Los Brazos de Dios. See Brazos River
Lott, E. H., 68
Lott, Texas, 90
Louisiana, James J. Jeffries, Jr., lieutenant governor of, 71; migration from, 17, 69
Love, Benjamin C., 108
Love, David, 52n
Love, J. P., 211
Lower Colorado River Authority, 132, 133
Lowrey, Edd, 215
Lowry, J. G., 167
Lubbock, Francis Richard, 42; cited 42n
Lucas gusher, at Spindletop, 149
Luckett, (Mrs.) Martha, 195
Lumpkin, C. P., 191
Lumpkins, Albert E., 218
Lutheran Church, 97
Lutheran Churches, in Milam County, 198-200
Lyles, Richard, 90, 91
Lynch, W. W., 153


Mabbett, (Captain) L. H., in Texas Army, 32
Mackay Telegraph Company, 134
Maclin, Sarah, 18
Macune, C. W., 160
Maddox, Zechariah, 158
Madison County, railroad through, 90
Madisonville, Texas, 90
Magers, Mark C., 203
Maine, migration from, 51
Maligne, 3
Mallie, Paul, 151
Map, General Land Office, cited, 15n
Manning, Alvin Cleen, 218
Manning, Mary Ellen, 212n
Marak family, 166
Marak, Texas, 166, 212, 213
Marble Falls granite, 116
March of Dimes, 125
Marek, F. A., 196n
Majorie, Texas, 152, 166
Marlin, Texas, 4
Marlow, Virgil, 137
Marlow, Texas, 166
Marshall, George E., 74n
Martin, Edward A., 65
Martin, John, second judge of Viesca, 23
Martin, (Mrs.) John, ix
Martin, M., 76
Martin, Robert A., 215
Martinek, Albin C., Jr., 218
Marvel Wells, Inc., 149
Maryland, migration from, 17
Mason, W. N., 191
Masons, 173
Masonic Lodges, 156, 158, 159, 161, 165, 167; in Port Sullivan, 170; in Rockdale, 171; in Thorndale, 175; in San Andres, 173; in Yarrellton, 177
Massachusetts, migration from, 51
Massingale, A. M., 58
Mass meeting, in 1883, about smallpox epidemic, 104
Mathews, Jesse, 215
Matinee Musical Club, 172
Matocha, B. P., 98
Matocha, Michael, 98
Matthews, Z. G., 84
Mattresses, 148-49
Matula, A. E., 120
Mayes, Thomas Newton, 166
Maysfield, Texas, 83, 91, 166-67, 195; population of, 73
Maysfield Academy, 105
Maysfield Presbyterian Church, 210
Maysfield Telephone Company, 134
Mayeye Indians, in Milam County, 6
McAlester Fuel Company, 152-53
McAnally, Oscar Fides, 160
McCallum, Wayne Harmer, 218
McCamant, John D., 183
McClannahan, L. B., 184
McClellan, Brown & McClellan, remodel courthouse, 115
McCown, J. W., 57, 82
McCown, J. W., Jr., 55n, 63n; daughter married, 67-68; opposition to bond issue, 75
McCown, J. W., Sr., 55n
McCown, Joshua W., 51
McCown, Joshua W., Jr., 44n
McCown, Susan Turnham, 44n
McCown’s crossing, 83
McCullin, A. W., 120
McCulloch, R., 59
McCullough, J. W., 181
McCuyer, Dudley, V., 218
McCoy, Green, 39
McCoy, John, 158
McDermott, (Mrs.) Giles, 196n
McFarland, Beverly, 158
McGee, J. A., 77n
McGhee, Alice, ix; cited, 61n, 190n, 193n, 194n
McGregor, G. C., 72
McGregor, W. M., 75, 160, 171
McGregor, Texas, Fair Park at, 94
McGrew, Elizabeth, 41n
McIver, Evander J., 68
McKay, Daniel, at battle of San Jacinto, 32
McKenney, S. S., 207n
McKeown, James, 211
McKinney, James Madison, 96
McKinney, Jasper, 58
McKinney, Thomas Freeman, 15
McKissick, John W., 41n
McLane, John B., 165
McLaughlin, James, 19
McLean, Malcolm, cited, 15n, 18n
McLennan, Laughlan, 17; killed by Indians, 37
McLennan, Neil, 17, 53n; attacked by Indians, 37
McLennan family, 17; attacked by Indians, 37
McLennan County, 52n; created, 33, 52
McLennon, John, 17; attacked by Indians, 20, 37
McLerran, Jackson, 68
McLochlan, (Sergeant) _____, 39
McNiece, R. H., 126
Meers, Dave, 138
Menzel, Gilbert O., 218
Mercer, Jesse, 173
Mercer, Peter, 173; killed by Indians, 43; tombstone inscription, 44
Mercer’s Bluff, 44
Merritt, Thomas A., 218
Mesilla, N. M., 62
Mesquite grass, 2
Mesquite tree, at Tracy, 175
Meteorological records, in Milam County, 5
Methodist Church, in Milam County, 201-08; in Minerva, 168; in Rockdale in 1893, 170
Methuin, L. T., 84
Mewhinney, Hugh, railroad director, 90
Mexia-Milano Coal and Oil Syndicate, 150, 152
Mexican Baptist Church, 191
Mexican Congress 13
Mexican land grants, 12-15; suits caused by, 41
Mexican Patriotic Committee of Cameron, 112
Mexican War, 48
Mexicans, 98, 110, 112; in Baptist Church, 193-94
Mexico, declares independence, 11; natives of in Milam County, 98, 110; petitioned for empresario land grants, 11-12; Spanish exploitation of, 7
Meyer, David, 212
Meyers, Caroline, 97
Meyers, Frederick, 97
Meyers, H. C., 152
Michalk, Karl, 99
Michalka, Ralph, 212
Middle Yegua, 46
Mid-Texas Telephone Company, 135
Mid-West States Telephone Company, 134
Mier Expedition, 49, 50
Mier y Teran, (General) Manuel, orders expulsion of Robertson’s colonists, 14
Milbourn, Elizabeth, 205
Milch cows, 56
Milk, 56; price of raised, 119
Milam, Benjamine Rush, biographical sketch of, 26-27; statue of erected, 116
Milam, Municipality of, changed to Milam County, 33; delegation to Convention of 1836, 27-28; named for Ben Milam, 27; volunteer company from, 24
Milam, Texas, 28, 40; county seat, 34
Milam County, agricultural products Milam County, agricultural products, 56, 72-73, 111; air transportation in, 125-27; aluminum production in, 154; animals in, 2, 140; area of, 1; artists in, 57; automobiles in, 121-25; banks in, 91-92, 116; birds in, 2; boundaries, 3, 33, 52; bridges and ferries in, 81; buses in, 125; business clubs in, 161; cattle in, 145; Centennial monuments in, 116; churches in, 189-214; clubs and civic programs in, 144; communities in, 156-77; compresses in, 145; Confederate veterans in, 68; cotton production in, 56; counties created from, 33, 52; county seat, 45-46, 48; courthouse, 49, 103, 116; crossed by Spanish expeditions, 7-8; Czechs in, 97-98, 112; dairy products in, 146; Deed Records – see Deed Records, Milam County; demon-station agents in, 147-149; depression in, 113-14; district court, 47; division proposed, 75; during end. of 19th century, 73-109; early surveying in, 19-20; education in, 178-88; electric power in, 132-33; elevation of, 3; epidemics in, 10405; ethos in, vii; fairs in, 147; farmers cooperatives in, 146; fire protection in, 137-39; first European settlement in, 8; first land titles in, 15; first newspaper in, 57; first railroad in, 85; floods in, 3; flora and fauna, 1-2; fraternal organizations in, 97, 116, 17172, 177, 175; freighting in, 53-54; gas fuel in, 136; German settlers in, 97, 111-12; gins in, 145; history of, cited, 2n, 17n; hotels in, 51-52, 58, 170; included in Robert Leftwich’s empersario grant, 12; Indian depredations in, 42, 52-53; industry in, 58; in mid-nineteenth century, 48-72; in Texas Republic, 21-47; in War Between the States, 59-62; jail, 49, 80, 115; Jefferson Davis invited to, 68; jurisdiction increased, 45; Klu Klux Klan in, 113; land grants in, 40-41; lignite in, 106-07, 111, 150-53, 171, 175, 176; Lipan Apaches in, 7; meteorological records in, 5; Methodists in, 201-08; minerals in, 149; mounted rifles, 40; newspapers in, 160; organization of, 34ff; oil mills in, 145-46; oil leases in, 149-50; patriotic organizations in, 161; part of Washington County attached to, 34; physical description, 1-5; political activity in, 93-96; poolrooms in, 143; population of, 73, 55-56, 71-73, 110-12; postal service in, 35-36. 