Baker Family of Taunton Massachusetts

BAKER (Taunton family). The Baker family of Taunton, the head of which was the late Charles F. Baker, who for years was one of the successful business men of Taunton, his adopted city, esteemed and respected for his many noble qualities of mind and heart, springs from the old Swansea-Rehoboth family of the name, the progenitor of which was John Baker. Little is known of the latter save that his wife was formerly Susannah Wood, and that he died in 1767.

From this (I) John Baker of Swansea and Rehoboth the descent of the late Charles F. Baker, the head of the Taunton family under consideration, is through Nathaniel, Joseph, Levi and Caleb W. Baker.

The children of John and Susannah (Wood) Baker were:

  1. William Baker, born Aug. 13, 1715
  2. Susannah Baker, born Feb. 3, 1717-13, who married Nov. 27, 1740, Israel Cornell
  3. John Baker, born Aug. 26, 1720, who died in 1764
  4. Hannah Baker, born Dec. 18, 1722, who married Feb. 2, 1743-44, Elisha Cornell
  5. Nathaniel Baker, born July 9, 1725 – all born in Swansea, Mass.
  6. Bathsheba Baker, born Feb. 16, 1728-29
  7. Penelope Baker, born Sept. 9, 1731
  8. Joseph Baker, born Oct. 14, 1734, who died July 14, 1735
  9. Benjamin Baker, born Feb. – , 1736-37
  10. Rebecca Baker, born March 12, 1740, who married Aug. 10, 1760, Ebenezer Talbot – all born in Rehoboth.

Nathaniel Baker

Nathaniel Baker, son of John and Susannah, born July 9, 1725, died Dec. 23, 1807. He married Sept. 23, 1750, Experience Hicks, who died in 1823. Their children of Rehoboth town record were:

  1. Sarah Baker, born March 8, 1751, who married Joseph Davis
  2. Joseph Baker, born in 1752
  3. Samuel Baker, born Dec. 13, 1754
  4. Nathaniel Baker, born Oct. 29, 1756, who died unmarried
  5. James Baker, born March 25, 1759, who died Oct. 3, 1829
  6. Experience Baker, born July 26, 1761, who married Comfort Pierce
  7. Susanna Baker, born July 26, 1761, who died unmarried

Joseph Baker

Joseph Baker, son of Nathaniel, born Dec. 10, 1752, in Rehoboth, Mass., died Oct. 24, 1843. He married July 14, 1776, Rosanna Mason, born in 1750 in Swansea, Mass., daughter of Nathan, granddaughter of Isaac and great-granddaughter of Sampson Mason. She died March 10, 1795, and he married (second) Nov. 19, 1797, Nancy Luther, born in 1762, in Warren, R. I., daughter of Ebenezer Luther. She died Sept. 21, 1809. His children, all excepting the youngest two born to the first marriage, were:

  1. Joseph Baker, born March 24, 1778
  2. Susannah Baker, born March 14, 1781, who married John Horton
  3. Levi Baker, born Feb. 9, 1783
  4. Nathan Baker, born Jan. 22, 1786
  5. Hale Baker, born Nov. 24, 1787
  6. Rosanna Baker, born April 1, 1790, who married Levi Bullock
  7. Sarah Baker, born July 19, 1792, who married Simpson Jones
  8. Hannah Baker, born Feb. 2, 1795, who married Ezra Mason, Jr.
  9. Betsey Baker, born March 8, 1801, who married Rev. Waterman Pierce
  10. Julia Ann Baker, born April 1, 1802, who died unmarried

Levi Baker

Levi Baker, son of Joseph, born Feb. 9, 1783, in Rehoboth, Mass., married March 25, 1803, Anna, born Sept. 25, 1780, in Swansea, Mass., daughter of John Mace. He died Oct. 27, 1867; she passed away Dec. 8, 1836. Their children were:

  1. Caleb W. Baker, born June 14, 1804
  2. Eliza Baker, Jan. 31, 1806
  3. Anna Mace Baker, May 31, 1808 (married James G. West)
  4. Charlotte White Baker, June 13, 1811 (married James Davis)
  5. Lovice Mace Baker, born May 11, 1814 (married Ezra Luther)
  6. Emeline Baker, April 13, 1817 (married Asa K. Lilly)
  7. Cynthia A. B. Baker, Oct. 7, 1820 (married James H. Brown)
  8. Levi Baker, April 7, 1826

All were born in Swansea excepting the first three, and they in Rehoboth, Massachusetts.

