The publication of the Tribal Rolls, in 1907, gave the roll number, name of the allottee, age, sex and blood, and operated to a large extent to inform the public, but this information was not sufficient, in fact, it aided only those who, by reason of their familiarity with the workings and records of the Indian Offices, knew how to secure additional information. John Campbell set out to help researchers determine the family relationships between the allottee’s by providing an abstract index of all names from the records. This index has proven invaluable over time by providing a quick method to research family relationships within the tribal rolls.
A Surnames
Abahalee, 3157.
Abandey, 235.
Abbeah, 2778.
Abbelogah, 2307.
Abbeloka, 937
Abbey, 1315.
Abloe, 1268.
Ablow, Nicey, 1268.
Abolin, 1322.
Absey, 2080, 3003.
Ackley, Bart, 51102.
Ackley, Goldie, M102.
Ackley, Morris, M102.
Aconconey, 588.
Ada, 180.
Adair, Edley, 3802.
Adair, Edwin Brewer, M3.
Adair, Gipsie, 464, M3.
Adair, L. A., M3.
Adair, Martha, 3802.
Adaline, 1631.
Adams, 651.
Adams, Aggie, 1025.
Adams, Andrew, NB780.
Adams, Annie, 1025, NB786, NB787.
Adams, Benjamin, 1170.
Adams, Bettie, 927, NB834.
Adams, Daniel, 1025.
Adams, David, M333.
Adams, Delia, 137.
Adams, Dicey, 137, 882, 927, 1182.
Adams, Ellen, 927.
Adams, Emma, 1025.
Adams, Ethel, NB787.
Adams, Falby, 139.
Adams, Felix, 3887.
Adams, Frank, 1732.
Adams, Fred, 1170.
Adams, Garfield, 139.
Adams, George W., 1170, 3887, M363, NB636
Adams, Hattie, 927.
Adams, Hepsa, 1172, 651, 1025, M202.
‘Adams, Hepsey, 651, 1025, 1172, M202.
Adams, Henry, 137.
Adams, Isaac, 137.
Adams, Israel, 137.
Adams, John, 1170.
Adams, Julia. 927
Adams, Lee, 1175.
Adams, Leo, 1172.
Adams, Lewis, 1172, NB786, NB787.
Adams, Lieutenant, 2285
Adams, Lizzie, 1113.
Adams, Mahala. 651, 925, 927, 1025, 1170, 1172, 1175.
Adams, Mahale,1170, 1172, 1175, 651, 925, 927, 1025.
Adams, Mahaley, 925, 927, 651, 1025, 1170, 1172, 1175.
Adams, Martha, 651, NB811, NB812, M150.
Adams, Mary, 651, M201, NB1017.
Adams, Mehala, 1025, 651, 925, 927, 1170, 1172, 1175.
Adams, Richard, 139, M201.
Adams, Samuel, 275 .
Adams, Sarah, 1170, 3487, M363, NB636.
Adams, Susan, 111, 1732, 1919.
Adams, Theodore, NB186.
Adams, Thomas, 139, 651, 925, 927, 1025, 1170, 1172, 1115, 2285.
Adams, Thomas J., 651, 139, 925, 927, 1025, 1170, 1172, 1175, 2285.
Adams, Thomas Jr., 925.
Adams, Wahale, 139.
Adams, Washington, 1172.
Adams, Wiley, 1113, 1732, 1919.
Adams, Willie, 1170.
Addenna, 532.
Adelhelm, Charlie Antion, NB511.
Adelhelm, Chester, NB510.
Adelhelm, Jennie, NB510-NB511.
Adelhelm, William, NB510-NB511.
Adeline, 1650.
Adkins, Hattie, 74.
Adkins, Ira, 955.
Adkins, Louise, 955.
Adkins, Martha J., 955.
Adkins, Nat, 3946.
Adkins, Otheola, 955.
Adkins, Richard, 3946.
Adkins, Salle, 3946.
Adkins, Thomas, 3946.
Adkins, W. B., 955.
Afalokey, 3290.
Afalokey, Lucinda, 3290.
Affaloye, 3397.
Agent, Bruce, 591.
Agent, Jim, 591.
Agent, Lizzie, 591.
Aggie, 222, 1524, 2627.
Ahaisse, 1682, 3751.
Ahaisse, Addie, 1682
Ahaisse, Allie, 1682
Ahaisse, David, 1682.
Ahaisse, Fremus, 3751.
Ahaisse, Joseph, 1682.
Ahaisse, Minnie, 1682.
