Biography of Thomas Morris

THOMAS MORRIS. Perseverance, intelligence and industry combine oto form the price of success in farming in these modern days of agricultural work, when the hard, unremitting toil of former years has given way in large degree to the scientific use of modern machinery and a comprehensive knowledge of intelligent methods of treating the soil, Madison County is the home of many skilled farmers who treat their vocation more as a profession than as a mere occupation and take a pardonable and justifiable pride in their accomplishments, among, these being Thomas Morris, the owner of eighty acres of fine land located on the Lapel road in Anderson Township, The successful farmer of today realizes that to forward his own interests he must advance those of his locality-that there can be no individual achievement without community development-and with other earnest and hard-working citizens Mr. Morris has labored to forward movements for the benefit of his Township and its people, thus fairly earning a place for himself among those whose activities have bettered their localities.

Thomas Morris was born on the old Morris homestead near Anderson, Indiana, January 22, 1851, and is a son of Isaac and Nancy C. (Hainey) Morris, The family was founded in Madison County by William Morris, the grandfather of Thomas Morris, at an early date in the history of this section, he emigrating with his wife and children from Rush County, Isaac Morris was an agriculturist throughout his life, became a substantial man, and was influential in the community in which he resided, He and his wife were the parents of five children, of whom three grew to maturity: Thomas; Maria, who became the wife of Henry Warren and William A., who married Hester Rogers, daughter of John Rogers, and has one child,-Nondas.

As a lad Thomas Morris accompanied his father to Miami County, there securing his education in the common schools during the winter terms, while the summer months were passed in assisting his father in the work of the home place. He embarked upon a career of his own when but twenty years of age, at that time locating upon a forty-acre tract of land in Jackson Township, Some years later, after his marriage, he purchased the adjoining forty acres, in company with his father-in- law, but about eight years later disposed of his property and bought his present land, formerly known as the Copeland farm, but now called the Morris farm, Mr. Morris’ advancement has been by steady stages, He has ever carried on his operations along well-defined lines and always he has had his ultimate goal in view. No adventitious circumstances or lucky chances have combined to give him success; it has been fairly earned and is well deserved, A trip through the County would result in finding few more highly-cultivated properties and none that would give greater evidence of care and able management, The buildings are in the best of repair, the land is thoroughly worked and well drained and fenced, and the cattle sleek, well-fed and content, The whole property breathes prosperity.

Mr. Morris was married to Miss Caroline Coan, daughter of J. W. and Minerva (Sackston) Coan, and to this union there have been born three children: Maud M., who is now deceased; Jennie, who is the wife of Oliver C. Perkins; and Louie M., who is the wife of N. P. Johnston and has two children,-Cecil and Effie.

Mr. and Mrs. Morris are consistent members of the Methodist church, and are active in its work. As a citizen, Mr. Morris stands high, but his connection with political matters ceases when he has cast his vote in support of Democratic candidates and principles, although he is interested in his party’s success, His wide circle of friends gives evidence of his general popularity.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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