Treaty of July 15, 1830

Articles of a treaty made and concluded by William Clark Superintendent of Indian Affairs and Willoughby Morgan, Col. of the United States 1st Regt. Infantry, Commissioners on behalf of the United States on the one part, and the undersigned Deputations of the Confederated Tribes of the Sacs and Foxes; the Medawah-Kanton, Wahpacoota, Wahpeton and Sissetong Bands or Tribes of Sioux; the Omahas, Ioways, Ottoes and Missourias on the other part.

The said Tribes being anxious to remove all causes which may hereafter create any unfriendly feeling between them, and being also anxious to provide other sources for supplying their wants besides those of hunting, which they are sensible must soon entirely fail them; agree with the United States on the following Articles.

Article 1. The said Tribes cede and relinquish to the United States forever all their right and title to the lands lying within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the upper fork of the Demoine River, and passing the sources of the Little Sioux, and Floyds Rivers, to the fork of the first creek which falls into the Big Sioux or Calumet on the east side; thence, down said creek, and Calumet River to the Missouri River; thence down said Missouri River to the Missouri State line, above the Kansas; thence along said line to the north west corner of the said State, thence to the high lands between the waters falling into the Missouri and Desmoines, passing to said high lands along the dividing ridge between the forks of the Grand River; thence along said high lands or ridge separating the waters of the Missouri from those of the Demoine, to a point opposite the source of Boyer River, and thence in a direct line to the upper fork of the Demoine, the place of beginning. But it is understood that the lands ceded and relinquished by this Treaty, are to be assigned and allotted under the direction of the President of the United States, to the Tribes now living thereon, or to such other Tribes as the President may locate thereon for hunting, and other purposes.

Article 2. The confederated Tribes of the Sacs and Foxes, cede and relinquish to the United States forever, a tract of Country twenty miles in width, from the Mississippi to the Demoine; situate south, and adjoining the line between the said confederated Tribes of Sacs and Foxes, and the Sioux; as established by the second article of the Treaty of Prairie du Chien of the nineteenth of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five.

Article 3. The Medawah-Kanton, Wah-pa-coota, Wahpeton and Sisseton Bands of the Sioux cede and relinquish to the United States forever, a Tract of Country twenty miles in width, from the Mississippi to the Demoine River, situate north, and adjoining the line mentioned in the preceding article.

Article 4. In consideration of the cessions and relinquishments made in the first, second, and third articles of this Treaty, the United States agree to pay to the Sacs, three thousand dollars,—and to the Foxes three thousand dollars; To the Sioux of the Mississippi two thousand dollars;—To the Yancton and Santie Bands of Sioux three thousand dollars;—To the Omahas, two thousand five hundred dollars;— To the Ioways two thousand five hundred dollars;—To the Ottoes and Missourias two thousand five hundred dollars, and to the Sacs of the Missouri River five hundred dollars; to be paid annually for ten successive years at such place, or places on the Mississippi or Missouri, as may be most convenient to said Tribes, either in money, merchandise, or domestic animals, at their option; and when said annuities or any portion of them shall be paid in merchandise, the same is to be delivered to them at the first cost of the goods at St. Louis free of transportation. And the United States further agree to make to the said Tribes and Bands, the following allowances for the period of ten years, and as long thereafter as the President of the United States may think necessary and proper, in addition to the sums herein before stipulated to be paid them; that is to say; To the Bands of the Sioux mentioned in the third article, one Blacksmith at the expense of the United States, and the necessary tools; also instruments for agricultural purposes, and iron and steel to the amount of seven hundred dollars;—To the Yancton and Santie Bands of Sioux, one Blacksmith at the expense of the United States, and the necessary tools, also instruments for agricultural purposes to the amount of four hundred dollars; To the Omahas one Blacksmith at the expense of the United States, and the necessary tools, also instruments for agricultural purposes to the amount of five hundred dollars;—To the Ioways an assistant Blacksmith at the expense of the United States, also instruments for agricultural purposes to the amount of six hundred dollars; To the Ottoes and Missourias one Blacksmith at the expense of the United States, and the necessary tools, also instruments for agricultural purposes to the amount of five hundred dollars; and to the Sacs of the Missouri River, one Blacksmith at the expense of the United States and the necessary tools; also instruments for agricultural purposes to the amount of two hundred dollars.

Article 5. And the United States further agree to set apart three thousand dollars annually for ten successive years, to be applied in the discretion of the President of the United States, to the education of the children of the said Tribes and Bands, parties hereto.