Ahaisse, Sebert, 1682.
Ahaisse, Sissie, 1682, 3751.
Ahaisse, Sissy, 1682, 3751.
Ahaisse, Winey, 1682.
Ahalakhopie, 1951.
Ahalee, 2603.
Ahaluke, 1646.
Ahbeunga, 919.
Ahboga, 575.
Ahchulah, 2734.
Ahcoconnay, 2312, 2983, 2984, 3034, 3338.
Ahcoconney, 2312, 2983, 2984, 3338, 3034.
Ahequany, 2161.
Ahfolaka, 395, 1430.
Ahfonoke, 1260, 1674.
Ahfonoke, Cheparney, 1260.
Ahfonoke, Hoktoche, 1260, 1348, 1376, 1674.
Ahfonoke, Hoktochee, 1348, 1376, 1674, 1260.
Ahfonoke, Malley, 1260.
Ahfonoke, Nicey, 1260, 3966, NB368.
Ahfonoke, Parnoskey, 1260.
Ahfonoke, Sayoehee, 1260, NB 1150
Ahfonoke, Simmer, 1260, NB1149
Ahgogethlon, 1898.
Ahgokela, 1935.
Ahgokela, Waittie, 1935.
Ahgothany, 2161.
Ahhalonaney, 3124.
Ah Harjo, 3175.
Ahjola, 2620.
Ahkacofah, 1000.
Ahkate, 417.
Ahkohkee, 2418.
Ahkona, 43, 563.
Ahkonah, Nellie, 43.
Ahkotaney, 400.
Ahlaahcotaney, 2708.
Ahlacohonney, 400, 3939.
Ahlacontay, 2705.
Ahlaeontblaney, 2982.
Ahlaquan, 2252.
Ahlejetchchee, 37.
Ahlikouncona, 566.
Ahpoke, 2800.
Ahmana, 1318.
Ahochtey, 604.
Ahquntha, 233.
Ahrens, A. J. W., 597.
Ahrens Henry Shaw, 597.
Ahrens, Juliette, 507.
Ahrens, Kate E., 597.
Ahsechage, 1260.
Ahsehe, 3247.
Abseke, 2351.
Ahsey, 2984, NB938.
Ahtah, 1899.
Ahtaqueney, 2717.
Ahtata, 1057.
Ahtushahola, 1587.
Ahwe, 1004, 1006.
Ahweththla, 1384.
Ajenny, 3073.
Ajubee, 567.
Akans, James, 865.
Akans, Noah, 865.
Aknutana, 569.
Akotaney, 2416.
Aktiachee, 3212.
Akuonko, 563.
Alacuuneona, 571.
Albert, 1670.
Albert, David, 2376.
Albert, Hesahar, 2376.
Albert, Jackson, 2376.
Albert, Prince, 2376.
Albert, Sallie, 2376.
Albert, Watty, 2376.
Albutta, 2824.
Alecher, 2874.
Aleck, 328.
Alex, Elizabeth, 1946, NB556.
Alex, F. G., 1946, NB556.
Alex, Freeland, 1946, NB556.
Alex, H., 1946
Alex, Jacob, NB556.
Alex, Mary, 3870, 3902.
Alex, Susan, 1946.
Alexander, 94, 97, 808, 4014.
Alexander, Alex, 97, 1837, 2237.
Alexander, Arty. 97, 100, NB154
Alexander, Bettie, NB503.
Alexander, Christie, NB505.
Alexander, Cora, 2012
Alexander, David, 2237, 3891
Alexander, G. A, 1602, 1630, 1902, 1003, 114, 2011, 2241
Alexander, George, 97.
Alexander, George A., 1602, 1630, 1902 193, 1901, 2011, 2241.
Alexander, Hannah M., 2241
Alexander, Hettie, 1902, Nb504, NB505
Alexander, Jacob, NB504
Alexander, James, 1602, 1837.
Alexander, James H., 2211
Alexander, John L., 1902, NB504, NB505
Alexander, Leah, 2012.
Alexander, Lewis, 1602
Alexander, Lily, 94.
Alexander, Liza. 97.
Alexander, Lizzie, 2237, 2747, 3394, NB410.
Alexander, Loley, 256.
Alexander, Louis, 2012.
Alexander Lucy, 2012
Alexander, Martha 2237, 3811, NB503.
Alexander, Mary, 94, NB154.
Alexander, Mattie G., 1902
Alexander, Miley, 97, NB1083.