53; prohibition in, 104-05, 143; public health measures in, 139-41; public utilities in, 128-36; radios in, 143; railroads in, 53-54, 83-95; rainfall in, 5; ranches in, 58; Reconstruction in, 64-68; records obtained from Burleson, 48; recreation in, 143-44, 148; Red Cross in, 162; religion in, 189-214; relocation of land office, 50; reptiles in, 2; roads in, 81, 122-23; school lands, 182; Selective Service hoards in, 119-20; sewage systems in, 135-36; sheriff of, 66; slavery in, 57-58; smallpox in, 104-05; soils in, 2; southern portion, 48; Spanish occupation of, 8-10; steamboats in, 54-55; streams of, 3-5; surveying in, 4142; telegraph lines in, 103; telephones in, 103, 134-35; television in, 144; temperatures in, 5; Texas Centennial in, 116; theatres in, 143; timber in, 2; Tonkawa Indians in, 6-7; utilities in, 100; varmints and insects in, 142; veterans of United States Army in, 66-68; volunteers in Spanish-American War in, 108-09; World War II efforts in, 117-20; yellow fever in, 104-05
Milam County Abstract Co., 23n, 46n, 49n, 50n, 55n, 56n, 57n, 63n, 64n, 180n, 190n, 191n, 202n
Milam County Bank, 92, 103
Milam County Board of Welfare and Employment, 114
Milam County Baptist Association, 191
Milam County Commissioners Court. See Commissioners Court
Milam County Cooperative Cotton and Mercantile Alliance, 94
Milam County Enterprise, 160
Milam County Fair Association, 147
Milam County Farm Bureau Federation, 147
Milam County Grays, 59, 61
Milam County Guards, 59
Milam County Health Board, 140
Milam County Home Demonstration Club, 148
Milam County Lignite Company, 151
Milam County Livestock Commission Company, 147
Milam County Marketing Association, 147
Milam County Medical Society, 68
Milam County Messenger, 160
Milam County Oil Mill Co., 93, 146
Milam County Real Estate and Emigration Association, 75
Milam County Telegram, 160, 171
Milam County War Price and Rationing Board, 118
Milam Land District, 50
Milam Grove Methodist Church, 204
Milam Guards, 42
Milam Liberal Institute, 180
Milam Lodge No. 125, K. P., 161
Milam Republican, 160
Milam Square, in San Antonio, 27
Milam Transmission Company, 154
Milano, Texas, 2, 68, 85, 86, 122, 167; farmers cooperative in, 147; gin association in, 92; home demonstration club at, 148; volunteer company, Spanish-American War, organized in, 108-09
Milano Baptist Church, 191
Milano Christian Church, 198
Milano junction, 89, 167, 191
Milano Lodge No. 605, A.F. & A.M., 167
Milano Methodist Church, 205
Milano Producers Co-operative, 147
Milano Telephone Exchange, 135
Miller, Beardy, 187
Miller, Branch, 215
Miller, Chamberlin, 83
Miller, Emil, 168
Miller, George, 186
Miller, W. A., 84
Millerton, Texas, 167-68
Millican, Texas, 54
Mills, John T., 47
Mills, L. Roy, 126
Mills brothers, 10n
Mills County, 33
Mineral crystals, 149
Minerva, Texas, 146, 168, 193, 195; refinery at, 150
Minerva Church of Christ, 196
Minerva-Rockdale Field, 150 M. I. P., 172
Missions, 8-10; established in 1746, 8
Mission Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, 8, 9; located by Bolton on Cemetery Hill, 10
Mission Nuestra Señora de los Dolores del Rio de San Xavier. See Mission San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas
Mission San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas, 8-10
Mission San Francisco Xavier de los Tejas. See Mission San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas
Mission San Ildefonso, 8-10
Mississippi, migration from, 17, 51, 70
Missouri, migration from, 17, 51, 57
Missouri Pacific Railroad, 118-19, 121, 122, 126, 152, 154, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 169, 175, 176
Mitchell, C. S., 84
Mitchell, Henry, railroad director, 90
Mitchell, Lloyd, 138
Mitchells Schoolhouse, Texas, 168
Mitchum, W. E., 78
Mlcak, Joseph P., 215
Mockingbirds, 2
Mode, Marvin, 218
Moerbe, C. August, 199
Moerbe, Edward E., 218
Moerbe, H., 111
Moerbe, John, 99
Molina, Miguel, 112
Monclova, 26
Mondrick, Joseph, 212
Monroe, Daniel, 37, 69; at Fort Griffin, 40; attacked by Indians, 38; named commissioner, 47, 48; sells Cameron townsite, 49; settlement of, 44; survey, 63, 159; trustee, Milam Liberal Institute, 180
Monroe land controversy, 63
Montgomery, Velma, 148
Montgomery Ward, 122
Monuments, 116; at Nashville, 168
Moody, Isabelle, appointed district clerk, 168
Moody, W. C., enters military service, 118
Moore, A. W., 57
Moore, C., 57
Moore, J. B., 75n
Moore, Joel, 28; elected justice of the peace, 35
Moore, John, 58
Moore, John A., 57
Moore, Lewis, 38, 51
Moore, Monta J., 90
Moore, Morris, 39
Moore, Westley, 45
Moore, William, 19
Moore, William D., 179
Moreland, (Captain) Isaac N., 32
Morgan, 0. G., 192
Morrell, Zachariah, 17, 19, 58, 189; cited, 19n; in Ranger service, 38
Morrow, J. C. S., 87
Morrow, Thomas, 28
Moser, _____, 126
Mosquitoes, attempted control of, 140
Mother’s Study Club, 162
Mound Prairie, Texas, 36
Mount Herman Presbyterian Church, 209
Mount Tabor Baptist Church, 194
Mourning doves, 2
Movie projectors, 133
Moving picture shows, 143
Mowdy, William, 176
Muir, (Dr.) Andrew Forest, ix
Muir, James A., 160, 171
Mules, 56
Mullen, _____, 192
Mullinax, Lee H., 215
Mumford, Sarah, 191
Munor, M., 214
Mundine Hotel, 139
Municipal Defense Council, appointed in Cameron, 118
Munitions, for Rangers, 38
Murray, W. L., elected district clerk, 35
Muscadine grapes, 2
Muse, (Mrs.) Gene, 214
Mustang grapes, 2; large stump of vine near Baileyville, 156
Mustang horses, sought by Philip Nolan, 11
Muster Out Roll, 1st Texas U. S.
Volunteer Infantry, cited, 109
Muster Out Roll, 4th Texas U. S.
Volunteer Infantry, cited, 109
Myer, Elizabeth Kentle, 69
Myer, H. C., 114
Myer, Mary, 212