Caleb W. Baker

Caleb W. Baker, son of Levi, born June 14, 1804, in Rehoboth, Mass., married Oct. 27, 1826, Mary Pike, born Jan. 19, 1804, in Swansea, Mass., daughter of James Pike. Their children, all born in Swansea, Mass., were:

  1. Caleb W. Baker, born in 1827, died Aug. 1, 1843
  2. George Baker, born July 17, 1829, died in May, 1864
  3. William S. Baker, born June 17, 1831, was a teacher and bookkeeper, and died June 1, 1906
  4. Maryette Baker, born Sept. 19, 1834, died in September, 1895, married Edwin Haskins, of Dighton
  5. Charles F. Baker was born Jan. 10, 1837
Charles F Baker
Charles F Baker

Charles F. Baker, son of Caleb W. and Mary (Pike) Baker, was born Jan. 10, 1837, in Swansea, Mass. Mr. Baker had only limited school advantages as a boy. Removing to Dighton with his parents when a mere lad, and having to contribute to the support of the family, he went into the cotton mills of that place when only seven years of age. Thus he was obliged to study in the evening schools, where his schooling was largely obtained. He was, however, a man of wide observation and varied experience, gained through a long and successful business career, and was one of the well-informed and self-made men of Taunton. He was a molder and for a long time worked at his trade at the Taunton iron-works. He went from there to the Union Furnace (Wright & Thomas), becoming a partner in the concern, and for a few years after his connection there was the senior member of the firm of Baker & Evans, grocers at Weir village. Then he became associated with the firm of Messrs. Wilbur & Walker, and in 1879 established the Weir Store Company, and, all being practical men, the venture was a surprising success from the start. Mr. Baker was a member of Alfred Baylies Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; of St. Mark’s Chapter, E. A. M., and of St. John’s Commandery, K. T. He was a man respected and esteemed by all who knew him, of few words, of modest, unassuming demeanor, genial and courteous to all without distinction, and one whom it was a pleasure to meet. His love for his home and his family was one of the strong traits of his splendid character, but perhaps in his workshops was the most solid foundation laid for tender memories and sincere affection among his men. In him they felt they had a lasting friend, and to them he was always the same thoughtful, kind and considerate employer who knew himself what it was to labor as they did. Mr. Baker left behind a record of having lived an ideal life, as husband and father, citizen and employer, which may well be envied. He died at his home in Taunton, Mass., Oct. 8, 1899, leaving four daughters.

On July 1, 1859, Mr. Baker married Abby O. Applegate, born April 1, 1839, died Aug. 26, 1893, daughter of Asher and Fannie Maria (Presbrey) Applegate. Asher Applegate came from New Jersey to Taunton when a young man and worked in the Phoenix Crucible Works. To Charles F. Baker and his wife were born children as follows:

  1. Clara Maria Baker, born Nov. 6, 1861, married William Clarance Townsend
  2.  Hattie Moore Baker, born July 20, 1867, married Albert E. Wilbar, son of Joseph E., and has two sons
    1. Wadsworth Wilbar, born Feb. 18, 1894
    2. Charles Baker Wilbar, born Sept. 17, 1898
  3. Fannie Pike Baker was born March 24, 1870
  4. Ethel Grosvenor Baker, born Oct. 7, 1878, married Russell C. Paige, and has one son
    1. Samuel Colby Paige, born Oct. 5, 1909

Representative Men and Old Families of Southeastern Massachusetts: containing historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and genealogical records of many of the old families. 3 Volumes. Beers & Chicago. 1912.

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