1757, July 23, Fort Loudoun Letter 2


This Morning I Delivered my Dispatches to M. Elliot, and was in hopes that he had been thirty Miles off when in the Evening the Bearer of theis Moyetoy of Chota a Leading man came to me and told me that he had an inclinaiton to go to Charles Town with M. Elliot, this thing is done on purpofe, for Elliot is afraid to be arrefted and he thinks that having Some Indians with him, that he will be protected and come off, which I hope he may on Account of the Publick good, he did what ever he could to have the great warriour to go with him, and he had promised him to the very, Laft, and was to have carryed his Commifsion with him, that if in café Elliot had been arrefted to have given it up if he had not been Set at Liberty immediately, I conclude with the Greateft of Respect


Your Excellecny most humble &
Obedient Servant

Ray Demere

It will be proper to take some notice of the man, what he Says when he comes back will have a great influence

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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