Nabours, W. A., 78
Nacogdoches, 11, 13, 18, 38
Nance, John, 178
Nashville, Tennessee, 13
Nashville, Texas, 20, 31, 40, 50, 53, 168-69; 174-75, 182; abandoned, 32; as county seat, 34; colony, 117; county seat, 48; depopulated, 45; description, 19; election in, 28; establishment of, 19; incorporation of, 34; land records of, 24; marker erected at, 116; postal route to, 36; road to, 81; Sterling C. Robertson’s body removed from, 117
Natchitoches, Louisiana, 18
National banks, 91-92
National banking act of 1863, 91
National Geographic Magazine, cited, 99n
National Youth Administration, 111; resurveys boundary between Milam and Williamson counties, 114
Natural gas, discovered near Rockdale, 149
Navasota River, 33; Yojuane Indians on, 6
Naylor Publishing Company, ix, 1
Nazarene, Church of, 208
Nedell, Lewis, 108
Negroes, band organized, 99; in Liberty Hill, 166; in Milam County, 72; in Oklahoma community, 169; in Sneed Chapel, 174; operate taxi companies, 119; population, 73, 110; school, 185
Neher, J. G., 78
Neibling, Frederick, 57, 178
Neibling, Louisana, 57
Neil, Clabe, killed by Indians, 40
Neill, James, 205
Nelson, Donald, 116
Nelson, William F., survey, 157
New Braunfels, Texas, 153
New Columbus Bridge Company, 83
New Hope Baptist Church, 194
New Liberty Baptist Church, 193
New Mexico, Milam County men in, 61-63
New Orleans, Louisiana, 18; battle of, 13; Public Library, 71n
New Province Baptist Church, 194
New Salem, Texas, 169
New Salem Baptist Church, 192
New Salem Gospel Tabernacle, 201
Newsom, W. M., 62
Newspapers, in Burlington, 159; in Cameron, 160; in Milam County, 57; in Rockdale, 171; in Thorn-dale, 175
New Testament, 163
Newton, Roger T., 218
Newton, Jr., (Dr.) MT. R., 160
Newton, Sr., (Dr.) W. R., 158; founds hospital, 160
Newton, William Jeter, 219
Newton County, railroad through, 90-91
Newton Memorial Hospital, 160
New York, migration from, 51, 58; Russell Sage Foundation of, 148
New York and Texas Land Company, 206
Nightshade weed, 2
Nile, Texas, 169
Nolan, Philip, visits Milam County area, 11
Nolans Creek, 11
Nolte, 0. C., 114
North Carolina, migration from, 51
North Elm, Texas, 169
North Elm Baptist Church, 192
North Elm Creek, 169
Norton, N. L., 87
Notary public, 67
Novotny, Jr., Joe, 219
Nunnelly, J. D., 65


O. E. S., in Gause, 164; in Jones Prairie, 165; in Milano, 167; in Thorndale, 175; in Rockdale, 171; in Yarrellton, 177
Oak Hill, Texas, 169
Oakhill Cemetery, 69, 97n, 117, 136, 188n
Oak trees, Milam County varieties, 2
Occupation tax, 106
Oders, Watson, 57
Oil mills, 145-46
Oil Pull tractor, 122
Oklahoma, Texas, 169
Old Cemetery, 44, 70, 71
Old Graball, 166, 169
Oldham, Thomas, 43
Old Milano, 167
Olive, G. I., 62
Oliver, Sam, 219
Opposums, 2
Orientals, in Milam County, 110
Overton, James D., 202
Owens Refining Company, 150
Owls, 2
Oxen, 56
Oxford City, Texas, 99-100, 169
Oxsheer, Fount, first to use wire fences, 176
Oxsheer, William Wilson, gives land to church, 190; moves to Milam County, 44; obtains Milam County records from Burleson, 48; recollections of, 55n, 202; subscribes to courthouse construction, 78


Paden, W. D., 209
Paden, W. F., 136
Paeser, Ernest, 107
Page, Buddy, 173
Pageant, at Cameron centennial, 120
Palmer, Ed, 210
Palo Pinto County, 33
Panic of 1819, 17
Pardo, _____, 193
Parent-Teacher Associations, 148; in Buckholts, 158; in Marak, 166; in Rockdale, 172; in San Gabriel, 173; in Sharp, 174
Parham, Charles F., 208
Parker, Cynthia Ann, capture of, 37
Parker, James W., 28; delegate to Consultation 21
Parker, John W., 18
Parker, Joseph A., 24
Parker, J. Wise, 82
Parker, Silas, elected commissioner to organize militia, 23
Parker County, 33
Parker family, 18
Parker’s fort, 32-33
Parking meters, 124-35; in Rockdale, 154
Parochial schools, 188-89
Patents, 58n
Patrons of Husbandry, establishment of, 93
Paul, T. H., 152
Paul Mallie Coal Company, 151
Pauly Jail Building Company, 81
Peace Lutheran Church, 198-99
Pearl Harbor, 118
Pease, (Governor) Elisha Marshall, 50-51
Pecan trees, 2
Peebles, Robert, 24
Peebles & Dyer, letter to, 25
Peeler, (Reverend) James, 105, 158, 160, 166
Peets, Jr., George H., 219
Pee Wee football team, 164
Pefia, Jose Antonio de, 15
Penn, W. E., 191
Pennsylvania, migration from, 17, 57
Pensions, Confederate, 92
Penvel, Cassius, C., 178
Peoples, Tom, 90
Peoples Party, 94
Perch, 2
Perkins Sand and Gravel Company, 149
Permanent Council, 22-28
Perry, _____, cited, 68n, 107n, 150n, 151n, 152n, 154n
Perry, A. B., 179
Perry, Albert G., candidate for delegate to Convention of 1846, 28; member of Permanent Council, 22
Perry, Albert W., delegate to Consultation, 21
Perry, Alvin G., in Populist movement, 94
Perry, Andrew Preston, 172
Perry, George Sessions, 124, 154, 169; biographical sketch of, 172-73; cited, 68n, 85n, 87n, 107n, 150n, 151n, 152n, 154n
Perry, James Samuel, 67, 88, 101
Perrys House, Texas, 169
Pest house, established for yellow fever victims, 104
Pettibone, Texas, 169
Petroleum, 175
Phelps, William Walter, 86
Phillips, E. B., 152
Phillips, Zack, 52
Phillips Hotel, 78
Phipps School, 192
Phlox, 1
Photographic studio, early, in Rockdale, 88
Pierce Lodge No. 144, 71
Pierson, John Goodloe Warren, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28
Pike County, Alabama, migration from, 71
Pilgrims Rest Missionary Baptist Church, 192
Pilot Knob Valley, Indian fight at, 43
Pinball machines, 143
Pin Oak, Texas, 169
Pipeline, 154
Placek, Bill, 214
Placek, Joe, 214
Placek, Walter, 212
Pleasant Grove, Texas, 169
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, 191
Pleasant Grove Methodist Church, 204
Pleasant Hill, Texas, 169
Pleasant Hill (Methodist Circuit), 207
Pleasure and Profit Club, 162
Plummer, Luther T. H., 28
Plummer, William, 79
Poage, (Representative) W. R., 153
Podpurna Jetnota Ceska Morayskych Brati of North America, 112
Police, special, 67
Politics, in Milam County, 93-96
Polk County, railroad through, 90, 91
Polly, _____, cited, 61n
Polnick, August, 99
Pond Creek, 37
Poolrooms, 143
Pope, (Dr.) Thomas A., 67, 90, 160
Poppy, white, 1
Population, of Cameron, 111, 159; of Cross Roads, 163; of Gause, 164; of Hanover, 165; of Jones Prairie, 165; of Maysfield, 167; of Milam County, 55, 110; of Milano, 167; of Minerva, 168; of Nashville, 168; of Pettibone, 169; of Port Sullivan, 170; of Rockdale, 111, 154, 170, 172; of Sharp, 174; of Tracy, 175; of Yarrelton, 177; school, 56
Populist Party, 94, 95, 171
Porter, Dorothy, 148
Porter, Frank, 137, 138
Porter, John W., 45, 69
Porter, L. H., 127
Port Sullivan, Belton and Northwestern Railroad Co., 83
Port Sullivan, Texas, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 64, 71, 75, 81, 82, 90, 157, 167, 170; marker erected at, 116; Mexican cemetery in, 112; population of in 1870, 72; railroad through, 84; teachers in, 182; townsite laid out, 55
Port Sullivan Baptist Church, 191
Port Sullivan Male and Female College, 180
Port Sullivan Methodist Church, 203-04, 207-08
Port Sullivan Missionary Baptist Church, 193
Posival, Del, 219
‘Possum, Jeff Kemp eats, 97
Postal service, 35-36, 53
Post Oak Baptist Church, 194
Post Oaks, 2
Post Office Department, 167, 175
Post Offices, in Milam County, 53
Potatoes, 56
Poultry, 158
Powers, Elijah, 28, 179
Pratt, H. D., 151
Presbyterian Church, in Milam County, 209-10; in Rockdale, 170; Jefferson Davis memorial service in, 68; Mexican, 112
Presidio San Francisco Xavier, establishment of, 9
Presidio of Nuestra Sefiora de Lorem, 9
Presidio of Nuestra Seflora del Pilar de los Adaes, 9
Pressley, (Reverend) Colvin, 165
Price, F. L., 87
Prichard, J. S., 155
Prickly ash, 2
Priddy, W. L., 193
Primitive Baptist Church, 194
Primrose, evening, 1
Princeton University, 179
Pritchett, (Mrs.) _____, ix
Probate Minutes of Milam County, cited, 137n, 178n, 187n
Progressive Baptist Church, 194
Progressive Christian Church, 198
Prohibition, 105, 142-43, 163; in Sharp, 174; requested by First Baptist Church, 119
Prohibitionist Party, 94
Prospect, Texas, 170
Protestant Episcopal Church, in Milam County, 210-11
Providena Baptist Church, 193
Providence Baptist Church, 194
Pruett, (Mrs.) H. H., 192n
Pruss, John, 81
Public works, 111, 114
Public Works Administration, 115, 131
Pugh, (Mrs.) Marvin, 214
Puterbaugh, J. G., 152-53