Alexander, Nancy, 97, 100, 1602, 1630, 183 1902, 1903, 1904, 2011, 224 3811, NB151.
Alexander, Nancy Larney, NB441.
Alexander, Nathan, 1902.
Alexander, Reuben, 97.
Alexander, Robert, 3894, 1904, 3811, NB503.
Alexander Robert L., 1904, 3811, 3394, NB503
Alexander, Holy, 100.
Alexander, Sallie, 2237, 1837.
Alexander, Sally, 1837, 2237.
Alexander, Sealy, 97.
Alexander, Tecumseh, 97
Alexander, Tisey, 100.
Alexander, Willie, 256.
Algogehney, 1208.
Allen, Abraham, 1062.
Allen, Ada, 1062.
Allen, Annie, 1062.
Allen, Benjamin, T., 541.
Allen, Bill, 1062.
Allen, Cora, 540.
Allen, Cora Lou, NB109.
Allen, Eliza H., 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 595.
Allen, Ella, 1062.
Allen, Ivey M., 540.
Allen, James, 1062.
Allen, Jess, 92, 1062, 3669, CE4015.
Allen, Jesse, 92, 1062, 3669, CE4015.
Allen, Jesse Will, 3669.
Allen, Joe, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542.
Allen, John W., 540, NB109.
Allen, Joseph, 1062.
Allen, Joseph W. 540.
Allen, Lizzie, 1062, 3669.
Allen, Louina, 1772.
Allen, Louisa, 1062.
Allen, Louvina, 1237.
Allen, Lovnia, 1771.
Allen, Lucinda, 1062, 1062.
Allen, Lular, 92.
Allen, Millard E., NB109.
Allen, Myrtle May, 4010, CE4015.
Allen, Rosette, 4010.
Allen, Roy, 1062.
Allen, Wootsey, CE4015
Allicky, 1250.
Allinda, 2202.
Allummee, 1820.
Allyah, 2059.
Alpatochee. 2238.
Alwir, Lucy, 7.
Amarthar, Nargusta, 3065, 3080
Amey, 336, 343, 435, 2205, 2206, 2468, 2696, 3197, 3198, 3200.
Amoche, 3402.
Amochee, 1792
Amoge, 3042.
Amos, 1585.
Amster, Susana 2880
Amy, 336 343, 435, 2205, 2206, 2468, 2696, 3197, 3198, 3200.
Aneil, William, 2241
Anderson. Alma. 2115.
Anderson, Amos, 1469, NB509.
Anderson, Amy, 229
Anderson, Andrew, 871.
Anderson, Annie, 1469, 2115.
Anderson, Augusta, 3564.
Anderson, Austin, 961.
Anderson. Beatrice. 976.
Anderson, Bennie, NB329, NB330.
Anderson, Bessie, NB320.
Anderson, Betsey. 976, 1225.
Anderson, Billie, 3210, 3530.
Anderson, Celey 2115, 3210.
Anderson. Charles, 2694, NB350
Anderson, Charley, 2694, NB350.
Anderson, Cilia, 871.
Anderson, David, 976, 1225.
Anderson, David V., 1225, 976.
Anderson, Earnest, 076,
Anderson, Eliza, 2574, 871, 2878.
Anderson, Ella, 2149, 3530.
Anderson, Emma, 976, 2149, 3564, NB205, M247
Anderson, Emmett A., 976.
Anderson, Geo., 352, 581, 640. 871, 961, 1225.
Anderson, George W., 1225, 352, 581, 961, 640, 871.
Anderson, Green, 2574.
Anderson, Haley, 1705, 3310.
Anderson, Hannah, 1062.
Anderson, James, 1062, 1059
Anderson, Jennie, NB509.
Anderson, Jim, 1059, 1062.
Anderson, Leah, 1643.
Anderson, Liza, 871, 2574, 2878.
Anderson, Lizzie, M., 1225.
Anderson, Lottie. 3250.
Anderson, Lucy, 961, 2488.
Anderson, Lydia C., NB205.
Anderson, Martha. 2115, 51158, NB350, NB1180, 1\1158
Anderson, Millie, 1797, NB1003.
Anderson, Minnie, 1705.
Anderson, Mose, 2488.
Anderson, Nancy, 352, 581, 961, 1225.
Anderson, Nannie, 640.
Anderson, Narto, 1469.
Anderson, Nellie, 1225.
Anderson, Norman, 3310.
Anderson, Phoebe, 229, 1797, NB1042.
Anderson, Richmond, 2149.
Anderson, Robert, 1225.
