Treaty of July 19, 1820

A treaty made and concluded by, and between, Auguste Chouteau and Benjamin Stephenson, Commissioners of the United States of America, on the part and behalf of the said States, of the one part, and the undersigned Chiefs and Warriors, of the Kickapoo tribe of Indians, on the part and behalf of their said Nation, of the other part, the same being supplementary to, and amendatory of, the Treaty made and concluded at Edwardsville, on the 30th July, 1819, between the United States and the said Kickapoo nation.

Article I. It is agreed, between the United States and the Kickapoo tribe of Indians, that the sixth article of the treaty, to which this is supplementary, shall be, and the same is hereby, altered and amended, so as to read as follows, viz:

In consideration of, and exchange for, the cession made by the aforesaid tribe, in the first article of this treaty, the United States, in addition to three thousand dollars worth of merchandise, this day paid to the said tribe, hereby cede to the said tribe, to be by them possessed in like manner as the lands, ceded by the first article of this treaty by them to the United States, were possessed, a certain tract of land in the territory of Missouri, and included within the following boundaries, viz:

Beginning at the confluence of the rivers Pommes de Terre and Osage; thence, up said river Pommes de Terre, to the dividing ridge which separates the waters of Osage and White rivers; thence, with said ridge, and westward, to the Osage line; thence, due north with said line, to Nerve creek; thence, down the same, to a point due south of the mouth of White Clay, or Richard creek; thence, north, to the Osage river; thence, down said river, to the beginning.

In testimony whereof, the commissioners aforesaid, and the undersigned chiefs and warriors aforesaid, have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed their seals.

Done at St. Louis, in the territory of Missouri, the 19th of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, and of the independence of the United States the forty-fifth.

Aug. Chouteau
Ben. Stephenson
Pemoatam, his x mark
Quitattay, his x mark
Pawpaussapeeawaw, his x mark
Waysheeown, his x mark
Paywaneckway, his x mark
Keeawnaw, his x mark
Shee Sheep, his x mark
Keesawonaw, his x mark
Mawkwawteppa, his x mark
Waywetsheecawpaw, his x mark
Keeotay, his x mark
Wawponashee, his x mark
Weepokothee, his x mark
Paysheesaw, his x mark
Wawpee Konyaw, his x mark
Auckoaw, his x mark
Namatchee, his x mark
Wakykapa, his x mark
Keechkakoy, his x mark
Saw Koy, his x mark
Namatt Shee Keeaw, his x mark
Keesasway, his x mark
Pemoatam Oseemin, his x mark
Wawpeepoaw, his x mark
Mentowta, his x mark
Pawpaw Keemene, his x mark
Sheekeemakow, his x mark]
Pawkonesheeno, his x mark

Signed, sealed, and delivered, in presence of the following witnesses:
Pascal Cerre, Secretary to the Commissioners
Jacques Mette, Interpreter
Jn. Ruland, Sub-agent
Th. Estes
Geo. Y. Bright
J. Brand
Mal. Detandebarat
Gabriel G. Chouteau
Henry P. Chouteau
Felix St. Vrain
G. P. Cerre
F. Simon
Peter Didier
T. Goddard
Gl. Paul
R. Paul, Colonel Mi. Mia.
Tho. T. Loury
T. B. Mathurin
B. Provinchere

St. Louis Missouri,

Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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