Quail, 2
Quarantine, 104-05, 141
Quin, Clinton Simon, 211


Rabago y Teran, (Captain) Felipe, 9, 10
Rabbits, 2
Rabies, 141; among foxes, 142; vaccination against required, 140
Racoons, 2
Radio, 143-44, 148
Railroad Commission, 91, 91n, 150n
Railroads, 53-54, 121, 154-55; construction described, 86; construction in Milam County, 83-92, 15253, 154; employees injured, 87; first in Milam County, 85; regulation of, 95; support bridges, 83; turntable described, 87; narrow gauge, 84; wooden, 84
Rainfall, 3-4
Rainy seasons, 5
Ralston, J. M., 90, 95, 128
Ramón, Domingo, 3, 7n; crosses Brushy Creek, 5; leads expedition across Texas, 7
Ramsdell, Charles W., 1
Rancheria Grande Indians, 6, 7n, 8; request mission on San Gabriel River, 7
Ranches, 58
Randolph, John M., 78
Raney, J. R., 74n
Rangers 141; on upper Brazos, 38
Rather, W. S., 84
Rationing, in World War II, 118
Rats, 140
Reagen, Asbery, 74n
Reconstruction, 64-65, 69; collapse of school system during, 184
Reconstruction Convention, 91
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 129
Reconstruction Letters, County Officers, cited, 67n
Record, published in Burlington, 159
Records building, proposed, 115
Recreation, 148
Redbud, 2
Red Gross, 157, 162; in Duncan, 163; in Forest Grove, 164; in Friendship, 164; in Hamilton, 164; in Harmony, 165; in Liberty Hill, 166; in Milano, 167; in Minerva, 168; in Pleasant Hill, 169; in Rockdale, 171-72; in Salty, 173; in Sandy Creek, 174; in San Gabriel, 173; in Tracy, 175
Red River, Milam on, 26
Redville Gin Company, 145
Reed, _____ , killed by Indians, 20
Reed, Jefferson, 19; in Texas army, 31-32
Reed, S. G., cited, 89n
Reed, William, 19; in Texas army, 31-32
Reese, J. C., 187
Refley, Henry M., 120
Refrigerators, 148
Rehabilitation and Relief Commission, 114
Reicher, Louis J., 212
Reichert, Ben F., 160
Reid, F. F., 186
Reid, John C., 157
Reid, William E., 109
Reimer, Charles A., 219
Religion, in Milam County, 189-214
Reminiscences of Burleson County, 1
Renick, M. H., 209
Reporter, published in Rockdale, 171
Reporter and Messenger, published in Rockdale, 171
Reptiles, in Milam County, 2
Republicans, 66, 68
Rester, John, 191
Reyes, Roy, 219
Reynolds, (General) Joseph Jones, 65
Rhodes, _____ , 37
Rice, Benjamine F., 51
Rice, J. P., 65
Rice, Porter, 65
Rice, Texas, 170
Rice Institute, 53n
Rices Schoolhouse, Texas, 170
Richards Clinic and Hospital, 172
Richardson, Stephen, 75n
Richter, Joe, 139
Richter Transfer Company, 119
Riebe, _____ , 99
Right-of-way, oil wells drilled on county road, 150
Ringgold, (Mrs.) Etta W., 148
Riparian rights, 127
Rio Grande, 18; Domingo Ramón’s expedition from, 7
Rischar, (Dr.) Eduard, 160, 212
Rischar, R. N., Rose, 160, 162
Rischar, Memorial Hospital, 160
Rising Sun Lodge, A. F. & A. Y. M., in Rockdale, 171
Rister, John, 192
Ritchie, V. S., 62
Rivera, Jose M., 219
Rivera, Pedro de, 4
Roads, from Falls of Brazos to Three Forks, 39; in Milam County, 80-81; tax for improvement of, 122
Robbins, C. V., 153
Robbins, Kathryn, cited, 80n
Robeline, Louisiana, mission site near, 9
Roberts, Charles N., 158
Roberts, Willie A., 215
Robertson, Elijah Sterling Clack, 31, 60, 83, 84
Robertson, (Dr.) Felix, 12
Robertson, Henry V., 31
Robertson, James R., 31
Robertson, Jonathon F., 31
Robertson, J. T., 75n
Robertson, J. W., 81
Robertson, Rachel, 183n
Robertson, R. P., 183n
Robertson, Sarah, 31
Robertson, Sterling Clack, 12, 13n, 28, 32, 36, 38, 81; at Convention of 1836, 30; body removed to State Cemetery, 117, 169; death of, 31; organizes colonising company, 13; survey, 63
Robertson’s Colony, 69; character of migration to, 17; confirmation of, 14; history of, 12-20; roads to, 18; records of, 24-25; reinstated, 16
Robertson County, 31, 71, 84, 141; created from Milam, 33, 34; railroad through, 90; study of, 1
Robinson, Ezekiel, 37
Robinson, Monroe, 163
Robison, C. F., 200
Rockdale, Texas, 68, 77, 81, 83, 86, 87, 107, 108, 120, 122, 191, 213; airport in, 127; banks in, 92; boom in, 154; buses through, 125; cemetery in, 136; citizens of appointed to County Board of Welfare and Employment, 114; city government in, 171; clubs in, 172; cotton warehouse in, 145; description of, 170; electric power in, 132; establishment of, 85; fairs in, 147; fire department in, 139; fire in, 139; fraternal organizations in, 171; gas near, 149; growth of, 88; hospital in, 172; incorporation of, 89; in county seat election, 77-78; installs parking meters, 125; Jews in, 98; lignite near, 106, 152, 153; naming of, 88; newspapers in, 171; newspaper moved to, 160; oil mill in, 145-46; population of, 73, 111; railroad to, 85; records of, vii; S. A. & A. P. division headquarters moved from, 121; schools in, 186; sewing rooms in, closed, 114; street paving in, 124; telephones in, 134; utilities in, 100-01
Rockdale Art League, 172
Rockdale Assembly of God, 200
Rockdale Bank, 88
Rockdale Baptist Church, 191
Rockdale Chamber of Commerce, 171
Rockdale Chapter, 0. E. S., 167, 171
Rockdale Christian Church, 198
Rockdale Church of Christ, 196
Rockdale Coal Company, 152
Rockdale Consolidated Coal Company, 152
Rockdale Farmers Fair Association, 147
Rockdale Flying Club, 127
Rockdale Garden Club, 172
Rockdale Improvement Company, 100-01, 132
Rockdale Lignite Company, 151
Rockdale Lodge, No. 231, I. 0. 0. F., 171
Rockdale Lodge No. 414, A. F. & A. M., 171
Rockdale Messenger, 171
Rockdale Mining and Manufacturing Company, 107
Rockdale Oil Company, 149
Rockdale Oil Mill, Inc., 145-46
Rockdale Presbyterian Church, 209
Rockdale, Sandow and Southern
Railroad Company, 152, 154, 155, 166, 174
Rockdale State Bank, 116; chartered, 92
Rockdale Water and Light Company, 132
Rocky District Farmers Union, 146 Rodeo, 120
Rodriguez, Fernando, 15
Rodriguez, Juan. See El Cuilón
Rogers, _____, county judge, 78
Rogers, _____, 80
Rogers, Harry, 126
Rogers, Jefferson Carroll, 59, 65, 78, 97
Rogers, Lina, 96-97
Rogers, (Mrs.) Marta, 77n
Rogers, Texas, 123
Roman Catholic Church, 98, 113; in Milam County, 211-14; in Rockdale, 170
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 143
Rooter plow, 122
Rosebud Baptist Church, 193
Ross, Ernest, Jr., 219
Ross, Shapley Prince, 17, 43, 44, 47, 52n
Rotary Club, 117, 161
Roth, Carl, 199
Round Rock, Texas, 87, 88
Rowlett, H. E., 151
Rucker, L. P., 210
Ruiz, Francisco, 19, 112; litigation of heirs, 41n; survey, 117
Ruiz, José Francisco, 15
Runaway Scrape, described, 32-33, 37, 39
Runoff, of the Brazos, 4
Rusk, Thomas Jefferson, 36
Russell, A. F., 190
Russell Sage Foundation, 148
Russell, Winfred R., 219
Rust, William M., 60
Ruzicka, Vince A., 219
Ryan, G. M., 152


