Biography of William Proebstel

WILLIAM PROEBSTEL. – In the word, pioneer, is wrapped more real substance and genuine meaning than perhaps in any other word of the English language. Its pronunciation brings vividly before us weary days of marching through the trackles wastes of western desert, enduring the pain of hunger, thirst and waning strength, although courage was never less to the pioneer and the buoyancy of hope never shone dimmer than when first its vision lured him to turn his face from civilization hired him to turn his face from civilization and begin the pilgrim journey toward the setting sun. What scenes of … Read more

Biography of Frederick Proebstel

FREDERICK PROEBSTEL. – This pioneer of the Wallowa valley was born in Germany in 1829, and with his parents emigrated to America in 1842 and located in Missouri. In 1852 he made the crossing of the plains to Lewis County, Washington Territory, locating on Fourth Plain. Mr. Proebstel, belonging to the family of this name, a number of whose biographies are found in this volume, shared many experiences in common with others, and was one of the Indian fighters of 1855-56, and wishes to bear special testimony to the liberality of the Hudson’s Bay Company during the hard winter of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mary E. Proebstel

Among those who have displayed ability to handle successfully a stock raising business and general farming stands prominently the lady whose name is at the head of this article, and it now becomes our pleasant privilege to outline her life’s career wherein she has ever manifested both graciousness and capability, ever showing forth those priceless qualities of noble womanhood and faithfully performing the portion allotted to her hands during her pilgrimage. Mrs. Mary E. Proebstel was born in 1835 in the state of Ohio, and remained in the place of her infancy but five years. Her parents then removed to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. William Proebstel

DR. WILLIAM PROEBSTEL. – Few among our early residents have been more serviceable to society than the gentleman whose name appears above. He was born in Germany in 1829, and is the son of a wine-grower. He received his primary education in the old country, and at the age of thirteen migrated to America, locating in Missouri, remaining there ten years, and receiving from the common schools the rudiments of an English education. He also took a course in dentistry. In 1852 he crossed the plains to Oregon, locating at Portland. The next spring, with two brothers, he purchased the … Read more

Biography of George W. Proebstel

GEORGE W. PROEBSTEL. – The subject of this sketch was born upon a farm in Missouri in 1842. When ten years old he crossed the plains with his father, Jacob Proebstel, driving an ox-team and experiencing the usual hardships attending such a trip. On one occasion he saw his mother pay a dollar a pound for flour, which was hard to secure even at that price. It was the Fourth of July that his party reached Independence Rock, and found there a large train celebrating the holiday with music and dancing. The behavior of the cowboys whom he saw made … Read more