Biography of William H. Manion

Elmore county figures as one of the most attractive, progressive and prosperous divisions of the state of Idaho, justly claiming a high order of citizenship and a spirit of enterprise which is certain to conserve consecutive development and marked advancement in the material upbuilding of the section. The county has been and is signally favored in the class of men who have controlled its affairs in official capacity, and in this connection the subject of this review demands representation as one who has served the county faithfully and well in positions of distinct trust and responsibility. He was the incumbent of the office of clerk of the district court, and was ex-officio auditor and recorder of Elmore County for the years 1897 and 1898.

A native of the state of Missouri. Mr. Manion was born on the 28th of January. 1844, the son of James and Mary Ann (Wood) Manion, both of whom were born in Virginia, the famous Old Dominion of our national annals. The ancestry on either side traces to stanch old Irish stock. The parents removed from their native state to Missouri where the father engaged in agricultural pursuits, and where both resided until death. They were people of sterling integrity, industrious and God-fearing, and were held in the highest respect in the community. Both were members of the Missionary Baptist church, in whose cause they were zealous workers. They became the parents of two children, both of whom are living. William H., the immediate subject of this review: and Charles G., of Kansas City, Missouri. Death claimed the devoted wife and mother, and the father subsequently consummated a second marriage, of the fruits of which union three of the children still survive. The father died in 1854, at the age of fifty-four years.

William H. Manion received an excellent educational training in his native state of Missouri, and that he made good use of the opportunities thus afforded him is evident from the fact that he put his acquirements to the practical test in making his initial personal effort. He engaged in teaching school for a year in Missouri, after which he went to Nevada, where he became concerned in quartz mining, meeting with a fair measure of success in this hne of endeavor. Removing later to Utah, he there continued mining operations for a number of years, having been the original locator of the Rebel mine, in the Star district of that recently admitted state. From this mine he secured quite an appreciable product of gold. He eventually sold the mine and in 188q came to Camas Prairie, Idaho, where he entered claim to a homestead of government land, proving up on the same in due course of time. This place he still owns, having erected buildings thereon and made other substantial improvements.

In 1897 Mr. Manion was appointed clerk of the district court by the board of county commissioners, and he discharged the manifold duties of this office, with its adjuncts noted, with such care, fidelity and discrimination that in the fall of 1898 he was again nominated by his party for the same office, but was defeated by six votes. His official position practically demanded that Mr. Manion should take up his residence at the county-seat, and thus he has maintained his home in Mountain Home since 1896, when he assumed his official duties.

In his political proclivities Mr. Manion is a stanch and enthusiastic adherent of the Democratic party, while fraternally he is identified with the Masonic order and the Knights of Pythias, of the lodge of which latter he has rendered efficient service as vice chancellor.

As a public officer our subject has been courteous, obliging and thoroughly capable, and these facts have not lacked for recognition on the part of the people, who have accorded due commendation. His popularity in the community is unmistakable, and he is clearly entitled to consideration in this work as one of the representative citizens of his county.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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