S.A. & A.P. [railroad], 103, 121, 156; flood damage, 1915, 3
S. A. and A. P. Railway Co., 89
Sabine River, 11, 90, 91
Sadler, 159
Sage, C. C., 62
Salac, Joe V., 215
Salado, battle of, 50
Salado River, source of Little River, 4
Salem, Texas, 173
Salem Methodist Church, 202
Salem Road, in Cameron, cemetery on, 112
Saloons, in Milano, 167; used as church, 158
Saltillo, Mexico, 26
Salty, Texas, 173
Salty Creek, 173
Sample, J. N., 52
Sampson, (Mrs.) T. G., 136
Sam Tyson Chapter No. 18, Disabled American Veterans, 161
San Andres, Texas, 47, 53, 59, 173
San Andres River, 4, 5, 173. See also Little River
San Andres Masonic Lodge, 190
San Andres Light Horse Co., 59
San Andres Lodge, 203
San Andres Lodge No. 107, A. F. & A. M., 161
San Andres Lodge No. 170, 161
San Antonio, Texas, 8, 11, 18, 131; attacked by Milam, 27; occupied by Texas army, 21; quarantine against travelers from, 140
San Antonio & Mexican Gulf R.R. Co., 183
San Antonio Briquette and Coal Company, 151
San Antonio Power and Light, lignite sold to, 153
San Antonio Public Service, lignite sold to, 153
San Antonio-Nacogdoches road, 11, 46
San Antonio road, 12, 18, 46
Sanches, José David, 15
Sand, 164
Sand Grove, Texas, 173
Sandow, Texas, 164, 173-74; lignite at, 152-53
Sandow Lignite Company, 152
Sandow Water Co., 153
Sanders, (Captain) _____, 60
Sanders, H. B., 193
Sanders, Minerva Adeline, 168
Sanders, S. W., 74n, 75n
Sanders, Virginia, ix
Sandy Creek, Texas, 174, 191
Sandy Creek, 174
Sandy Creek Baptist Church, 191
Sandy Creek Church of Christ, 195
San Felipe de Austin, 22
San Francisco Xavier, early name of San Gabriel River, 4
San Gabriel, Texas, 43, 53, 163, 165, 173, 182; gin at, 145; mission sites near, 8; smallpox in, 104
San Gabriel Baptist Church, 191
San Gabriel Bridge Company, 82
San Gabriel Christian Church, 197
San Gabriel County, proposed, 52
San Gabriel Mission. See Mission
San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas
San Gabriel River, 154, 173; confluence with Brushy Creek, 5; crossed by Domingo Ramon, 7; early history of, 4; flood of 1921, 3; Kolbs Mill on, 165; runoff figures, 5; sources of, 4; tributary of Brazos, 3; Yojuane Indians request mission on, 6
San Jacinto, Battle of, 69; Milam County men in, 32
San Jacinto County, proposed railroad through, 91
San Marcos River, mission and presidio of San Xavier moved to, 10
San Saba River, Apache Indians on, 8
Sansom, Loyd, 204
Santa Anna, 21
Santa Fe Railroad, 83, 96, 106, 121
San Xavier Mission. See Mission San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas
San Xavier River. See San Gabriel River
Sapp, M. C., 187
Sarahville, Texas, 18, 34, 40
Sara McCalla Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, 117, 161
Saturday Evening Post, 154; cited, 107, 154n
Sawmill, 58, 159, 163
Sawyer, Lemuel, 67
Scarbrough, E. M., 207; clerk in Rockdale store, 88
Scarbrough and Hicks, 88
Schawe, A., 151
Scheer, Wesley A., 219
Schiller, Laurence Cornelius, 219
Schiller, Milton, 161
Schiller, Oscar, 139
Schoen, _____, cited, 32n, 35n, 117n
Schools, 120, 163; C. H. Yoe high school, 112; in Cameron, enlarged, 114; in Milam County, 178-88; in Port Sullivan, 170; in Rockdale, 170; in Sharp, 174; system established, 181
School buses, 165
Schrock, John, 163
Schroeder, Ewald E., 219
Schwab, Frank, 111
Schwarz, William, 175
Scissortails, 2
Scotland, migration from, 51; Clan Cameron in, 117
Scott, J. E., 19
Scott, John, 88
Scrap Book Club, 172
Screech owls, 2
Sealy, George, 89
Sealy, John, 89
Seaman, Eugene Cecil, 211
Sears & Roebuck, 121-22
Seaton, James, 215
Sebek, John William, 219
Secretary of State, Office of, 93n, 139n, 147n; records of, vii
Secession, opposition to, 59
Secession Convention, Milam County men in, 59
Sefcik, Frank W., 215
Sefcik, William L., 215
Seidler, Frank, 112
Sellards, E. H., 130
Serbin, Texas, Wends move from, 99
Sessions, C. M., 152
Settlement, reasons for, 17
Sewage systems, 135-36
Sewell, W. A., 59
Sewing machines, 61
Sewing rooms, 114
Shackleford, M. B., 37
Shackleford County, created from Milam, 33
Shadburne, William E., 51
Shadburne’s Hotel, in Cameron, 51
Shaffer, J. A., 87
Sharp, James, 158
Sharp, W. F., 75n
Sharp, (Dr.) W. F., 174
Sharp, Sr., W. F., 201
Sharp, Texas, 135, 174, 200, 205
Sharp Presbyterian Church, 209
Sharp’s Bluff, 82
Sharpe, R. E., 139
Shaw, (Dr.) Edward N., 104-05; joins Spanish-American War volunteer company, 109
Shaw, James, 45; appointed chief justice, 35
Sheep, 56, 59
Sheffield, 0. V., 219
Shepheard, Sandy, 216
Shepherd, Tubbs and Shepherd, 64
Sheppard, S. R., 84
Sheriff, 66
Sherman, Silas, 57
Shields, Billy, 175
Shields Gin, Texas, 174
Shreveport, Louisiana, 26; James J. Jeffries, Jr., dies at, 71
Shryver, A. C., 108
Shumate, James T., 219
Sibley, Harry Hopkins, 61
Sibley’s Brigade, defeated:, 63
Siege of Bexar, 26
Sikes Mining and Manufacturing Company, 107
Silesia, Austria, 112
Silver City, Texas, 174
Silversmith, 159
Simmons, Jr., Lee, 219
Simms, Texas, 175
Simons, Leo H., 199, 199n
Simon and George Memorial Hall, 212
Simpich, Frederick, cited, 99n
Sinmons, W. T., 84
Sipe Springs, Texas, 174
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, 160, 213
Sisters of Divine Providence, 213
Sisters of the Mysterious Ten, 161
Six Mile, Texas, 174
Six Mile Creek, 174
Sixteenth Census of the United
States, cited, in, 110n, 111n
Skunks, 2
Slater, Stephen, 65
Slaves, 57, 70, 166; emancipation of, 64; females dig well, 165
Slavery, in Milam County, 57-58
Slocomb, S. B., 82
Small, W. A., 182
Smallpox, epidemic among Indians, 9-10; epidemic in Robertson County, 104-05
Smith, (Captain) A. J., killed by Indians, 43
Smith, C. R., 75, 78
Smith, Dickens D., 51
Smith, D. S. H., 86, 87n
Smith, D. W., 130
Smith, Francis, letter cited, 16n; trading post of, 16
Smith, Fred, 200
Smith, G. R., 181
Smith, Henry, 22
Smith, Jay Warren, 219
Smith, J. N., 201
Smith, John D., 28
Smith, Niles F., 28, 204
Smith, Oxsheer, ix
Smith, Ralph A., cited, 93n
Smith, Reuben, 65
Smith, Sam, 156
Smith, Sterrett, killed by Indians, 40
Smith, Wagner, 57
Smith, William, 19, 37; shot by Indians, 38
Smith, William H., 28
Smithland, Texas, 156, 174
Smithwick, Noah, cited, 10n; found mission sites, 10
Smyrna, Texas, 174, 189
Snakes, 2
Snead, George K., 51
Sneed, Alexander W., 59, 60, 65
Sneed family, 165, 174
Sneed, J. P., 204
Sneed Chapel, Texas, 174
Socialist Party, 94
Society of Frohsin, 159
Soils, in Milam County, 2
Soil Survey of Milam County, cited 2n
Soller, Charles, 114
Somerville County, 182; created from Milam, 33
Sons of Herman, 159
South Carolina, migration from, 51, 52, 58
South Elm, Texas, 174
South Elm Baptist Church, 193
South Elm Creek, 174
Southern Baptist Association, 191
Southern Contracting Company, 123
Southern Pacific Railroad, 84
Southern Round Bale Press Company, 145
Southern Telephone and Telegraph Company, 134
Southern Trans-Continental R. R., 84
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, 134
Southwestern Historical Quarterly, cited, 16n, 17n, 18n, 35n, 36n, 38n, 39n, 41n, 42n, 43n, 44n, 45n, 46n, 55n, 72n
Southwestern States Telephone Company, 134-35
Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Company, 134
Southwestern University, 96, 179
Southwest Telephone Company, 134
Sowell, Andrew Jackson, cited, 19n, 20n, 33n, 40n
Sowell, William A., 65
Spain, 10
Spanish-American War, Milam County volunteers in, 108-09
Spanish Civil War, 10
Spanish explorers, 3-5, 7-8
Spanish missions. See Missions
Sparks, J. P., 151
Sparrows, 2
Special police, 67
Spencer, A. F., 65
Spindletop, 149
Spiritualist Church, 214
Splawn, Texas, 174
Spradley, 193
Spreading adders, 2
Springer, William I, shooting of, 62
Squirrels, 2
Stadler, (Dr.) William, appointed health officer, 104
Stallcup, Howard K., 219
Stalworth, Annie, 144
Stamper, Robert D., 215
Standard Lignite Company, 151
Standifer, Isaac, 48
Standifer, L. P., 18
St. Andrews River, early name for Brushy Creek, 5
Star Gin Association, 92
Star of the South Ark No. 50, American Knights of Liberty, 161
State banks, 92
State Board of Health, 140, 141
State Cemetery, Milam County men reinterred in, 116, 117, 169
State Exposition, 148
State Fair, 148
State Firemens Convention, 139
State Health Department, 128, 131
State Highway Commission, 122, 123
State police, 67
St. Clair, Lawrence Ward, thesis by, mentioned, 1
St. Denis, Louis Juchereau, 5, 7
Steamboats, 54-55
Stedman, H.H., 120
St. Edward’s Hospital, 160
Steele, Claborn A., 219
Steele, William H., 20; arrest ordered, 25; letter from, 25; letter to, 24; refuses to deliver records, 24
Steel mill, 39
Stephens, John J., 151
Stephens Chapel Baptist Church, 194
Stephens County, created from Milam, 33
Stephenson, W. P., 160
Sterling, Texas, 71
Stevens, John W., 192
Stevens, Wesley, 138
Stevenson, (Governor) Coke, gives address, 120
Stevenson, (Captain) Robert, at battle of San Jacinto, 32
Stewart. William, survey, 107
St. Helena Parish, Louisiana, 96
Stickney, E. L., 40
Stiles, F. E., 131
Stiles Compress Company, 145
Stinnett, (Captain) _ , 60
St. James Evangelical Reformed Church, 198
St. John’s German Evangelical Church, 199
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 199
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, 213
St. Louis, Missouri, 96
St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 213
Stockade, description of, 39
Stock market collapse, results of, 113
Stockton v. Montgomery, 47
Stolte, Fritz, 107
Stone, Charles W., 182, 210
Stonewall County, 33
Storm, Oliver P., 108
Story, Aubrey, 216
Story, N. H., 58
Stowe and Wilmerding Co., 88
St. Paul’s German Evangelical Church, 198
St. Paul’s Lodge No. 177, A. F. & A. M., 71, 167, 170
Strange, Bertha Faye. 148
Street lights, in Cameron, 132; in Thorndale, 133
Streetman, B., 83, 190
Streetman, Sam, 90
Streetman, (Mrs.) W. B., 61
Streetman, William B., 74n, 78, 203
Stringer, Graham Hugh, 219
Stringtown, Texas, 174
Strip mining, 152
St. Romain, Lillian, book by, mentioned, 1
Strum, Ben, 138
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 211
Stuck, Mary Eleanor, cited, 13n
Sugar Loaf Mountain, 20
Sugar Loaf Mountain, Texas, 174
Sullivan, Augustus W., 48, 55, 55n,
170; in Texas army, 31; survey, 164
Sullivan, Dennis, freedman, 64
Sullivan, Giles O., 44
Sullivan, John, man killed by, 44
Sumac, 2
Summit, Texas, 174
Sumner, E. E., 86
Sunflower, 1
Surveying, 45, 114; early Milam County, 19, in Milam County, 41-42
Sutton, M. C., 209
Swancoat, R. J., 106
Swedenborgian community, 164; settlers move to Hanover, Texas, 99
Sweet potatoes, 72
Swift, C. G., 120
Swine, 56
Swisher, John Milton, at battle of San Jacinto, 32
Sypert, William Carroll, 65, 158. 182


