Biography of Capt. Charles D. Phelps

Capt. Charles D. Phelps, deceased, late of Ashmore Tp., one of the pioneers of Coles Co.; was born in Madison Co., Ky., Jan. 26, 1801; he was a son of Jarrot and Millie (Duncan) Phelps, both natives of Virginia. He was married March 3, 1825, to Miss Mary A. Coons, a daughter of John and Polly (Crosswhite) Coons; she was born in Fayette Co., Ky., about eight miles from Lexington, July 29, 1809. In 1830, he removed to Coles Co., and settled on the farm now occupied by his widow and youngest son; he purchased and entered about 300 acres of land, was an industrious and successful man, a leading member of the Christian Church, and led a life consistent with his professions. Coming to Coles Co. before the Black Hawk war, they had the Kickapoos and Pottawatomies for their neighbors. On the breaking-out of the Black Hawk war he volunteered as a soldier, was commissioned a Captain, and assisted in the capture of the Chief, Black Hawk. He died Dec. 2, 1864; of nine children eight were living at the time of his death, and six are living at the present time, viz., Josiah, now a resident of this township; Jarrot, of Shell City, Mo.; Mildred A. wife of Addison Bowen; of Johnson Co., Kan.; Mary A., wife of Thomas Adair, of Johnson Co., Kan.; Samuel W., who served in the late war, and now lives in Schuyler Co., Mo., and Charles D., residing on the homestead John C., a member of the 123d I. V. I., died at Nashville, Tenn., in February, 1863; Susan E., wife of William O’Brien, died April 19, 1866 Fountain served in the late war, and died in 1871, in Schuyler Co., Mo. Mrs. Phelps still resides on the old place, about two miles south of Ashmore; she has passed through many and severe hardships of those pioneer days, and is now hale and strong at nearly 70 years of age.


Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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