Article 6. The Yanckton and Santie Bands of the Sioux not being fully represented, it is agreed, that if they shall sign this Treaty, they shall be considered as parties thereto, and bound by all its stipulations.

Article 7. It is agreed between the parties hereto, that the lines shall be run, and marked as soon as the President of the United States may deem it expedient.

Article 8. The United States agree to distribute between the several Tribes, parties hereto, five thousand, one hundred and thirty-two dollars worth of merchandise, the receipt whereof, the said Tribes hereby acknowledge; which, together with the amounts agreed to be paid, and the allowances in the fourth and fifth articles of this Treaty, shall be considered as a full compensation for the cession and relinquishments herein made.

Article 9. The Sioux Bands in Council having earnestly solicited that they might have permission to bestow upon the half breeds of their Nation, the tract of land within the following limits, to wit: Beginning at a place called the barn, below and near the village of the Red Wing Chief, and running back fifteen miles; thence in a parallel line with Lake Pepin and the Mississippi, about thirty-two miles to a point opposite Beef or O-Boeuf River; thence fifteen miles to the Grand Encampment opposite the River aforesaid; The United States agree to suffer said half Breeds to occupy said tract of country; they holding by the same title, and in the same manner that other Indian Titles are held.

Article 10. The Omahas, Ioways and Ottoes, for themselves, and in behalf of the Yanckton and Santie Bands of Sioux, having earnestly requested that they might be permitted to make some provision for their half-breeds, and particularly that they might bestow upon them the tract of country within the following limits, to wit; Beginning at the mouth of the Little Ne-mohaw River, and running up the main channel of said River to a point which will be ten miles from its mouth in a direct line; from thence in a direct line, to strike the Grand Nemohaw ten miles above its mouth, in a direct line (the distance between the two Ne-mohaws being about twenty miles)—thence down said River to its mouth; thence up, and with the Meanders of the Missouri River to the point of beginning, it is agreed that the half-breeds of said Tribes and Bands may be suffered to occupy said tract of land; holding it in the same manner, and by the same title that other Indian titles are held; but the President of the United States may hereafter assign to any of the said half-breeds, to be held by him or them in fee simple, any portion of said tract not exceeding a section, of six hundred and forty acres to each individual. And this provision shall extend to the cession made by the Sioux in the preceding Article.

Article 11. The reservation of land mentioned in the preceding Article having belonged to the Ottoes, and having been exclusively ceded by them; it is agreed that the Omahas, the Ioways and the Yanckton and Santie Bands of Sioux shall pay out of their annuities to the said Ottoe Tribe, for the period of ten years, Three hundred Dollars annually; of which sum the Omahas shall pay one hundred Dollars, the Ioways one hundred Dollars, and the Yanckton and Santie Bands one hundred dollars.

Article 12. It is agreed that nothing contained in the foregoing Articles shall be so construed as to affect any claim, or right in common, which has heretofore been held by any Tribes, parties to this Treaty, to any lands not embraced in the cession herein made; but that the same shall be occupied and held by them as heretofore.

Article 13. This Treaty, or any part thereof, shall take effect, and be obligatory upon the Contracting parties, so soon as the same shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof.

Done, and signed, and sealed at Prairie du Chien, in the Territory of Michigan, this fifteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty, and of the independence of the United States, the fifty-fifth.

Wm. Clark, superintendent Indian affairs, [L. S.]
Willough by Morgan, colonel First Infantry U. S. Army, commissioners. [L. S.]

Mash-que-tai-paw, or red head, his x mark
Sheco-Calawko, or turtle shell, his x mark
Kee-o-cuck, the watchful fox, his x mark
Poi-o-tahit, one that has no heart, his x mark
Os-hays-kee, ridge, his x mark
She-shee-quanince, little gourd, his x mark
O-saw-wish-canoe, yellow bird, his x mark
I-onin, his x mark
Am-oway, his x mark
Niniwow-qua-saut, he that fears mankind, his x mark
Chaukee Manitou, the little spirit, his x mark
Moso-inn, the scalp, his x mark
Wapaw-chicannuck, fish of the white marsh, his x mark
Mesico, jic, his x mark