T. & N. 0. [railroad], 156, 158, 159, 165, 168, 174
Tahin, (Captain) _____, 60
Talbott, M., 175
Talbott Ridge, Texas, 141, 174-75
Tandy, Raif A., 19
Tanglewood Christian Church, 197
Taylor, _____, attacked by Indians,
20; killed in Alamo, 31
Taylor, John, 47
Taylor (Mrs.) S. W., 148
Taylor, Texas, record rainfall at, 4; water hauled to Thorndale from, 131
Taylor County, smallpox in, 104
Tax, advalorem, 74; special, courthouse, 76-77; exemptions, 76
Taxicabs, in World War II, 119; in Rockdale, 154
Teachers, in Milam County, 178-88
Teal, John, 28
Telegraph and Texas Register, cited, 5n, 20n
Telegraph lines, 87, 103
Telephones, 134-35, 174
Temperatures, in Milam County, 5
Temple, B. M., 167
Temple, Texas, 42, 127, 144, 148, 167
Tennessee, migration from, 17, 52, 70; Texas Association of Davidson County in, 11-12
Tennesseean Road, 18
Tenney, L., 210
Tenoxtitlan, 13, 15, 18, 28; abandoned, 16; postal route through, 36
Tenth Census, cited, 97n
Tempera, Frank M., 219
Terral, E. V., 137
Terrell, A. W., 81
Terrell, B. H., 160
Terrell, J. C., 184
Terrell Election Law, 185
Terrell Heights Addition, 194
Terry, J. L., 77n
Terry, J. S., 65
Terry, Stephen D., 219
Texas Assocation of Davidson County, Tennessee, 12-13
Texas A. & M., 153
Texas Almanac, cited, 2n, 4n, 5n, 110n, 113n, 123n, 127n, 145n, 146n, 150n
Texas and New Orleans Railroad, 121, 154-55. See also T.&N.O.
Texas and Pacific Railroad, 84, 85
Texas Briquette and Coal Company, 107
Texas Broncho, published in Cameron, 160
Texas Centennial, 116
Texas Centennial Celebrations, 55n, 168
Texas Cowl Company, 152
Texas Cooking Oil Company, 146
Texas fever, 141
Texas Gravel Company, 149
Texas Historical Records Survey, 34n
Texas Lancers, 60
Texas Land Company, 85
Texas-Louisiana Power Company, 129
Texas Parade, cited, 151n, 154n
Texas Power and Light Company, 132, 133, 154
Texas Public Utilities Company, 129
Texas Railroad Commission, 153. See also Railroad Commission
Texas Revolution, causes, 21; Milam County during, 31ff
Texas State Employment Service, 114
Texas State Gazette, cited, 59n
Texas State Historical Association, 1
Texas Telephone Company, 135
Texas Timber and Prairie Railroad, 84
Texas University, planned in Milam County, 179
Texas Wesleyan Banner, 202
Texia, Texas, name proposed, 36
Theatres, 143, 159
Thomas, Monta, 138
Thomas, O. J., 188
Thomas High School, 188
Thomas & Ratliff Co., 123
Thomson, _____, 58
Thompson, Alexander, 14, 18, 22, 26, 28, 201; delegate to Consultation, 21; executor of Robertson’s will, 31; member of Permanent Council, 22; offers land for capitol, 36; organizes colonizing company, 13
Thompson, Empson, 39
Thompson, J. F., 185
Thompson, Jesse, appointed County Veterans Service Officer, 120
Thompson, John, 44
Thompson, Lee, 216
Thompson, William, 44
Thompson, William D., 31, 47, 48; elected county clerk, 35
Thompson Milk Products Company, 146
Thorn, published in Thorndale, 175
Thorndale, Texas, 86, 93, 114, 11819, 121, 122, 193; bank in, 92′, buses through, 125; city government buys war bonds, 118; compress in, 145; description of, 175; electric power in, 132-33; fire department in, 139; German organization in, 111; gin at, 145; mineral production in, 149; natural gas in, 136; oil mills in, 146; public works in, 113-14; records of, vii; smallpox in, 104; telephones in, 134-35; water supply in, 130-31; Wends settle in, 98
Thorndale Baptist Church, 192
Thorndale City Council, 126, 133; accepts water system, 131; minutes of cited, 114n, 118n, 119n, 121n, 126n, 131n, 132n, 133n, 135n, 136n, 139n
Thorndale Fishing Club, 144
Thorndale Independent School District, 186
Thorndale Lodge No. 978, A.F. & A.M., 175
Thorndale Methodist Church, 206
Thorndale Oil & Gas Company, 150
Thorndale Oil Mill Company, 146
Thorndale State Bank, 92, 199
Thorndale Telephone Exchange, 134
Thorndale Water and Light Company, 133
Three Arts Club, 162
Three Forks of Little River, fort at, 39
Throckmorton, (Governor) James Webb, 51
Throckmorton County, 33
Thursday Reading Club, 172
Tickanwatic. See Tonkawa Ticks, 141
Timber, in Milam County, 2
Time-Democrat, cited, 71n
Tindall, Thomas, 81
Tobacco, 16
Tokowohono, Indian name for Brazos, 3
Tom and Jerry, 138
Tomato clubs, 148
Tomatoes, 167
Tomek, Jerry Frank, 219
Tonkawa Indians, 6, 7, 20, 37
Tonkawan confederacy, member tribes in Milam County, 6
Tonkaweya. See Tonkawa
Touchstone, J. A., 195
Tous, (Reverend) Gabriel, 10
Townsend, W. P., 60
Tracy, Nat, 175
Tracy, Texas, 127, 174, 175, 198, 204; gin at, 145
Tracy Gin, 145
Tracy-Maysfield Oil and Gas Company, 150
Tracy Methodist Church, 206
Tracy Oil and Gas Company, 150
Tracy Rising Star Baptist Church, 195
Trade articles, 16
Trading post, on Little River, 16
Trammel’s Trace, 18
Transient labor camp, 127
Treasury Department, 92n
Trespalacios, Jose Felix, 26
Trigg, (Mrs.) Edna W., 147
Triggs, Alex., 138
Triggs, (Mrs.) W. 0., 186
Trinidad, La, 3
Trinidad, Texas, 153
Trinity, Cameron and Western Railroad Company, 90; bankrupt, 91
Trinity County, railroad through, 90
Trinity River, 90; upper, emigrants from, 50
Trinity River Association, 189, 189n
Truck farming, 144, 165, 167
Truck Growers Association, 165
Trude, J., 28
Turner, Miles F., 182
Turnham, Josie Joplin, 44, 48, 180
Turnham-McCown Cemetery, 82
“Turn Texas Loose,” 95
Turkeys, wild, 173
Turlville, W., 182
Tuttle, R. M., 210
Twels, Louise, 57
Twentieth Judicial District, board of medical examiners of, 68
Two Mile, Texas, 175
Two Mile Creek, 175
Tyler, George W., affidavit of, 38n; book by, 1
Tyler, O. T., 37
Tyler County, railroad through, 90, 91
Typhoid fever, 109, 128, 140 Typhus, 140
Tyson, James S., 219
Tyson, N. B., 64n