Anderson, Ruth, 961.
Anderson, Sam, 1716, 1717, 3310.
Anderson, Sam Clarence, 976.
Anderson, Sampson, 1716
Anderson, Samuel, 3310, 1716, 1717.
Anderson, Simon, 1469.
Anderson, Soloman, 976, 3564, NB205, 51247.
Anderson, Solomon, 976, 3564, NI3205. 51247
Anderson, Stella Terrasa, M247.
Anderson, Susan, 960, 1059, 1062, NB1120.
Anderson, Thomas, 1705, 2878, 3530, 3987, 1797, 2115, 3210, 3250. 3310.
Anderson, Tifney, 1460.
Anderson, Timmie, 2591.
Anderson, Tom, 1705, 1797, 2115, 3210, 3250, 3310, 3987, 2878, 3530.
Anderson, Tyler, 1716.
Anderson, Viola, NB509.
Anderson, Walter, S71.
Anderson, Wiley, 1643.
Anderson, William, 871, 2149, 2591.
Anderson, Willie, 1717, NB1180.
Anderson, Winey, NB329, NB330.
Anderson, Wisey, NB330.
Andrews, Annie, M183.
Andrews, Minor, M183.
Andy, Cornelius, 1877.
Andy, Lee, 1877.
“Angie,” 3337.
Anna, 1403.
Anna, Mollie, 1800.
Anneha, 1328.
Annie, 149, 170, 445, 565, 1247, 1469, 1536, 2356, 2397, 2495, 2667, 2784, 29-17, 3054, 3303, 3121, 3549. CE4049, NB1204.
Annie, Lucy, 3343.
Annie, Millie, 884.
Anoche, 1696, 2598.
Anochee, 1696, 2598.
Ansiel, Albert Robert, NB591.
Ansiel, Arnecie, 807, NB1164.
Ansiel, Charles A., 2041, NB722, NB723.
Ansiel, Charley D., 807.
Ansiel, Charlie, 2041, NB722, NB723.
Ansiel, James F., 648.
Ansiel, Jennie M., 3670.
Ansiel, John G., 1335, NB645.
Ansiel, Lula, NB645.
Ansiel, Mary, NB722, NB723.
Ansiel, Robert L., 2040, 3670, NB591.
Ansiel, Robert Lee, 2040, 3670, NB591.
Ansiel, Robert Leroy, NB723.
Ansiel, Sadie A., 2040, 3670.
Ansiel, Samuel E. 0., NB645.
Ansiel, Statie Ann, NB591.
Ansiel, William, 2040, 2041.
Ansiel, William F., NB722.
Ansiel, William W., 2040.
Ansil, Stephen, 428, 648.
Ansil, Will, 807.
Ansill, Daisy, 428.
Ansill, Henry F., NB738.
Ansill, John Lee, 3806.
Ansill, Kate, 428.
Ansill, Roxie, 3806, NB738.
Ansill, Sallie, 428.
Ansill, Samuel E., 428, 3806, NB738.
Ansill, Stephen, 428, 648.
Ansill, Wm. Oscar, 428.
Ansill, Wm. Stephen, 1335
Anteline, 1462.
Antige, 2769.
A pe cor ney, 2428.
Applegeet, Cora, 3541, NB118.
Applegeet, Cora F., 3541, NB118.
Applegeet, Orvill B., 3541.
Applegeet, W. F., 3541, N13118.
Applegeet, Zelma Fay, NB118.
Appo gey, 3000.
Apucka, Jemima, 62.
Apucka, Micco, 1409, 1423, 1425.
Apucka, Nancy, 62.
Apueka, Nathaniel, 62.
Apueka, Setty, 62.
Apueka, Tooka, 62.
Apueka, William, 62.
Apueka, Willie, 62.
Aquanay, 2428, 400.
Aquanay, Lucy, 2428, 400.
Arabella, 23.
Arbebeeasic, 3792.
Arbeka, Jim, 1992.
Arbor, 1503.
Arbifhoge, 2778.
Arbor, Caney, 3623.
Arbor, Fagley, 3623.
Arbor, Henderson, 3623.
Arbor, John, 3623.
Arbuckle, 2950.
Arbuckle, Battle, 2950.
Arbuckle, Betsey, 2950.
Arbuckle, Fanny, 2950.
Arbuckle, Hepsey, 3981.
Arbuckle, Louisa, 2950.
Arbuckle, Millie, 2950.
Arbuckle, Napsey, 2050.
Arbuckle, Salinee, 3981.
