Biography of Milton G. Cage

Among the practitioners at the Boise bar holding marked prestige among the members of the legal fraternity is Milton G. Cage. A native of Tennessee, he was born in Tipton County, near Covington, that state, January 26, 1862, and is descended on both sides from prominent old families of the south. His paternal ancestors came originally from Wales and established a home in America at an early period in our country’s history. His father, Gustavus Adolphus Cage, was born in Middleton, Tennessee, and married Miss Charlotte A. Green, a native of North Carolina. His father was formerly a planter and during the greater part of his life has been identified with the ministry of the Methodist church. He is now living in Colorado, at the age of eighty years. His mental faculties remain unimpaired, and he is still occasionally seen preaching in different pulpits, as opportunity calls.

Milton G. Cage was only ten years of age when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Colorado. He was graduated in the high school of Greeley, that state, in the class of 1882, and then, determining to make the practice of law his life work, he became a student in the office of his brother-in-law, Hon. Samuel P. Rose, a prominent attorney of Denver. Lender his preceptorage he continued his reading until the fall of 1883, when he was matriculated in the Michigan State University, where he was graduated, on the completion of the law course, in 1885. He then began the practice of his chosen profession in Denver, and in 1886 was appointed assistant United States attorney under Henry W. Hobson, serving in that capacity until July 1889.

The following year Mr. Cage came to Boise, and at the bar of this city has won distinction as a most able lawyer, well versed in the principles of jurisprudence, and is especially skilled in the handling of the points in evidence and the forceful presentation of his cause before judge or jury.

In March 1894, he was appointed receiver of the United States land office. He proved an efficient and capable officer, giving good satisfaction. He is in politics an active Democrat, and in 1898 was acting secretary of the Democratic state central committee and president of the Jefferson Democratic club. He was a very active worker in the campaign of 1896, and his labors were most effective.

On the 5th of May 1894, Mr. Cage married Miss Caroline C. Sweet, a native of Iowa, and they have two sons, Richard M. and John P. The family occupies a prominent position in social circles and Mr. and Mrs. Cage have a circle of friends almost coextensive with their circle of acquaintances.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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