Ulicnik, Walter J., 219
Ulrich, George, Estate of, 112
Union Baptist Church, 192
Union Cotton Yard, 93
Union Hall, 108
Union Ridge Baptist Church, 192
Unions, in lignite mining, 108
United Daughters of the Confederacy, 161, 172
United Evangelical Reformed Church, 198
United States Army Engineers, destroy Wildcat bridge, 118
United: States Bureau of Mines, 153
United States government, 153
United States Navy, 117
United States Supreme Court, 48
U. S. Air Corps, 120
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 147
U. S. S. Cameron, 117
University of Texas, vii, 130; lignite sold to, 153; Thomas S. Henderson, regent of, 96
Upshaw, T. A., 181
Urban, Andrew, 99
Urban, Otto, 99
Utilities, 112, 128-36


Val Verde, Texas, 148, 176; battle of, 175
Valverde Baptist Church, 192
Vancleve, R. S., 62
Van de Venter, Laura, 172
Van de Venter, Maie, 172
Vandivere, A. E., 181
Van Slyke, R., 82
Varner, Allen, 206
Vasquez, Quintin, 219
Vates, Silas H., 28
Velasco, Texas, 36
Veramendi house, 27
Vervain, blue, 1
Veterans Council, 120
Viesca, (Governor) Augustin, 18
Viesca, Municipality of, 21; boundaries of, 33; delegates from, 22; organization of, 23
Viesca, Texas, county seat of Waco County, 46; name changed to Milam, 26; postal route to, 36
Villanueva, Estanislada, 112
Villaveque, Gabriel Laisne de, petitions for empresario grant, 14
Vinedale, Texas, 175
Virginia, 57, 70
Vogel, Gustav, 107, 152
Vogel, Herman F., 107
Vogel, Texas, 176
Vogel Coal and Manufacturing Company, 151-52
Vogel lignite mine, 176
Vogelsang, Ernest, 97, 176
Vogelsang, Frederick, 97
Vogelsang, Fritz, 176
Vogelsang, Texas, 176
Volunteer fire departments, 147-49; of Cameron, 104
Volunteers, Confederate, 60; SpanishAmerican War, 108-09