Wapalaw, the prince, his x mark
Taweemin, strawberry, his x mark
Pasha-sakay, son of Piemanschie, his x mark
Keewausette, he who climbs everywhere, his x mark
Naw-mee, his x mark
Appenioce, or the grand child, his x mark
Waytee-mins, his x mark
Nawayaw-cosi, his x mark
Manquo-pwam, the bear’s hip, (Morgan,) his x mark
Kaw-Kaw-Kee, the crow, his x mark
Mawcawtay-ee-quoiquenake, black neck, his x mark
Watu-pawnonsh, his x mark
Meshaw-nuaw-peetay, the large teeth, his x mark
Cawkee-Kamack, always fish, his x mark
Mussaw-wawquott, his x mark

Sioux of the Mississippi, Medawakanton band:
Wabishaw, or red leaf, his x mark
Tchataqua Manie, or little crow, his x mark
Waumunde-tunkar, the great calumet eagle, his x mark
Taco-coqui-pishnee, he that fears nothing, his x mark
Wah-coo-ta, that shoots arrows, his x mark
Pay-taw-whar, the fire owner, his x mark
Kaugh-Mohr, the floating log, his x mark
Etarz-e-pah, the bow, his x mark
Teeah-coota, one that fires at the yellow, his x mark
Toh-kiah-taw-kaw, he who bites the enemy, his x mark
Nasiumpah, or the early riser, his x mark
Am-pa-ta-tah-wah, his day, his x mark
Wah-kee-ah-tunkar, big thunder, his x mark
Tauchaw-cadoota, the red road, his x mark
Tchaws-kesky, the elder, his x mark
Mauzau-hautau, the grey iron, his x mark
Wazee-o-monie, the walking pine, his x mark
Tachaw-cooash-tay, the good road, his x mark
Kie-ank-kaw, the mountain, his x mark
Mah-peau-mansaw, iron cloud, his x mark
E-taych-o-caw, half face, his x mark
Anoug-genaje, one that stands on both sides, his x mark
Hough-appaw, the eagle head, his x mark
Hooka-mooza, the iron limb, his x mark
Hoatch-ah-cadoota, the red voice, his x mark
Wat-chu-da, the dancer.

Wah-pah-coota band:
Wiarh-hoh-ha, french crow, his x mark
Shans-konar, moving shadow, his x mark
Ah-pe-hatar, the grey mane, his x mark
Wahmedecaw-cahn-bohr, one that prays for the land, his x mark
Wah-con-de-kah-har, the one that makes the lightning, his x mark
Mazo-manie, or the iron that walks, his x mark
Mah-kah-ke-a-munch, one that flies on the land, his x mark
Mauzau-haut-amundee, the walking bell, his x mark
Kah-hih, the Menominie, his x mark.

Sussiton band:
Ete-tahken-bah, the sleeping eyes, his x mark
Ho-toh-monie, groans when he walks, his x mark.

Opau-tauga, or the big elk, his x mark
Chonques-kaw, the white horse, his x mark
Tessan, the white crow, his x mark
Ishtan-mauzay, iron-eye, chief’s son, his x mark
Waw-shin-ga-sau-bais, black bird, his x mark
Waugh-pay-shan, the one who scalps but a small part from
the crown of the head, his x mark
Au-gum-an, the chief, his x mark
Age-en-gaw, the wing, his x mark
Non-bau-manie, the one that walks double, his x mark
Way-cosh-ton, the frequent feast giver, his x mark
Eh-que-naus-hus-kay, the second, his x mark
Iosey, (the son of Kawsay,) his x mark.

Wassau-nie, or the medicine club, his x mark
Mauhoos Kan, white cloud, his x mark
Wo-hoompee, the broth, his x mark
Tah-roh-na, a good many deer, his x mark
Wa-nau-quash-coonie, without fear, his x mark
Pah-a-manie, one who walks on the snow, his x mark
Pie-kan-ha-igne, the little star, his x mark
Niayoo Manie, walking rain, his x mark
Nautah-hoo, burnt-wood, his x mark
Pai-tansa, the white crane, his x mark.

I-atan, or Shaumanie-Cassan, or prairie wolf, his x mark
Mehah-hun-jee, second daughter, his x mark
Wawronesan, the encircler, his x mark
Kansa-tauga, the big Kansas, his x mark
Noe-kee-sa-kay, strikes two, his x mark
Tchai-au-grai, the shield, his x mark
Mantoigne, the little bow, his x mark
Thee-rai-tchai-neehgrai, wolf-tail at the heel, his x mark
Oh-haw-kee-wano, that runs on the hills, his x mark
Rai-grai-a, speckled turtle, his x mark
Tchai-wah-tchee-ray, going by, his x mark
Krai-taunica, the hawk, his x mark
Mauto-a Kee-pah, that meets the bear, his x mark
Kai-wan-igne, little turtle, his x mark.

