Biography of Marion P. Cash

Marion P. Cash, traveling salesman; P. O. Terre Haute, Ind.; born in Nelson Co. Va., April 14, 1833, he removed to Amherst Co., with the family, when 4 years of age, where he lived until 14 years of age, when he emigrated to Illinois and located in Paris, Edgar Co., in the fall of 1847; after farming one year, he learned and worked at the cabinet-maker’s trade for three years, in Paris; he came to Oakland, Coles Co., and worked one year at his trade, when he engaged with his brother in the furniture trade for two years; he then sold out and engaged in the drug trade one year; in 1855, he was appointed Postmaster of Oakland, at which date he engaged in the grocery and confectionery trade, which he continued until 1857, when he sold out and again engaged in the furniture business until 1861, when he removed to Westfield, Clark Co., and managed the merchandise trade of H. H. Cash & Bro., until 1863; he then engaged as traveling salesman for a wholesale notion house at Terre Haute one year; he then went to Cincinnati and engaged in the same business until 1867, when he bought out a dry goods store at Kansas Station, which he ran until 180, when, selling out, he again engaged as traveling salesman, which business he continued until 1877, for Terre Haute and Cincinnati wholesale houses; in 1877, he engaged in farming. and in September, 1878, he engaged as traveling salesman for the Terre Haute Woolen-Mills, which business he has since followed. He married, March 31, 1853, to Elizabeth J. Ashmore; she was born in East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., Ill., March 23, 1833; she was a daughter of James Ashmore, who emigrated from Tennessee, and located in Coles Co., at a. very early period, where he lived until his decease; Mr. Cash has eight children now living – William A., Marcus L., Emery E., Sarah B., Rosa A., George B., Marion R. and Alvin B.; Mr. Cash is a brother of L. S. and S. M. Cash, whose biographies appear among the biographies of Oakland Tp.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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