Biographical Sketch of John Woodfall

John Woodfall deceased, farmer. The subject of this sketch was born in England about the year 1807; he emigrated to America while quite a young man and located in Louisville, Ky., where he worked in a foundry and machine shop for about fifteen years, when he located in Morgan Tp., Coles Co., Ill., in January , 1857, when he purchased 200 acres of land in Sec. 31, where he lived until his death, which occurred June 14, 1857, being instantly killed by lightning while planting corn, leaving a widow and seven children. His marriage with Jane Stinson was celebrated in the fall of 1842; she was born in Scotland and emigrated to America with her parents when quite young. They had eight children by this union, viz., Margaret J., born Oct. 24, 1844; Richard, born April 12, 1848; Hannah, born March 10, 1849-died in the spring of 1860; Charles, born Feb. 6, 1851; James, born Feb. 29, 1852; John W., born Feb. 5, 1854; Theodore, born May 19, 1857; Alice D. B., born May 23, 1861.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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