Biographical Sketch of Mary E. Proebstel

Among those who have displayed ability to handle successfully a stock raising business and general farming stands prominently the lady whose name is at the head of this article, and it now becomes our pleasant privilege to outline her life’s career wherein she has ever manifested both graciousness and capability, ever showing forth those priceless qualities of noble womanhood and faithfully performing the portion allotted to her hands during her pilgrimage.

Mrs. Mary E. Proebstel was born in 1835 in the state of Ohio, and remained in the place of her infancy but five years. Her parents then removed to Iowa, and upon the prairies of that progressive commonwealth she spent the days of her girlhood, receiving a good education from the public schools there existing, and ever manifesting the graces and wisdom so characteristic of her entire pilgrimage. In September 1865, she came to the Grande Ronde valley, and there met and married Mr. Frederic W. Proebstel. To them were born the following children who are living: Dolly R., now wife of Thomas R. Rich; Ida, wife of James Estes; John: Minnie C.: and the oldest daughter, who died when they lived in Colorado. About 1870 they removed to Wallowa county, taking a homestead four miles east from Joseph. Here they settled down to general farming and stock raising, and success has attended their industrious efforts, and their real estate holdings have doubled, and in addition to that they have eighty acres of timber, while their herds and flocks have multiplied. It is pleasant to see the success attendant upon efforts of industry and untiring care that has been the lot of our subject to enjoy. Mrs. Proebstel is one of the highly esteemed ladies of the county, and her wise procedure and kindly character have made her beloved to all.

Mrs. Probestel is the daughter of Joseph and Sarah Hull, who were old pioneers of the Grande Ronde valley and there died.

Estes, Hull, Proebstel, Rich,


An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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