Biographical Sketch of Benjamin G. Kimball

Benjamin G. Kimball is a native of the town of Bradford, Essex county, Massachusetts, and was born November 17, 1814. He was educated at the Bradford College, of Bradford, Massachusetts. His father died when he was young, and when fourteen years old he began clerking in a dry goods house in Genesee county, New York; three years later he changed to the boot and shoe business, and was engaged in that business, as clerk, for two years.. Then worked at the shoemaking business for five years. In 1837 he came to Missouri and settled in Ray county, where he was employed as clerk in the dry goods business for four years. From there he removed to this county and farmed for a while, then began business for himself, in what was then known as Cravensville, or Di-Amon, with a stock of dry goods and a general assortment of merchandise. After four years in that business, he sold out and engaged in farming until 1878, when he engaged in the lumber trade at Jameson, where we now find him doing a good business. He has ever been alive to the public prosperity of the county, and has filled several offices with credit to himself and county, and is at present recognized as one of the leading farmers and business men of the county.

Mr. Kimball was united in marriage, February 14, 1843, to Miss Serilda A. Burton, who was born in April, 1826. By this union they have had eight children, six of whom are living, named as follows: George B., James W., Eliza M., Caroline E., Nathaniel T., Alice A., Jefferson Davis, and Harriet.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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