Arbuckle, Tommy, 2950.
Arch, Dick, 4024.
Arch, Hokte, 4024.
Arch, John, 4024
Arch, Sarwike, 4024.
Archibald, Abel, CE4016.
Archibald, Adda, CE4016.
Archibald, Allen, CE4016.
Archibald, Cain, CE4016.
Archibald, Sallie, CE4016.
Archibald, Smedlow, CE4016
Archola, 1573, 2758.
Archopa, 1174.
Ardodey, 1269.
“Arfulka,” 3326.
Arhalokoche, 1970.
Arhalokoche, George, 1970.
Arhalokoche, Lewis, 1970.
Arkalokoche, Maggie, 1970, NB1199.
Arhalokoche, Maxey, 1970.
Arhalokoehe, Rosanna, 1970.
Arhalokoche, Sofa, 1970.
Arhalokoche, Winey, 1970.
Arkahneehe, 220.
Arkic, 1124.
Arlaquinnay, 957.
Arlie, 1674.
Arlike, 2947.
Arlinda, 2642.
Armarner, 2299.
Arnakke, 2688.
Arnay, 6.
Arnett, Abbie Lee, NB21.
Arnett, Albert W., 803, NB21, NB237.
Arnett, A. W., 803, NB21, N13237.
Arnett, Fred, 803. Arnett, Iola, NB237.
Arnett, Iona, 803.
Arnett, Maggie, S03, NB21, NB237.
Arnicha, 1355.
Arnie, 2368.
Arnogee, 3161.
Arpincinlike, 2630.
Arpinculikee, 2125.
Arpoika, George, 2470, NB1175.
Arpoika, Meka, 2470.
Arpoika, Sissie, 2470, NB1175.
Arpoika, William, NB1175.
Arpueka, Louisa, 62.
Arpucka, Una, 62.
Arsamarhe, 1249.
Arsehme, 1569.
Arshotopehe, 2568.
Arsluthlecha, 441.
Arsoyakce, Lovina, 2338, NB1101
Arssee, 2892.
Arssee, Albert, 2892.
Arstohartar, 1550.
Artarkinnay, 2713.
Artie, 3367.
Artochee, 144.
Artus, Hopaye, 3233.
Artusbahe, 2337.
Artusse, Annie, 626, NB1123.
Artusse, John, 1155, NB1123.
Artusse, Mose, NB1123.
Artussee, Mary, 2233.
Arwolichee, 1592.
Ary, Ann, 2706, 637, 770, 771, 772, 844 1129
Asbell, Art, 1338.
Asbell, Emma, 1338.
Asbell, Glen, 1338.
Asbell, Sarah, 1338, 2055, 1749, 1748.
Asbell, S. C., 2055.
Asbell, Wallace, 1338.
Asbill, Brina, 1748.
Asbill, Edna, 1748.
Asbill, Samuel, 1748.
Asbill, Sarah, 1749, 1338, 2055, 1748.
Asbill, Sarah A., 1748, 1749, 1338, 2055
Asbury, Anderson, 448.
Asbury, Coody, 635.
Asbury, Cooty, 343.
Asbury, Cooweeseoowee, CE4017.
Asbury, Daniel, 343.
Asbury, Eliza, 343, NB361, N13693.
Asbury, Francis, 343, NB365.
Asbury, George, 1397, NB361.
Asbury, George T., 1397, NB361.
Asbury, Jack, 1987.
Asbury, James, 1397.
Asbury, Jennetta, 343, NB365.
Asbury, Jim, 1987, 2544, 2546, 2547, 3109.
Asbury, John, 2546.
Asbury, Joseph, NB174, NB693.
Asbury, Josephine, 1397, NB978.
Asbury, Josiah, 1397, 1450.
Asbury, Joshua, 1397, NB174.
Asbury, Katie, 343.
Asbury, Lizzie, 1397.
Asbury, Louina, 32.
Asbury, Lucy, 32, NB1079, M301.
Asbury, Mary, 1397, 2546, 2544, 3889, NB960
Asbury, Miley, 1397.
Asbury, Moses, 32, 1061.
Asbury, Nancy, 2547, NB174.
Asbury, Nicey, 32, 1061.
Asbury, Polly, 1987.
Asbury, Rhoda, 32.
Asbury, Rosie, 1397.
Asbury, Sarah, NB361, NB362.
Asbury, Siah E., 1397.
Asbury, Sippie, NB365.
Asbury, Thomas, 448, 1061, 2547, CE4017, NB693.