Waco, Texas, 8, 52n, 115, 125, 127, 144, 153; Philip Nolan killed near, 11; railroad to, 89
Waco Indians, 6, 38; fight with, 42
Waco County, judicial county, 46
Waco Crossing, Indian fight at, 29-40 Waco University, 96
Waco Village, Rangers attack, 23
Wade, Homer D., 171 Wade, J. S., 62
Wahrmund, Otto, 151
Walker, _____, cited, 72n, 97n
Walker, Daniel, 208
Walker, E. T., railroad director, 90
Walker, Henry, 37
Walker, Ira W., 216
Walker, Schea, 40
Walker, W. H., 28, 176
Walker, William, 179
Walkers Creek, Texas, 156, 176
Walker’s Creek, bridge across, 83; G. A. Batte settles on, 70
Walkers Creek Baptist Church, 192
Walker County, Ry. through, 90, 91
Wallace, John, 219
Wallis-Hicks Coal Company, 151
Walls Rise Up, locale for, 169
Walnut Creek, 39
Walnut Grove Lodge No. 145, A.F. & A.M., 165
Walnut trees, 2
Walter, F., 199
Walters, J., survey, 149
Walton, N. S., railroad director, 90
Wanda, Texas, Wends leave, 99
War Between the States, 59-62, 175, 190; Milam men in New Mexico, 62-63
War bonds, 118
Ward, R. N., 64n, 77n
Ward Chapel Methodist Church, 205
Wardlaw, (Mrs.) Ruby, ix
Warehouses, 145
War of 1812, Sterling Clack Robertson in, 13
Warren, Leonard T., 216
Washburn’s of New Orleans, 68
Washington, navigates Little River, 254-55; commomerative marker erected to, 117
Washington, Texas, 54
Washingtin County, 31, 45, 53; portion attached to Milam, 34, 45
Washington County Railroad Company, 54
Washington-on-the-Brazos, 36, 43, 96
Washington University, 1, 96 Water, 176; permits, 127; rates, 102; rights, 127; well, for Cameron, 100
Waterford, Texas, 158, 176, 213
Watermelons, 167, 172
Water moccasins, 2
Water works, in Cameron, 101-02; in Rockdale, 170; in Thorndale, 131-32
Waters, Richard H., 96
Waters-Pierce Oil Company, 106
Watrous, Nathaniel H., 41n
Watson, A. 0., 79
Watson, C. S., 197
Watson, Texas, 176; established, 86
Watson Branch, Texas, 176
Watson Branch Baptist Association, 192
Wavell, Arthur G., 26
Wayland and Wheatley, reopen bank, 88
Webb, Jesse, 28
Webb, Jr., Jesse, 40
Weed, John M., 153
Weeds, in Milam County, 2
Weekly Telegraph, cited, 57n
Weems Gin, 145
Wells, W. M., 151
Wends, 98-99
Wentrcek, Marvin T., 219
Werenskiold, N., 135
Westbrook, Elbert S., 216
West Cameron, 89
Western Falls County, 1
Western Securities Company, 152
Wetbacks, 150
Wickson, Byrum, survey, 149
Wiggins, William, 182
Wight, R. C., 104
Wilcox, C. C., 180
Wildcat bridge, destroyed, 118
Wildcats, 2
Wiley, _____, school teacher, killed, 44
Wiley Lodge No. 49, I. O. O. F., 163, 173
Wilhelm, Sarah, survey, 202 Wilkerson, James, commands Milam Rifles, 40
Wilson, D. H., 138
Wilson, Howard, 171
Wilson, Sam, 74n
Wilson, W. S., in Texas army, 31
Wilson, William, 166
Willcox, Henry C., 106-07
Williams, (Dr.) Amelia, 34n, 167
Williams, Charlie M., 216
Williams, E. F., 92n, 124n
Williams, John, 62
Williams, Milton T., 219
Williams, Samuel A., 202
Williams, Samuel May, 15
Williams, Tom, 62
Williams, W. M., 82
Williams, William M., 76n
Williamson, E. F., 116n
Williamson, J. N. B., 191
Williamson, Robert McAlpine, 47
Williamson, Walter, 162
Williamson County, 4, 42; Brushy Creek in, 5; created, 52; created from Milam, 33; railroad through, 90; San Gabriel River in, 4; smallpox in, 104
Williamson County Centennial, 1
Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 147
Willow Springs, Texas, 53, 60, 176
Windmills, 93
Winkler, Ernest W., cited, 11n, 20n, 34n, 35n, 36n, 40n, 59n
Winter, John, 99
Wire cutting, 173
Witcher, Hugh L., 68, 176
Witcher, Texas, 176
Witcher Lignite mine, 176
Wheat, production in 1850, 56
Wheelock, Eleazner Louis Ripley, 179
Wheelock, Texas, 53
Wheelock, Texas, in Robertson County, 179
Whipple, Josiah W., 202
Whipple, Louis B., 203, 204
Whiskey, 16; early sale of, 45
White, Elizabeth, 189
White, J. B., 114, 120
White, Jefferson B., publishes Herald, 160
White, Kelly M., 216
White, M. D., 120
White, Manuel, 216
White, Sara, appointed sheriff, 118
White, Valter, enters military service, 118
White, W. B., 192
White, W. H., 180
White, W. S., 137
White, William, 83
White Perch Fishing Club, 144
White Rock Gravel & Sand Company, 149
Whitley, S. D., 65
Whittington, J. P., 175
Wohlleb, Seraphine, 68; moves to Milam County, 97; trustee of Germania Verein, 111-12
Wokaty family, 176
Wokaty, Texas, 176
Wolf, Anton, 107
Wolf, John B., 68, 75n, 136, 137
Wolves, 2; bounty for, 142
Woman suffrage, 186
Women’s Progress Club, 172
Wood, (Governor) George T., 180
Woodmen of the World, in Milano, 167; in Yarrellton, 177
Woodrow Wilson, nominated, 96
Woods, Jo, 54
Woodson, (Dr.) James, 166-67
Woody, S. W., 181
Woody, W. B., 107
Woolfork, Shapley, 43
Worcester, Charlie, 214
Worcester, William, 220
Works Progress Administration, 111, 129, 132, 136
World War I, Milam County in, 112; results of in Cameron, 11213; list of dead, 215-16
World War II, effects of in Milam County, 117-20; list of dead, 217-20
Worley, A. P., 151
Worley, Texas, 176
Worley Coal Company, 151
Worley lignite mine, 176
Wortham, _, early settler, 44
Wortham gin, 169
Wospur, Texas, 176
Wright George L., 216
Writings of Sam Houston, 1813-1863, 167
Wutrich, Halfred P., 220


Yale College, 179
Yarrell, Tom, 176
Yarrelton, Texas, 176-77, 201
Yarrelton Baptist Church, 193
Yarrelton Lodge No. 648, A.F. & A.M., 177
Yaupon, 2
Yegua Creek, 34; settlement on, 16
Yegua Knobs, 3
Yell, Pleasant M., 202
Yellow fever, 104, 156; in San Antonio and Laredo, 140
Yellow Prairie, Texas, 31
Yoakum, Henderson, cited, 42n
Yoakum, Sam, 150
Yoakum, Texas, railroad from, 89
Yoe, (Mrs.) Caroline, 97, 112-13, 187-88, 209
Yoe, Charles H., 90, 97, 101, 187-88
Yoe high school, 120, 112-13, 187
York, Ann McClendon, 207n
Yojuane Indians, 6
Young, J. Z., 220
Young County, 34
Young Men’s Business League of Cameron, 103, 161
Young Men’s Business League of Rockdale, 171


Zellner, Francis, 202; survey, 158
Zellner, Sarah, 202
Zercher, R. H., 200n
Zion Presbyterian Church, 210
Zuber, W. P., cited, 18n


Batte, Lelia McAnally, History of Milam County, Texas, San Antonio : Naylor Company, 1956.


Milam County TX,


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