Biography of Joseph H. Mallory

Joseph H. Mallory was born in Grayson county, Virginia, July 11, 1819. His parents were born, reared and died in the same State. Our subject came to Daviesso county, Missouri, in 1841, and settled upon the farm where he now resides. This farm covers 250 acres of good land, 170 of which are under cultivation, but thirty-one years ago when he first staked off his claim, the county was new and nature seemed clothed in robes of primitive beauty, while wild animals roamed the unbroken prairies and birds of many kinds flitted from branch to branch in the dusky shadows of the woodland. Then, too, people lived in peace and harmony, and were kind, friendly, generous and ever ready to render assistance when a neighbor or a stranger was in need. Time has rung the changes since.

Mr. Mallory was united in marriage to Miss Myra. Creekmore, December 17, 1844. Of this union nine children were born, named as follows: Stephen W., born October 23, 1846; Emmet E., born October 10, 1848; George M., born October 10, 1853; Sophronia J., born May 23, 1856; John F., born April 22,185S; Rosamond F., born April 26, 1860; Winfield S., born March 18, 1862; Joseph G., born March 16, 1864; and Thomas M., born August 23, 1869. Mrs. Mallory died March 10, 1878. Mr. Mallory remained a widower two years and was then united in marriage to Mrs. Zeviah E. Newton, of Hamilton, Caldwell county, Missouri. Both himself and wife are members of the Church of the Seventh Day Adventists.

The present comfortable residence of Mr. Mallory is the work of his own hands, having been erected in 1860. At that time he was in very poor health, superinduced by the excessive use of tobacco, and he resolved to abandon the habit. Though the task was not an easy one he succeeded, and Is to-day possessed of excellent health and capable of performing as much work as any man of his age in the county. He is among the most valuable and highly respected citizens of Jefferson township.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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