Biographical Sketch of John Driscoll

John Driscoll, firm of Driscoll & Parmelee, meat market, was born in Rochester, N. Y. At about the age of fourteen years, he came to Pennsylvania. He enlisted, in 1864, in Company G, Sixty-fourth New York Infantry; served to the end of the war. May, 1866, he again enlisted in the regular army; served three years, in carrying the mail and running express; August, 1869, came to Burt County and engaged in farming; in 1875, removed to Tekamah, and at once opened a meat market, and has since been engaged in this business. He has just sold an improved farm, four miles north of town, on which he has realized a handsome profit.



Burt County NE,

Compendium of History Reminiscence and Biography Of Nebraska. Chicago: Alden Publishing Company. 1912.

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