Eh-shaw-manie, or the one who walks laughing, his x mark
Ohaw-tchee-ke-sakay, one who strikes the Little Osages, his x mark
Wamshe-katou-nat, the great man, his x mark
Shoug-resh-kay, the horse fly, his x mark
Tahmegrai-Soo-igne, little deer’s dung, his x mark

Missouri Sacs:
Sau-kis-quoi-pee, his x mark
She-she-quene, the gourd, his x mark
Nochewai-tasay, his x mark
Mash-quaw-siais, his x mark
Nawai-yak-oosee, his x mark
Wee-tay-main, one that goes with the rest, his x mark

The assent of the Yancton and Santie Bands of Sioux, to the foregoing treaty is given. In testimony whereof, the chiefs, braves, and principal men of said bands have hereunto signed their names and acknowledge the same, at St. Louis, this 13th October, 1830.

Yancton and Santie Bands of Siouxs:
Matto-Sa-Becha, the black bear, his x mark
Pa-con-okra, his x mark
Citta-eutapishma, he who dont eat buffalo, his x mark
To-ki-e-ton, the stone with horns, his x mark
Cha-pon-ka, or mosquitoe, his x mark
To-ki-mar-ne, he that walks ahead, his x mark
Wock-ta-ken-dee, kills and comes back, his x mark
Ha Sazza, his x mark
Chigga Wah-shu-she, little brave, his x mark
Wah-gho-num-pa, cotton wood on the neck, his x mark
Zuyesaw, warrior, his x mark
Tokun Ohomenee, revolving stone, his x mark
Eta-ga-nush-kica, mad face, his x mark
Womendee Dooter, red war eagle, his x mark
Mucpea A-har-ka, cloud elk, his x mark
To-ka-oh, wounds the enemy, his x mark
Pd-ta-sun eta womper, white buffalo with two faces, his x mark
Cha-tun-kia, sparrow hawk, his x mark
Ke-un-chun-ko, swift flyer, his x mark
Ti-ha-uhar, he that carries his horn, his x mark
Sin-ta-nomper, two tails, his x mark
Wo-con Cashtaka, the whipt spirit, his x mark
Ta Shena Pater, fiery blanket, his x mark

In presence of:
Jno. Ruland, secretary to the commission.
Jon. L. Bean, special agent,
Law Taliaferro, Indian agent at St. Peters,
R. B. Mason, captain, First Infantry,
G. Loomis, captain, First Infantry,
James Peterson, lieutenant and adjutant,
H. B. M., Thirty-third Regiment,
N. S. Harris, lieutenant and adjutant, regiment, U. S. Infantry,
Henry Bainbridge, lieutenant, U. S. Army,
John Gale, surgeon, U. S. Army,
J. Archer, lieutenant, U. S. Army,
J. Dougherty, Indian agent,
Thos. A. Davies, lieutenant, infantry,
Wm. S. Williamson, sub-Indian agent,
And. S. Hughes, sub-Indian agent,
A. G. Baldwin, lieutenant, Third Infantry,
David D. Mitchell,
H. L. Donsman,
Wynkoop Warner,
Geo. Davenport,
Wm. Hempstead,
Benjamin Mills,
Wm. H. Warfield, lieutenant, Third Infantry,
Sam. R. Throokmoor,
John Connelly,
Amos Farror,
Antoine Le Claire, interpreter of Sacs and Foxes,
Stephen Julian, United States interpreter,
Jacques Mette, interpreter,
Michel Berda, his x mark, Mohow interpreter,
S. Campbell, United States interpreter.

Witnesses to the signatures of the Yancton and Santie bands of Sioux, at Fort Tecumseh, Upper Missouri, on the fourth day of September, 1830:
Wm. Gordon,
James Archdale Hamilton,
David D. Mitchell,
Wm. Saidlau,
Jacob Halsey.

Witnesses present at the signing and acknowledgment of the Yancton and Santie Deputations:
Jno. Ruland, secretary to Commissioners.
Jon. L. Bean, sub-Indian agent for Upper Missouri,
Felix F. Wain, Indian agent for Sacs and Foxes,
John F. A. Sanford, United States Indian agent.
William C. Heyward, U. S. Army,
D. J. Royster, U. S. Infantry,
Samuel Kinney, U. S. Army,
Merewether Lewis Clark, Sixth Regiment Infantry,
Jacques Mette.

Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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