Biography of Henry C. Ambrose

HENRY C. AMBROSE. A large class of the farmers of Stone County, Missouri, lead such modest and quiet lives as to be seldom heard of outside of their own townships. They are doing fine work in their own community, but do not care to mingle in the more public matters of political life, as they wish to devote all their time and energies to the cultivation of their farms and the development of the resources of their lands. Such men deserve more mention than they ordinarily receive, and we are pleased to present here one of them, in the person … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Bremmer, Mary Margaret Townsend Mrs. – Obituary

Baker CitMary Margaret Bremmer 74, of Baker City, died Dec. 3, 2004, at St. Elizabeth Health Care Center. Her funeral will be Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor Jon Privett of the Baker City Church of the Nazarene will officiate. Graveside services will be Wednesday at 10 a.m. at City View Cemetery in Salem, and interment will follow the services. Mrs. Bremmer was born Dec. 25, 1929, in Orrick, Mo., a daughter of Louis E. and Ellen (Taggert) Townsend. The family came to Oregon in 1935. She spent most of her life in … Read more

Biography of William S. Norton

William S. Norton. Whatever their environment, men of true ability have the power to raise themselves above circumstances, and apparently handicaps and difficulties act only as a spur to increase effort and accomplishment. There are few Kansas whose careers better illustrate the truth of this assertion than that of William S. Norton, who is known so well in Cherokee County as a financier and business man. Mr. Norton could review by personal recollections practically every phase of life in Southwestern Missouri and Southeastern Kansas during the last half century. He was a Union soldier during the war and the keynote … Read more

Biography of Hon. Samuel A. Richardson

Samuel A. Richardson was born in Anderson county, Kentucky, July 26, 1826. He was the second son of Colonel John C. Richardson, who was a native of Virginia, but in early life moved from that State to Anderson county, Kentucky, and in the spring of 1831, with his family, moved to Missouri and settled in the Missouri River bottom, above Camden, in Ray county, and afterwards removed to near Lexington. The family are descendants of the numerous family of Richardsons, from Virginia and Kentucky. Judge Nathaniel Richardson, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, moved from Kentucky and settled in … Read more

Biography of Thomas Benton Hutchings

Thomas Benton Hutchings, residing five miles east of San Bernardino, on Base Line, was born in Ray County, Missouri, in 1852. His parents, Hovey and Amanda (McQuiston) Hutchings, had a family of five children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the youngest. His mother died when he was but six weeks old, and his father married a second time and had six children by his last marriage. He was a farmer, owning several farms, also a dry-goods merchant and owner of a large sawmill, but lost nearly all of his property by the late war. He made a … Read more

Biography of Judge Austin Brown

JUDGE AUSTIN BROWN. The object of this sketch is to place before the public the record of a well-spent life, abounding in useful and charitable deeds. Mr. Brown was born in Ray County, Missouri, in April, 1835. His parents being William M. and Sidney (Cravens) Brown, who were born in Culpeper County, Virginia, where they were reared, educated and married. About 1830 they removed to the then far West Ray County, Missouri, but eight years later settled in Taney County, Missouri, where the mother died the following year. Mr. Brown was thus left with a family of small children, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph A. Wickham

Joseph A. Wickham was born in Monroe, Michigan, November 14, 1844. When he arrived at the age of ten years his father died, and he left his native place and went to Brunswick, Chariton county, Missouri, to live with an uncle. There he lived for five years and attended the common schools of that place. In 1861 he served in the Missouri State Guards under General John B. Clark, and in 1862 went to Norwalk, Huron county, Ohio, to finish the jeweler’s trade under James A. Wilkinson, with whom he worked a year before leaving Brunswick. In 1863 he enlisted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin G. Kimball

Benjamin G. Kimball is a native of the town of Bradford, Essex county, Massachusetts, and was born November 17, 1814. He was educated at the Bradford College, of Bradford, Massachusetts. His father died when he was young, and when fourteen years old he began clerking in a dry goods house in Genesee county, New York; three years later he changed to the boot and shoe business, and was engaged in that business, as clerk, for two years.. Then worked at the shoemaking business for five years. In 1837 he came to Missouri and settled in Ray county, where he was … Read more

Biography of Richard Price Cravens

Richard Price Cravens. It must be conceded that the earlier history of Salina was made by a comparatively few reliable, responsible men, who, courageous in their action and steadfast in their belief in the future possibilities of the city, forged ahead, blazing the way for others, who, following in their footsteps and working with them, have developed one of the greatest business centers in the great state of Kansas. Had these men been less active, less willing to put their entire energies into their work, today’s prosperity would have never been developed. One improvement leads to another, each advance means … Read more

Biography of Edward Staton Hymer M. D.

Edward Staton Hymer, M. D. A physician and surgeon of most thorough qualifications, whose work had brought a large practice and a rising reputation, Doctor Hymer had spent his professional career chiefly at Sedgwick. A resident of Kansas most of his life, Doctor Hymer was born at Albany, Missouri, November 6, 1883. His remote ancestors came from Germany. His father is E. R. Hymer, who was born in Illinois in 1852, grew up in that state, and at an early day came to Kansas and located at Centralia. After several years he removed to Missouri, but in 1884 was back … Read more

Biography of Robert C. Williams

The subject of this sketch was born in Surry (now Yadkin) county, North Carolina, December 21, 1817. He lived with his father, who was a farmer in moderate circumstances, until nineteen years of age, and than left the farm to engage at school-teaching, and thereby secured the means to complete his education. In June, 1839, Mr. Williams immigrated to Missouri and located in Ray county, where he taught school until 1842 and then removed to what is now Harrison county. After living there one year our subject came to Daviess county, and has resided here ever since. On the 31st … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew J. Creason

Andrew J. Creason is a native of Ray County, Missouri. His father, William Creason, was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, June 6, 1796, and died in Ray County in 1871. His mother was a native of Tennessee. Andrew J. was born January 15, 1848, near the town of Orrick, and his childhood and early youth were passed in his father’s home. He received such advantages for education as were afforded in those days, attending school and working on the farm. When he reached the age of twenty-four he married, February 22, 1872, Miss Mary E. Proctor, daughter of Eldridge and … Read more

Biography of Independence Mann

Independence Mann, The subject of this sketch was born near Hancock, in the State of Maryland, on the 4th day of July, 1843, and is the son of Jonathan E. and Mary A. (Brosins) Mann, natives of Marlyand. At an early age, in company with his parents, he removed to this county and received the greater part of his education in the excellent schools of Gallatin. He began his business career as a clerk in the dry goods store of T. J. Casey, at Richmond, Missouri. At the commencement of the Civil War, prompted by a spirit of patriotic devotion … Read more

Biography of Columbus R. Shaw

One of the most enterprising, energetic and successful businessmen of Caldwell, is the gentleman whose name appears above. He is a native of the state of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Ray County, in 1859. His father, William P. Shaw, was a native of Tennessee, whence he removed to Missouri, in 1833, becoming one of the pioneers of the latter state. He married Miss Julia A. Waterman, a native of New York, whose people were also numbered among the early settlers of Missouri. The Shaw family is of Irish origin, and leaving the Emerald Isle crossed the Atlantic to … Read more