Asbury, Vicey, 2544.
Asbury, Wesley, 3109.
Asbury, Wisey, 1987.
Ashley, Adolphus K., 54.
Ashley, Amanda S., 54, NB209.
Ashley, Daniel, 54.
Askley, Emma, 5a.
Ashley, George S., 54.
Ashley, Hettie E., 54, NB63, NB64.
Ashley, Isabel Jane, 54, 341.
Ashley, J. R., 54, 341.
Ashley, James T., 54.
Ashley, John R., 54, 341.
Ashutebgee, 2702.
Asoyaleer, Lovina, 2338. NB1191.
Atarthle, 1675.
Atkin, Thomas, 585.
Atkins, Alice, 1101, 3493, NB502.
Atkins, Anderson, 248.
Atkins, Annanias A., 3781, M208.
Atkins, Annie, 174.
Atkins, Bertie, 3781.
Atkins, Billy, 74, 174, 248.
Atkins, Callie, M401.
Atkins, Charles, 1101.
Atkins, Daniel, 174.
Atkins, Elmira, 174.
Atkins, Elza, M. 208.
Atkins, Hellen C., 1101.
Atkins, Hettie, M208.
Atkins, Isabelle M., NB110.
Atkins, James, 052, 1101, 1134, 3781.
Atkins, James A., 3781, 952, 1101, 1134.
Atkins, James P., NB110.
Atkins, Jane, 291.
Atkins, Janie, 174.
Atkins, John, 2905, M401.
Atkins, John H., 3781.
Atkins, Katie, 1602.
Atkins, Lee, 1602.
Atkins, Leola, 3781.
Atkins, Louisa C., 3493.
Atkins, Mary, 174, 1134, 1602, M361.
Atkins, Mary Jane, 952, 2022.
Atkins, May, 1101.
Atkins, Mildred, NB502.
Atkins, Minnie, 2707.
Atkins, Missena, 174.
Atkins, Nancy, 2022.
Atkins, Naoma, 3781, M270.
Atkins, Nathaniel, 3781, M401.
Atkins, Richard, 3781, 3858, 3967, 3972.
Atkins, Rina, 14, 2905.
Atkins, Robert D., 1101, 3493, NB502.
Atkins, Robert Meagher, NB110.
Atkins, Salina, 248.
Atkins, Sallie, 3972.
Atkins, Sarah, 3781, 3972.
Atkins, Susan, 173, 174
Atkins, Thomas, 14, 174, 248, 585, 2022, 2707. 2905.
Atkins, Tom, 291.
Atkins, Tommy, 14. Atkins, Victoria, 3967. Atkins, Wiley, 174.
Atkins, William Sherman, 3967.
Aubrey, Alice Hiawatha, NB46.
Aubrey, C. B., 1304, 3665, M48.
Aubrey, Charles, NB46.
Aubrey, Herbert F., M48.
Aubrey, Millie, 1304, 3665, NB46, M48.
Aubrey, Olla, 1304.
Aubrey, Samuel, 3665.
Audd, Clarence Y., 737.
Audd, Clyde B., 737.
Audd, Ccodey I., 737.
Audd, Ellen M., 737.
Audd, Flora R., 737, 3469.
Audd, Joseph McDonald, 3469.
Audd, Leonard G., 737.
Audd, Oma M., 737.
Audd, R. Y., 737, 3469.
Aultman, Agnes, NB910.
Aultman, Benjamin, 119, NB910.
Aultman, Claud L., NB232.
Aultman, Frank B., 193, NB232, NB233.
Aultman, Franklin C., NB233.
Aultman, Georgia A., 193.
Aultman, Henry, 119, 193, 194, 783, 843.
Aultman, Henry E., 119, 193, 194, 783, 843.
Aultman, H. E., 843, 119, 193, 783, 194
Aultman, James, 19.1.
Aultman, Jessie M., 193.
Aultman, Louisa, NB910.
Aultman, Melvina, 119, 843.
Aultman, Millie, NB232, NB233
Auquanay, 400, 2428.
Austin, Daniel, 692.
Austin, Hannah, 2149.
Austin, Oldman, 2355.
Austin, Susan, 692.
Austin, Taylor, 2149, 2355.
Ayah, 1270, 1375.
Ayamka, 1480.
Ayechiche, John, 126.
Ayers, Gussie, 436, 3893.
Ayers, Lester, 436.
Ayers, Walter, 3893.
Ayers, William, 436, 3893.
Ayumker, 2585, 3382.
Azulie, Chepan, 964.