Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Orcutt

Charles E. Orcutt was born in Middletown, Rutland county, Vermont, February 15, 1845. His parents were Erasmus and Philena (Edgerton) Orcutt, natives of Vermont. While our subject was yet an infant his parents removed to Allegany county, New York, and after living there two years the family removed to Massachusetts, and there, in the Deerfield Academy, our subject received his education. After leaving school be worked on a farm until twenty years of age, when he immigrated to Missouri and located at the city of Chillicothe, where he clerked for a number of years in a drug and book store.

He established his present drug business in Jamesport in the autumn of 1871 and has since built up a large and prosperous trade. He was appointed postmaster on the 4th of November, 1873, and has discharged the duties of that office efficiently and to the entire satisfaction of the public ever since. He is treasurer of the city of Jamesport and secretary of the Grand River Agricultural, Horticultural and Mechanical Association.

Mr. Orcutt was married at Chillicothe, Missouri, in June, 1871, to Miss Tillia Keener, daughter of George Keener, a native of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Orcutt was born at Shreveport, Pennsylvania. The issue of this union is two children: Frederick C. and Ralph E.

Mr. Orcutt is a Republican in politics, a thorough business man, and one who is respected and esteemed by all men, irrespective of political affiliations.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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