Biographical Sketch of William G. Wright

William G. Wright, of the firm of Wright, Hodgen & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in groceries and provisions, Charleston; was born in Washington Co., Penn., July 25, 1832; be was brought up to farming and his father’s trade, of a carpenter; he received an English education, and at the age of 18, began teaching school, which he continued three winters; in the spring of 1854, he came to Hitesville, Coles Co., and on the 24th of August, the same year, he married Miss Sarah Bane, whom he had known in Pennsylvania, and who had removed with her parents to Coles Co. the year before; they have six children – Mary Ida, Lulu May, Harry Warren, Florence and Nellie. In 1856, he removed to Charleston and followed his trade till the fall of 1859, when he engaged as a clerk in the store of T. Hulman, with whom he continued until the fall of 1864; he then, with W. S. Minton and A. K. Spears, purchased the stock of Mr. Hulman, and engaged in merchandising, under the firm name of Wright, Minton & Co. till 1870, then till 1872 as W. G. Wright & Co.; Mr. Minton returning in 1872, the firm became W. S. Minton & Co., and so continued till 1876, since when, it has been Wright, Hodgen & Co.; in 1868, Wright, Minton & Co. built the brick store which forms a portion of March’s Block, and is now occupied by R. Stoddert & Sons; they were also for two years owners of the mill known as the Tinkey Mill in Charleston, and for two years were engaged in the house-furnishing business, in addition to their grocery trade.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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