JOHN H. LAIL, M. D. It is widely recognized, in a comparison of the relative value to mankind of the various professions and pursuits to which men devote their time and energies, that none is more important than the science of medicine, Human destiny is largely in the hands of the physician from the cradle to the grave, not alone on account of the effect of his ministrations may have upon the physical system, but upon men’s moral and mental nature as well, A cheerful presence, a sympathetic disposition and a kindly nature often contribute to a patient’s recovery in as great a measure as the medicines administered, and therefore form essential qualifications to be possessed by the successful practitioner. In none of these has Dr. John H. Lail, of Anderson, been found lacking, A resident of Anderson since 1905, he has steadily advanced in his profession, gaining marked distinction by reason of his broad knowledge, his skill, and his devotion to the highest ideals of his honored calling.
John H. Lail was born April 21, 1865, in Washington Township, Rush County, Indiana, and is a son of George H. and Mary (Shawhan) Lail, His father, a native of Kentucky, removed from that State to Rush County in young manhood, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits for some years, and upon his retirement went to Indianapolis, where he continued to live in retirement, True to the characteristics of Kentuckians, he was a great lover of horses, and was known during his day as a noted breeder of and dealer in fine stock, Among his animals were “Elsie Good,” 2 :18.
After attending the public schools of Rush County, Indiana, Dr. John H. Lail received instructions in select school and subsequently, becoming a student of medicine, took up his studies in the Physio-Medical College, at Indianapolis, from which institution he was graduated in 1893, Following this he entered upon the practice of his profession at Ingalls, where he was successful in building up a large clientele, but in 1905, desiring a wider field for his activities, came to Anderson, opened well-appointed offices in the Union Building, and here has continued in the enjoyment of a steadily-increasing practice, Keen discernment in the diagnosis of a case, sound judgment in prescribing medicines and methods of treatment, thorough understanding of anatomy, and marked skill in the operating room, have won him rank among the ablest physicians and surgeons of Anderson, He is a member of the Madison County Medical Society, His fraternal connections are with the Camels of the World and the Modern Woodmen of America, in both of which he has numerous friends. He is a man of public-spirit and a broad-minded citizen, thoroughly awake to all enterprises tending to the public welfare.
In 1892, Dr. Lail was married to Miss Effie Newsom, who was born at Worthington, Greene County, Indiana, daughter of William J. Newsom, an honored citizen of Warrington, Hancock County, Indiana, where for some years he served in the capacity of postmaster, Dr. and Mrs. Lail have had three children: Verne N., and Gladys and Bernice, twins, Verne N. is in business in Seattle, Washington; Gladys is the wife of Merrill F. Gustin, of Anderson, and Bernice is living at home.